Alien Lord

Chapter 1958: discuss

   "So, I need to keep most of this clan's manpower, and then secretly subdue them. In this way, I can use this manpower to secretly infiltrate this barbarian clan, and finally achieve complete control of this barbarian clan.

  After controlling this barbarian tribe, not only can I get a powerful barbarian tribe, but also, I can put a secret hand in the barbarian to lay a good foundation in advance for the future to the barren wilderness.

   Finally, I can also get a huge spirit stone mine, such a good thing with three arrows, how can I not do it! "Lin Ze said with a smile.

   This tribe of the barbarian is very useful for Lin Ze, so he does not want this tribe to lose too much.

   This barbarian tribe can be hit hard, but it is absolutely not possible to lose both sides with the army of the family alliance as before.

   Lin Ze knew that if a decisive battle was carried out to the same degree as before, there would not be many people who could survive. Maybe there were more than two thousand barbarians, and the number of people who could survive would not exceed one floor.

  So much loss, Lin Ze will be heartbroken, so after seeing the bad situation, Lin Ze ordered to withdraw.

   In addition, as Huang Quan had previously thought, he fell into anger, and then ran out.

At that time, the barbarian army had the highest morale. The flying of the golden dragon and the two elders led the barbarian army to break through the family alliance. This two consecutive good news completely inspired the barbarian soldiers’ fighting spirit. .

  The barbarian soldiers at this time will definitely fight to the end.

However, if their morale is increased, or if they are given time to clear their minds, then when they come back to fight, these barbarian soldiers will not have such fanaticism. Once they encounter an unstoppable enemy, the barbarian soldiers will also There is a surrender.

  Finally, the 1,700 or so disciples of the Family Alliance are not Lin Ze now, but they will certainly be Lin Ze in the future, so Lin Ze can't bear them to be consumed here.

   can be valued by the Family Alliance, and the children of the family sent to the Sancai Valley can be said to be genius-level characters who cultivate above. Such genius characters are what Lin Ze urgently needs.

   Even a considerable part of the family's talents for cultivation are only better, but don't forget that these people have passed the elaborate education of the family alliance from small to large, and the education level is not generally high.

  In the Huangsha Town of Linze, there are rogues everywhere. I believe everyone knows the education level of the people in the feudal society.

   In the future, Lin Ze will inevitably begin to change the cultural issues of the people under his control. At that time, the ordinary disciples carefully trained by these family alliances had good arrangements.

  I believe that they are very suitable as the husband of Lin Ze's school.

   Even, Lin Ze was already calculating Confucianism, thinking about whether to find a way to harvest a batch of talents from Confucianism.

  Compared to the ability to educate talents, Confucian disciples are the strongest.

   Of course, this is a matter of course. The most important thing now is to win this barbarian tribe.

"Master is wise!" Huang Hui and others said at the same time, as Lin Ze's subordinates, they certainly understood the meaning in Lin Ze's heart, so, soon, Huang Hui and his party quickly retreated and returned to the previous Above the open space, the camp was laid down, ready to fight tomorrow.


"Yi Bao patriarch, the army of the family alliance was stationed fifty miles away from our tribe, and looking at them, they were not prepared to retreat. I believe they will continue to attack our tribe tomorrow." A barbarian spy came to the barbarian Reports from the tribal temple.

   "Ah, I know these family alliances will not easily retreat, it seems that tomorrow we will usher in a **** battle!" The elder said with a sigh.

   Before the elders also looked down on the family alliance, but after today's battle, he finally understood that the strength of the family alliance really can not be underestimated.

   Previous strengths were so indifferent, one was that they did not know the strength of their tribes, and the other was that the family alliance had not come up with real skills before.

   This time, in order to seize their secret method of making warships, the Family Alliance finally came up with real strength, but no, their clan was almost beaten down.

   "Elders, what shall we do now?" Huang Quan frowned and asked the elders around him.

   "If we try to sneak attack, I believe that if I lead the barbarian army, it will definitely give the family alliance a good look." The second elder said eagerly on the side.

   Before the war, he killed a little too addictive, so I want to go to the night to fight again.

   "Nonsense!" The elder directly scolded: "Do you think that the family alliance will be unprepared?! Even if the family alliance is really careless, the defense is very weak, but what about the two golden dragons?"

   As soon as he heard the elder elders talking about the golden dragon, the second elder suddenly disappeared.

Indeed, the strength of the Jindan period Jiaolong is really too strong, plus he is led by a barbarian army, absolutely can't hide from the Jindan period Jiaolong, at that time, a bad one, maybe it will be ambushed by the family alliance .

The second elder is very confident in his own strength. However, after the battle during the day, he knew that if he really fell into the encirclement of the family alliance, then he would have no life, especially the Jindan period Jiaolong. time.

"Second Elder, even if it is a sneak attack, the loss on our side is not light." Huang Quan also spoke, holding a piece of paper in his hand, which recorded the report of the casualties of their tribe after this war. .

   "Patriarch, how about our casualties?" The three elders looked at Huang Quan's casualty report and hesitated to ask.

   "Ah, it's very big!" After finishing, Huang Quan shook his head and didn't go on, but handed the casualty report in his hands to the four elders around him.

   "How is it possible that our casualties will be so great!" As soon as he saw the data recorded in the casualty report, the faces of the four elders all showed an unbelievable look.

"Ah, when I first got this casualty report, I didn't believe the above data, but..." Huang Quan didn't go on with the following words, but the four elders knew Huang Quan's heart The meaning inside.

   "It seems that this time the family alliance retreated, it is indeed our luck!" The elder said with a sigh.

   This time even the most active second elder had nothing to say, because his face also showed approval.

   The casualty report was in his hand. It recorded this war, and our tribe had a total of 876 casualties.

   Among them, 352 were killed and more than 200 were slightly injured. However, the rest were seriously injured, and it was no longer possible to continue fighting.

   In addition, the army of seven or eight hundred wild beasts he took was half of the casualties, and most of the rest were wounded.

   Therefore, don't look at this war as if they won, but in fact, the casualties of the barbarian clan are more than the casualties of the family alliance.

"How come this is so, our soldiers are more powerful than the soldiers of the Family Alliance, why are our casualties more serious now?" The five elders asked with a pale face, the injuries on his body passed this period of time. Recuperation, much better, can already play.

   "Five elders, don't forget the two golden dragons and the dragon power of the dragon, it is really too powerful to suppress our strength." Huang Quan said with a sigh.

   Huang Quan felt awe and hated the two dragons beside Lin Ze.

   is awesome because dragons and other wild beasts have always been the most worshipped objects of barbarians, and hatred is because of the suppression of these two dragons and dragons, which finally led to the heavy casualties of their tribal warriors.

   "Ah, yeah, the dragon power of the Jindan period Jiaolong!" The five elders lowered their heads and sighed. The expression on his face was as complicated as that of Huang Quan, which was both awe and a trace of hatred.

"Patriarch, what shall we do now? Evacuate, or continue to defend?" The three elders asked. He has now recognized the form. If he continues this way, their tribal casualties will be greater, so it is better to ride a family This good opportunity for the Alliance Army to leave is directly evacuated.

   "Evacuation?! Ha ha..., impossible!" Huang Quan answered quickly.

"How is it impossible?" the three elders We can resist the attack of the family alliance army, relying more on our mountain guards and three big sunset cannons, and if we evacuate With this valley station, what do you think our winning percentage will be when we encounter the army of the family alliance again? ! Huang Quan asked directly, and the three elders who asked were completely speechless.

   Indeed, once we evacuated from the station of this song valley, it seemed like a mighty mountain protection array and a great sunset **** cannon could not be taken away.

  Maybe they can take away the most important position, but they can’t take the three sunset sun cannons. Their volume and weight are really too big to take away. (Barbarian storage bags have limited space, like these huge war weapons, they simply cannot fit.)

"Then we can only defend with all our strength, but if this is the case, is it too passive." The second elder said unwillingly, he yearned for a frontal attack from the bottom of his heart, but now he must pay attention to defense, of course not in his heart Comfortable.

   "This is also something that can't be helped, who called the Family Alliance actually had two dragons that innately suppressed us."

   "Now we can only expect other tribes to receive our request for help, and then come to rescue us in the shortest time." Huang Quan looked helplessly at the sky in the distance, where the direction of reinforcements was coming. ...


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