Alien Lord

Chapter 1957: Temporary retreat

Although the timing of the second elder and his party is extremely appropriate, the army of the family alliance has an advantage in strength. After seeing the appearance of the Jindan master, Lin Guang directly found the second elder. After some struggle, the second The elder is already covered in blood. Although he has killed no less than thirty children of the family, the barbarian army under him has also been killed for more than two floors. He himself was also under Lin Guang's full offensive, and he was wounded.

This is still because the barbarian's Dao Luo Shen Artillery is restraining several other Jindan masters, so that they dare not go all out to fight the elders of the second elder, otherwise, if they are shot by Huang Hui, the second elders will have It's time for food.

  Huang Quan stared deeply at Huang Hui and Zhou Da in the sky. They didn't move, and he couldn't move either.

  Huang Hui and Zhou Da knew this very well, so they also stared at Huang Quan below.

   It's just that the expression on Huang Hui's face looks like a winning ticket, which makes Huang Quan look very angry, but in fact, Huang Hui himself knows that at this time his heart is also a storm.

  The power of the barbarians' sunset sun cannon also showed a hint of mystery.

   is silent, extremely fast, and does not require much preparation in the middle, and can be excited without any signs.

   Especially the problem of being able to hide energy fluctuations shocked Huang Hui even more.

   This is just like the silencer of a firearm. At the moment when the silencer appeared, I believe many people were shocked.

He was the first to be shot by the Sundowner Cannon at that time. At that time, he didn’t even watch out carefully. If it wasn’t Lin Ze’s notice, let him avoid it when he was in the most closed place. What would happen to him now? Hard to say.

   In addition, the level of the shot was very far from those of the following shots.

  The power of the following guns, Huang Hui asked himself, even if he changed himself, he might not be able to avoid it. And the power of the Great Cannon is enough to break through his body protection, that is to say, if he is really shot, he will be seriously injured if he is not dead!

This inference made Huang Hui's heartstrings fluctuate a little. Although he quickly pressed it down, as a strong force in the Jindan period, his rock-solid state of mind has left a trace of loopholes, although this trace The loophole was insignificant, but it was inevitable, which affected his subsequent decisions.

   The elders here are still fighting with blood and beast army. Almost every time they wield an axe, they will bring out a blood flower, and there are enemies and his own.

   And the three elders were standing in front of the fort, looking up at the battle in the sky. His eyes were filled with tears, but he felt uncomfortable with a lint stuffed in his throat.

At this time, Song Yu really wanted to shoot another gun to help the **** fighting elders. However, the Great Sunset Divine Cannon had not completely cooled down, and his own mental strength had only recovered a little. In this case, even if it was He fired the gun, but he couldn't help much, but it would hurt the sunset sun cannon.

   Such a word is not as good as it is now, deterrence is far more effective than direct bombardment.

   Lin was also carefully observing the following Huang Quan at this time. Although he had enough information about the barbarian clan in his hand, he thought he knew the barbarian clan well. But from the beginning to the present, Lin Ze's plan to win this barbarian clan has been blocked one after another, making him have to re-examine this barbarian clan.

   is, after all, a barbarian who could open up a site in the original 100,000 mountains. Such a tribe will definitely not have a little family.

  Huang Quan stayed in this play, letting the barbarian disciples under the door go to slay, why?

  Lin Ze's heart pondered for a while, unable to figure out the real reason.

   "Is he waiting for his shot? Or what time is he waiting for?" Lin Ze thought secretly.

   After seeing Huang Quan and Huang Hui let them play against each other, Lin Ze believed that the following Huang Quan was definitely not his own opponent, and he would be able to clean up him just by dropping the golden dragon, let alone two.

   Therefore, Huang Quan is still waiting, obviously it is something powerful that he should still have in his hands.

   "What on earth is this killer skill?" Lin Ze fell into thought for a time...

   Elder II was in a bitter fight. At the signal of Huang Quan, the elder elder took more than 500 barbarian soldiers and rushed up to help him.

   But the big elder shot, Huang Hui they would not stand aside to watch the drama.

   Soon, Wang Chen took the people and directly intercepted them in front of the elder elders, and then played against each other, and easily blocked the reinforcements of the elder elders.

   Seeing this, the barbarians' heart sank again.

   The difference in strength between the two sides is really too great, even if they seize the upper hand for a while, they will eventually be suppressed by the enemy.

   It is not that the barbarian soldiers are not strong in combat, but that **** heavens have always had golden dragon dragons exerting coercion.

  The powerful Longwei directly suppresses the bloodline strength of the barbarian soldiers, so that they can only exert less than half of their strength.

   Even a barbaric Jindan master like Huang Quan was impressed by his strength. Now, they can only exert the power of about eight layers before.

  The three elders watched the fierce battle in the distance, and their hearts were shaken for a while.

  He didn’t need to intervene in the battle of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon. It’s OK to hand it over to Song Yu. What’s more, now that the situation has reached the most critical juncture, his master has also got some strength.

  The three elders on this side flew out as one, and the barbarian soldiers he had brought with him also followed.

   "I'm not desperate now, but when do I have to wait! Demon God Wins!!"

   didn't know who roared, and all the barbarian disciples boiled in the chest, and roared to the army of the family alliance.

  Yeah, the tribe is in great trouble, there is a complete egg under the cover? !Don't work hard at this time, when to wait!

   Now fight, they still have a ray of life, if they back away, they only have a dead end!

   One after another rises into the sky, and immediately after the elders and the three elders, countless barbarian soldiers rushed toward the family alliance army without looking back.

These escapes are weak, and it is clear that the realm will not exceed the innate period, but after so many lights have gathered together, they have radiated an extremely dazzling light. It seems that there is another powerful momentum that directly hit the family alliance forces. .

   Seeing this, Lin Ze sighed in his heart, faintly thousands of miles said: "Huang Hui, come here first today, retreat!!"

   Ordered like a mountain, even if Huang Hui was very unwilling, but he dared not listen to the order of the master Lin Ze, so he quickly issued an order to retreat.

The ranks of the family are strict and can’t be resisted. Therefore, even though many family alliance disciples are full of resentment and unwillingness, they can only obey orders, blow a few punches in a vent, and blow up hundreds of people who want to chase them. The barbarian soldiers, after venting their anger a little, followed Huang Hui and they slowly retreated.

   While the barbarian army below saw that the family alliance army was about to withdraw from the battlefield, the second elders and his team were addicted, and the tiger roared: "Where to go!"

   After finishing talking, they will catch up and fight again.

   At this time, I saw a sneer inside Lin Ze's mouth, five fingers spread out, the space dragon dragon king appeared directly in front of him, a dragon's mouth, a group of blue thunder **** that were only the size of his head quickly formed.

Seeing this, the big elder in the back looked serious and stretched out an arm to hold the elders tightly. I didn’t know why, maybe it was the realization of the power of the space dragon, almost killing the red eyes. Elder, at this time, he was brutally gone, and his eyes were restored to clarity.

   Looked again at the despised eyes of Space Dragon King and the blue lightening ball in his mouth, and he honestly withdrew it.

   "Aoao Aoao!!" After leaving a dragon roar, Space Dragon King also disappeared with him.

   Until this time, the elder's tense mind was relieved, and slowly released the hand holding the elder: asked: "How are you hurt?"

In this fight, the elder of the second elder was covered with blood, but he grinned and his teeth were extremely white against the blood. He said, "It’s okay, I can’t die, it’s just like that." Let them go, really unwilling in my heart!"

   "You........" The elder elder looked at the second elder with high fighting intently........


   "Master, why do we retreat, and with more effort, we can capture the barbarian On the way to retreat, Huang Hui couldn't help but ask in his heart.

   "Oh, Huang Hui, what I want is a roughly complete barbarian clan, not a barbarian clan that has been largely exterminated." Lin Ze explained with a smile.

   "This barbarian tribe I have great use, in the future, I need them to bring me a spirit stone mine."

   "Master, you said it was the spirit mine you guessed before?" Zhou Da asked.

   "Well, this is the Lingshi mine. We haven't got any news about this Lingshi mine yet. I believe this news should be in the mind of the barbarian clan leader Huang Quan, or the top elders.

  If we slaughter this tribe too much, it will directly lead to the death of Huang Quan and the barbarian elders, then the clue of the Lingshi mine will be broken.

  Although I can go to the wilderness to find this tribe, but this way, not only consumes time, but also, after finding it, whether it can guarantee the disdain of the message is also a problem. "

"After all, I am not a barbarian. If I know that they can no longer guarantee the news of the spirit stone mine, if this barbarian tribe directly advertises this news, then I want to monopolize this spirit stone mine, it is completely impossible. "

   "Well, this is actually, the barbarians have a strong rejection of our humanity." Wang Chen nodded aside. ...


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