Alien Lord

Chapter 1956: Slowly falling (2)

   The huge light of four or five meters in diameter is like a huge lightsaber, and the momentum can poke a hole in the whole sky!

   And this time, the targets of these three giant light giant swords are only five-headed spirit beasts.

  The speed of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon is really very fast. Although the three beasts of the base period have already felt dangerous and have begun to flee, the speed is still slower.


  After three giant lightsabers easily pierced the body of the first base period spirit beast, the first light giant sword shrank to a diameter of about two meters, and then pierced the body of another base period spirit beast on the route again.

   At this time, the first giant lightsaber had disappeared.

   And the remaining two lightsabers began to show their power, and after passing through three base-building spirit beasts, they disappeared.

   In a very short period of time, the bodies of the five base-building spirits that were hit were also shattered!

  The big sunset **** cannon issued its fourth cannon silently!

  Family alliance forces under the mad attack, seeing this result, all of them were stupid.

This time, the family children who were behind the base-building barbarians and commanded the barbarians to fight were not as lucky as those of the previous ones, and they all turned into shattered corpses in the light, and then even people with magic tools were evaporated It became gas!

   "Good kill!!"


There was a thunderous roar among the barbarian tribes, and even those barbarian disciples who had been lying on the ground and were seriously injured and unable to move, also struggled to roar. Then, because of the roar of this life, they caused internal injuries in the body and coughed repeatedly. Spit up blood.

   And the army of the family alliance is completely stunned!

  The most fierce moment of their offensive, the barbarian's gun, completely blow their arrogance back.

  The silent and deadly artillery, and the terrible lethality that even the base beasts can kill in seconds, no matter who it is, as long as it is shot, it will definitely die.

   The most terrible thing is that they don’t know how many more cannons can be fired by the following sunset sun cannons, even if there is only one cannon left, but no one wants to be a ghost who died under that cannon!

   For a time, the army of the family alliance hesitated.

  Even those wild beasts in the foundation period, they were also collected by the Beast Masters of the Family Alliance.

After all, this is a brutal beast during the foundation period. The value is high. It is definitely not what money can describe. It has lost eight heads before, and it has made them feel painful. Now if they lose a few more heads, I believe they will die directly. .

   Regarding the retreat choices of these master beast masters, Xu An did not say much after they saw it, because they are now a little afraid of the silent sunset sun cannon.

   "I really can't think that things will be where they are now!" Lin Ze on the side of the heart was also a sigh.

  He thought that he could easily take this barbarian tribe, but he did not expect that the powerful sunset sun cannon would be hidden inside the barbarian tribe.

  The attack speed of these three sunset sun cannons was really too fast, too fast, and even Lin Ze could not react quickly.

   doesn't mean that Lin Ze can't find the trail of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon firing, but that the speed of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon is really too fast, even if Lin Ze responds, he can't dodge it.

"However, since this barbarian tribe can reconstruct the warship, it is also whimsical that it has created such a powerful war weapon as the war mothership. It can also create such a powerful sunset sun cannon. It is not impossible." Lin Ze thought of the five warships and warships he had put away, and for a time he paid more attention to those barbarian refining masters.

   "I originally handed these barbarian refining masters into the plane-seed world, and now it seems that this is the wisest choice I have made!" Lin Ze said with a smile on his heart.

The improved sunset sun cannons, as well as the improved warships and warships, are very important. These are good things that are hard to buy. However, Lin Ze knew that what really matters is the practice of making these things. Master.

   Just like on earth, the stealth fighter of the United States is very powerful, and it is invincible in the world. However, what is really powerful is the manufacturing capability of the United States, which is their most advanced machine tool.

   relies on the advanced manufacturing capabilities of the United States that dominate the world to enable them to manufacture such advanced fighters.

  Without these advanced manufacturing capabilities, the United States can never make these powerful fighters.

Like //Russia//Luo//S, his scientific research ability is not inferior to the United States to a certain extent. However, the combat effectiveness of the fighter he is making now is even worse than that of China, let alone the United States. .

Why is that?

  Because of his low manufacturing capacity, he has a lot of poor countries.

   "It's not just the sculptors of these barbarians. I have to pay more attention to the sculptors of my men." Lin Ze thought secretly.

   From this war, he once again taught the power of advanced war weapons.

   This war, after Lin Ze joined, the Family Alliance took an absolute advantage here.

   Even Lin Ze thought that this barbarian tribe could be easily won.

   However, who can think of it, will eventually hit the point where it is now.

  Why did it become like this in the end? It was not because the barbarians had three powerful sunset sun cannons.

  Family Alliance is not able to capture the barbarian. If the family alliance is forcibly attacked, it can still be captured, but the final loss is absolutely very heavy.

   Faced with these three great sunset magic cannons, the spirit of the family alliance army has long since disappeared by half, after all, no one wants to be the next person to die.

   to attack in this state, and there is also the Great Sunset God Artillery threatening them, then the loss of the family alliance army will be imaginable.

   In fact, Song Yu and his party, who were the gunners, were shocked at this time.

  Before Song Yu first discovered this rare fighter, he moved his mind and forcibly lifted his spirit. ///Fuck//Control the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, which made this a powerful blow.

   It's just that after this blow, Song Yu really fell down, and his mental energy was exhausted. It takes quite a while to want to issue another blow.

  At the same time, after the attack of the three great sunset cannons, the barrel of the gun turned red. If you want to fire again, it will take some time to recover.

   The matter was quickly notified to Huang Quan in front of the three elders, and Huang Quan was aware of it. After seeing the swaying military heart of the family alliance forces outside, he moved in his heart and a jade symbol appeared in his hand.

   "Hoo!!" Huang Quan threw the jade rune in his hand, and the jade run directly into the sky, then burst like a firework.

   The colorful light, plus the dazzling light compared to the sun, allows the two elders far away in the Spirit Beast Park to see clearly.

   "Very well, it's our attack!" Elder Er said loudly in his mouth after seeing the signal.

   Then, he took a deep breath, his movements began to be dignified, but soon became smooth, I saw that he took a small jade bottle out of the storage bag.

   The jade bottle was opened, and there were only four fiery red elixirs in it. He did not hesitate at all and swallowed the first one directly. Afterwards, he collected the jade bottle.

   Finally, he turned his hands over, and two huge battle axes appeared in his hands. He held a huge battle axe and pointed directly at the large army of the family alliance outside the defense. Then he roared: "Kill!"

   Seven or eight hundred spirit beasts rolled out following the orders of the two elders. Among them, the elder of the two elders took the lead. Then, this powerful torrent slammed into the large alliance of the family alliance.

   It wasn't until this time that Lin Ze really saw for the first time the powerful combat power of the barbarian army at the time of the impact.

  Because the barbarians have special cultivation skills and excellent physical conditions, they are all brute force. Therefore, they generally fight with heavy weapons.

  Hundreds of pounds of heavy weapons, coupled with special heavy weapon moves, as well as the various external forces of the powerful barbarian beneath them, directly let the two elders have their strength and exert their utmost.

The elders of the two elders weighed two giant axes of two to three kilograms, and swallowed the pill in advance, so they went into battle together, and the aura in the body suddenly rolled up, and the whole person instantly pulled up half a body, a face The brutal took a group of wild beasts and killed them.

A master from the late period of the foundation was greeted with disdain by three hundred people under his I saw the battle axe in the hands of the two elders swept away, and a strong light of forty or fifty meters was cut across After that, the master of the family panicked in his heart, took a flying sword in his hand, and took a stab at it, followed by an attack.

  However, he did not expect that the elder's axe was so powerful that he slammed his flying sword out.

   This master of the family was originally thinking of coming here to stop the second elder's raid. In this way, he would be able to make a great contribution. He really had to deal with the second elder.

   After all, the second elder is the strength of the Jindan period. Even if he has more than 300 family disciples around him, he will not be an opponent.

  However, he never imagined that the strength of the second elder was so strong. It was just a sweep of the giant axe, and he directly hit his flying sword, which made him chaotic for a time.

  However, the second elder was as fast as a bird, and he blinked in front of him, and another battle axe fell down fiercely.

  Cut melons and cut vegetables to kill one person. The second elder didn't stay.

The quality of the family alliance army is still very high, even if the leader is killed, the other family alliance disciples still greeted them fearlessly, and the barbarian army behind the elders of the two elders also swarmed one after another. The melee was officially staged. ...


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