Alien Lord

Chapter 1942: Great Sunset Cannon (1)

The barbarian tribes are better because they are guarded by the mountain guards. They do not need to retreat. However, the other side of the family alliance army, except for Lin Ze, can stand and watch, and all other people invariably withdraw from the kilometers backward. , So as not to be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

These aftermaths of battle are the aftermath of the Golden Powers. As long as they are affected, it is either dead or seriously injured. Huang Zhen does not want his team, so there are a lot of casualties.

Song Yu and others had already fled back to the clan at this time. They wanted to go out to help. However, their own strength was much worse than those of the Jindan enemies outside. They went up, just to die, and, to At that time, the patriarch's intention to cover them back was in vain.

The dozen or so other barbarian strongmen in the foundation period did not know at this time that they had reached Song Yu, who is now the strongest. One of the people who looked like Song Yu was very nervous: "Second Uncle, we are now How to do……"

Song Yu naturally understood his nephew’s worries, and after thinking about it, he waved his hand and said, "Come and follow me soon!"

He took these dozens of strong men in the foundation period to **** the road. During the period, when the elders who stayed to arrange their defenses looked at the direction of their rapid progress, they seemed to understand in his heart, a hint of joy appeared on his face. Once thrown, he threw a thing directly to Song Yu.

And at this time, Song Yu’s nephew seemed to understand what Song Yu wanted to do at this time: "Second Uncle, even if we go to the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, it’s useless. We don’t // **** // Even if, besides, there is no jade key to open the Da Yue Luo Shen Cannon..."

At this time, Song Yuan's nephew Song Yuan couldn't take care of that much. At the critical moment, some secrets could not be covered.

Like what he just said, there was only some of the most elite disciples guarding the Pingyue in the sunset. The average person would never know this period.

Speaking of guards, in fact, these elite warriors of the barbarians are responsible for checking and cleaning to prevent other people from accidentally entering here.

It's just that after this barbarian tribe came to Tianyuan Mountain, it has been too peaceful for a long time, and there is almost no chance to use this powerful Da Yue Luo Shen Cannon. Moreover, it is not that simple to open the Da Yue Luo Shen Cannon, she A special jade key is needed, and this key is in the hands of the patriarch and the elders. The so-called guards have no corresponding key at all, so even if they go, they still have no right to start. It's not doing useless work.

With a cry, Song Yuan's words just fell. As soon as the white light came to Song Yu, Song Yu took a look and smiled instantly.

Song Yuan beside him saw nothing in Song Yu's hand and said nothing more, and rushed towards the destination with all their might.

The location of Da Yue Luo Shen Cannon is very secret. It occupies a small mountain peak deep in the valley.

Here, when it is 500 meters away from the foot of the mountain, it is already a forbidden place. No one is allowed to enter without permission, even the elders of those tribes.

However, after so many years, the forbidden area has not been activated, so now the prohibition outside this forbidden area is not opened at all, so Song Yu and his party came to this forbidden area smoothly.

The barbarian warriors who originally guarded the forbidden area wanted to stop Song Yu when they saw them coming up. However, as soon as they saw the thing in Song Yu's palm, they immediately opened the way and let Song Yu go up the mountain safely.

An Zhuang said that the place where the Shen Shen artillery was built was made of a huge rock with a weight of tens of tons, and it looked like a solid artillery array. Even under the Shen Shen artillery, molten iron was poured around. Engraved with some reinforced formations.

The sunset sun cannon is extremely powerful, and the anti-shock force at the time of firing is extremely powerful. If you want to withstand such a strong anti-shock force, you can only rely on steel. Normal rocks can't withstand such anti-shock force.

Soon, Song Yu rushed in, and after seeing the three big sunset cannons in front of him, Song Yu's face was very happy. Afterwards, he couldn't care what to say, and directly assigned the dozen people around him into three. Group: "Everyone is divided into three groups, in turn to inspire the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, understand?"

Song Yu urged that he specifically urged that he was not demonstrating his majesty, but must do so, because the power of the Great Sunset Cannon was really too strong. Once the three cannons fired together, then they These people are uncomfortable, and the running position cannot withstand such a strong anti-shock force.

Therefore, whether it is for their own safety or for the safety of the sunset sun cannon, they must act with caution.

"Understood, Elder Song!!" Everyone answered at the same time, and quickly divided the three teams, waiting for Song Yu's order.

Time is running out, and over the large mountain array outside, their patriarchs, several elders in the Golden Age period, are fighting with Huang Hui because of the threat of spirit cannons from time to time, they are now supporting more and more hard.

In particular, Huang Hui, Zhou Da and other five Jindan strong men, this time it seems to have become a person, the combined combat power has burst into the table, and the layers of power waves they exerted are More and more powerful, and more and more full of destructive power. The barbarian patriarch and his party in the fluctuation of these powers now look like small boats in the storm, and there is a danger of overturning at any time.

The patriarchs' counterattacks have turned up no waves, and countless waves of attack have almost drowned them.

In particular, the eleventh elder Wu and the elder Liu, who have the lowest strength, the defensive boundary they have joined together has been oppressed, leaving only a diameter of less than five meters!

Song Yu knew that the situation was so bad, so he didn’t wait for Song Yuan around them to answer, they had already taken the lead.

Strictly speaking, the three big-selling artillery guns of the barbarian tribes should actually be regarded as a kind of war weapon. It is extremely powerful, and the power of one cannon can be compared to gold. The full blow of the Dandan Powerhouse was created to fight against the Jindan Powerhouse.

Before, the barbarian tribes will set up three big sunset magic cannons here.

As you can imagine, when the five major family alliance forces are attacking the barbarian clan with all their strength, and when the two sides have just benefited from the stalemate, suddenly, three big sunset magic guns, Case, are shot, one shot after another, the power is equivalent to the Jindan period. The bombardment of the attacker appeared in the ranks of the five big family alliances.

I believe that at that time, the five big family alliances will definitely drink a pot fiercely, and even if it is not good, the pillars of the family, the Golden Power strong will also fall a few.

It can be said that this is a surprise prepared by the barbarians for the five major family alliances, and a prepared killer.

It's a pity that these decades have passed, and the five big family alliances haven't even had a decent real offensive. Therefore, these three big killers are just left in the corner.

To be honest, if Song Yu had been here to guard these three big sunset **** cannons, would anyone in the barbarian tribe ring them?

It’s just that these three big cannons are powerful, but, judging by their apparent roughness on the outside, and the engraved pattern stripes on the body of the gun, it’s not very smooth. From these aspects, the barbarians themselves The power of these three great sunset cannons can hardly be compared with the power of the great sunset cannons refined by the masters in such a powerful sect as Taiyizong, and the level between the two sides is really different. It's too far.

But it’s no wonder that the barbarian’s IQ is really much worse than other cultivators. Even if it’s a cultivator with a talent for cultivators, such a “genius” may be amazing among the barbarians, but, In the practice world, it is very common.

If compared with the refining masters in the refining sect gates like the Refining Sect and Wanbao Pavilion, they might not be worthy of picking up shoes for them.

The power of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon produced by such a refiner can be imagined.

The whole Da Yue Shen Shen artillery is not small. It is as big as a house, which is many times larger than the heavy artillery on the modern earth. Therefore, when it really needs to be used, there must be four or five cultivators to repair together. /Operation//Operation, after starting with the jade key, they can cooperate with each other to complete a launch.

Fortunately, this kind of warfare war strategy has no rigid requirements for the strength level of the grassroots.

Of course The stronger the strength, the better, the stronger the grass longitudinals, the more able to exert the power of the sunset sun cannon, but if it is only the acquired warrior, as long as you can promote With it, if you can aim with it, you can also attack the sunset cannon.

Song Yu is a strong man in the foundation period. His strength is enough to grass up the sunset cannon. As soon as he comes in, he goes straight to the front of a square stone platform in the central position, and a flash of light flashes in his hand. The thing given to him was taken out.

Then, Song Yu entered the spiritual force on the stone platform in front of him. With a hum, a hazy light appeared on the stone platform, and slowly formed a key in the air.

Seeing the pattern in the shape of the key, Song Yu took a deep breath, took out the jade key in his hand, and gently pressed it on it.

"Boom!!" Countless white lights appeared on the jade key, and then Song Yu felt that a powerful suction came from the jade key in his hand, and then, with a dazzling light flashing, Song Yu soon discovered that the jade key in his hand separated a phantom of the jade key. Immediately afterwards, the phantom of the jade key fell directly on the stone platform below.

... m.

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