Alien Lord

Chapter 1943: Great Sunset Cannon (2)

"Click, click!!" The sound of the start of the organ sounded, and soon, Song Yu saw the big sunset **** gun in front of him shining, and then, at the position of the gun door, there was a huge Variety..........

At this time, in the eyes of others, it was Song Yu standing next to the stone tablet platform. As soon as his arm was lifted, countless faint rays of light flew out of the jade key, and then wrapped around the stone tablet platform like a silkworm cocoon. , All melted in.

It's just a breathing time, and the stone tablet trembles slightly. With the sound of "Tikka", it seems that something is colliding with each other in the stone tablet. Under the solid light, the top of the stone platform slowly raised a spar ball shining with countless light.

This spar ball happens to be held by both hands, and with this spar ball appearing, there are three other slots.

The crystal ball and the three slots each require a cultivator grass /// vertical, the two sides cooperate to fire.

"Hoo, open it!" Song Yu was relieved to see here. After that, he didn't delay. He took out three top-grade spirit stones from the storage bag around him and directly embedded them in the three slots.

If it is replaced by usual times, Song Yu might be unable to speak out of these three top-grade spirit stones, but now that his life is close to heaven, he can't care about these.

call out--

A strange noise oscillated between Yuncong, and Zhou Da threw a sword at ease, plunging into the vast ocean of power in front of the barbarian patriarch.

"Dead!!" The barbarian patriarch screamed angrily, and a huge axe flew behind him. The huge axe here did not know its origin, and it looked very ordinary, but just looking at the seal carvings on the axe's body With the mysterious and ancient lines, you can know that the power of this axe must not be underestimated.

In fact, the same is true. Zhou Da's sword gas swooped out of the body shield gas in front of the barbarian patriarch, killing the barbarian patriarch like a poisonous snake.

However, at this time, the barbarian patriarch grabbed the giant axe, and had not actually hacked out. A spirit pattern light above the axe flashed. Afterwards, a light flashed through, and he had a hard fight with Jian Qi.



A loud noise, a seemingly simple fight, burst out with terrible power.

"Boom!" After the first explosion, there were nine explosions in succession. Obviously, this sword gas was not a simple sword gas, but a sword gas hiding nine secret forces.

The barbarian patriarch who was caught by surprise, or did not expect this, was really suffering this time. The strong resilience made him staggered, and the whole person retreated a few tens of meters.

As for the other Zhou Da, it was just a figure swaying, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, because he knew that this time he had the upper hand.

In such a life-and-death war, the upper hand, it means that in this war, he is very likely to win.

However, Zhou Da couldn't help looking at the ordinary giant axe in the hands of the barbarian patriarch at this time.

This is obviously the lifeblood of the barbarian patriarch. It has not been revealed before, compared to wanting to be a killer.

However, this time he forced him to come up with his killer skills, but just couldn't think that he would not lower his full strength in the end.

Now even the barbarian patriarchs have been forced to cast their magic weapons of life, and have been repelled. It is conceivable how bad the current situation is for the barbarians.

"Poof!!" After dozens of meters of Zhen Fei, the barbarian patriarch finally stabilized his body, but, at the next moment, a big mouth of blood spewed out directly from his mouth.

"Patriarch!!!" The barbarian elders on the side saw a panic look on the face when they saw the barbarian patriarch was injured.

If you are sick, you will die!

Zhou Da will not be polite to the barbarian patriarch, and when he is injured without much precautions, he will go to kill again.


Zhou Da is full of effort at the first shot, and dozens of sword qi are slain towards the barbarian patriarch.

"Protect the Patriarch!!" After seeing Zhou Da exerting more than a dozen sword spirits, the three elders on one side didn't want to force Lin Guang around him, and then a flying body came to the front of the barbarian patriarch and shot with all his strength. More than a dozen sword qi struck.


"Boom Boom Boom!!"

More than a dozen explosions sounded, and the figures of the three barbarian elders and barbarian patriarchs were overwhelmed by these explosion waves.

At the next moment, two people flew out of the dark explosion smoke with the sound of ‘huh’. These are exactly the three elders of the barbarians and the head of the barbarians.

"Come here, look at my Vulcan Palm!!" Lin Guang, who had been ambushed outside for a long time, saw the opportunity, and his palms were directly printed on the back of the three elders of the barbarian.

"Boom!!" The power of Vulcan Palm is fully exerted. The back of the three elders of the barbarian is like a fire. His entire back is swallowed by flames again.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of the mouth of the three barbarian elders and flew directly more than ten meters away. However, the barbarian three elders were also very cunning. With the barbarian patriarch, they flew out tens of meters along the power of Lin Guang and completely separated After Zhou Da's attack.

Seeing that it was temporarily safe, the three barbarian elders quickly retreated with the barbarian patriarch.

"It's very cunning!" Zhou Da sneered on his face, then, the flying sword in his right hand came off, just like pulling the cocoon, and the golden sword like hair was slender. Flying above the sword, the momentum of the entire flying sword also rapidly increased several times.

go with.......!

The golden light flashed, and the flying sword in Zhou Da's hand disappeared instantly.

"Everyone be careful!" The patriarch patriarch saw this and reminded him loudly.

It's a pity that he still said it was late. The golden sword gas almost appeared in front of the five elders fighting Huang Hui at the moment he spoke.

The five barbarian elders were originally distracted by the previous barbarian clan chief's injury, and then were caught by Huang Hui. He hit a few times and received a lot of injuries. Now in the battle with Huang Hui, he is in absolute Downwind, and now encountered Zhou Da's sneak attack, coupled with Huang Hui and Zhou Da's spiritual communication, at the moment of Zhou Da's sneak attack, it fully restrained the attention of the five elders of the barbarian, so this week's sneak attack effect is beyond Expectedly good.

The golden sword gas easily pierced the protective body of the five elders of the barbarian.

Although the five barbarian elders avoided some of them in advance because of the reminder of the barbarian patriarch, they were not able to avoid them all. Although the golden sword gas did not hit him, he still pierced his shoulders directly!

"Poof!!" Blood flowed like a fountain from the shoulders of the five elders of the barbarians.

The five barbarian elders, no, it should be said that the barbarians are the kind of lunatics who do not care about their injuries at all. After being hit **** his shoulders, knowing that he has fallen into an absolute disadvantage at this time, not only did the barbarian five elders not back up, but A flash of madness flashed in his eyes.

In the battle in the next, he no longer defended the vital points, used life-changing play, and constantly attacked Huang Hui actively.

Faced with the mutation of the five elders of the barbarian, Huang Hui playing against him not only did not gain the upper hand because of Zhou Da's sneak attack, but at this time, he fell to the downside for a while.

Seeing the lifeless play of the five elders of the barbarian, the head of the barbarian clan was shocked and waved a bright gang of tens of meters in length towards Huang Hui, while Zhou Da's eyes were prepared slightly, his right hand was light With a light wave, I saw the countless small golden sword qi on his flying sword, which directly wrapped up, blocking the barbaric attack of the barbarian patriarch.

At this time, Zhou Da also stopped in front of the barbarian patriarch, preventing him from supporting the five barbarian elders.

Don't look at the fact that Huang Hui is at a disadvantage when he is fighting with the five barbarian elders. This is not to say that Huang Hui is not an opponent of the barbarian five elders. Instead, this is the smartest way to play.

At the end of the strong crossbow, do not wear sculls!

The five elders of the barbarians are just the arrows of the powerful crossbow that has just been withdrawn. Now, he has a strong combat power. If he now goes to face the enemy with him, the winning rate is extremely small, and even a bad one will be very dangerous. .

However, as long as you wait for a while until the power of this strong crossbow is used up, then you will find that at this time, at the end of the strong crossbow, there is no power at all, even the simplest scull, it penetrates No, not to mention Huang Hui.

Let's just say, how happy the five barbarian elders are now, and how miserable he will be afterwards.

The barbarian patriarchs and other barbarian elders also understand this, so, before, they only thought about dealing with Huang Hui, they actually want to give the barbarian five elders some time.

It is a pity that their calculations were broken by Zhou Da and they intercepted all their attacks.

Like Wang Chen, he even took the opportunity to set up a trap and directly put the barbarian six elders who were fighting him into his trap.

Now the six elders of the barbarians, let alone help the five elders on the other side, whether he can safely escape under Wang Chen's full attack is an unknown.

Soon, the worries of the barbarian patriarchs became a reality.

"Ah...!" The barbarian patriarch's ear heard a scream of the five barbarian elders. Huang Hui's attacks continued to hit the barbarian five elders, and then the golden sword qi that had disappeared before, At this time, I also joined in the excitement and hit the five barbarian elders again. This time, the five barbarian elders could not avoid it. Several golden sword qi had been stabbed from his back, bringing out a sky of blood, and then one If you turn around, you will continue to stab him in the vest.

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