Alien Lord

Chapter 1941: Offense (2)

Having safely returned to the Hushan Formation, the three elders of the barbarians and the others secretly relieved their hearts and relaxed.

However, I don't know what happened. The patriarch of the Zhuang Han felt something awkward in his heart, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Sure enough, just a few people after the break slowly landed at the gate of the mountain protection array, and suddenly a dozen extremely strong lights came from the previous direction.

"Boom!" The sound of explosions continued one after another.

"Ah!!!" Immediately afterwards, an elder-level character who had been seriously injured before, was swept by the full of white light, and half of his body evaporated immediately without falling down.

"Click!" With a bang, the frozen body fell on the ground, directly into ice foam.

"No, eleven elders!!!" The Zhuang Han patriarch saw that this was a dizzying eye, and a loud cry followed.

Immediately thereafter, he roared angrily: "I'm going to kill you!"

After that, a powerful aura came behind him, flying directly into the air, intercepting the five remaining white lights.

However, after he intercepted the five white lights, another 17 or eight same white lights flew from that direction. The Zhuang Han patriarch and other people were caught off guard for a while, and five people fell one after another.

After the Zhuang Han patriarch roared repeatedly, he joined forces with the elders and other people in the tribe to stabilize the position. There are now less than ten barbarian masters who have been broken down after the Grand Master level. Only 15 people were injured.

It can be said that a small and a half of the barbarian great masters and strong men fell into the hands of Lin Ze's new spirit cannon.

"Patriarch, that is our spirit cannon." The elder elder came to the patriarch with a sullen face and said, looking at Lin Ze in that direction, with a killing opportunity that seemed to be materialized.

Being attacked by his own spirit cannon and losing so many tribal masters, even if he is as calm as the elder, at this time, he can’t wait for Lin Ze to unload eight pieces to release his hatred.

"Know, that is indeed the new spirit stone cannon that we made. It should be the one they just stole. It's just that these people have a great master of formation. Otherwise, these new spirit stone cannons can't start as fast as that." By this time, the head of the Zhuang Han patriarch had disappeared from his face, and his face was replaced by seriousness.

He can not care about Huang Hui's strength, he can not care about the loss just now, but after facing a formation master, he has to care.

This is the great master of formation, even if he doesn't shoot, just the formation, can also give them a good look.

"Great elder, it seems that this war is very dangerous, and we have to deal with it with all our strength." Zhuang Han patriarch looked at the murderousness in the distance and said.

With the previous example, he has a new assessment of the strength of the family alliance that came to attack this time.

"Well, the patriarch said, I will go ahead and arrange." The elder elder did not say much, and soon went to arrange other coping methods.

"Family Alliance, I can't think they are really uniting now. This time it seems that the situation is really a bit bad." The barbarian patriarch thought of Huang Hui, Zhou Da and others who had seen each other while fighting each other. Cooperating with the extremely close picture, the heart is born for the first time. In this battle, they will fail.

Why did the barbarians turn a blind eye to the location of the five world alliances in close proximity, even if they had doubled their troops?

There are actually many reasons.

One of them is because the barbarians do not want to set up too much enemies here, to avoid causing dissatisfaction with other clans, and their tribe will be in danger.

In addition, the Five World Alliances are not an iron plate. It can even be said that because of the conflict of interests between the five major families, the five major families have actually fallen apart.

Like the previous fights, the interaction of the five big families is extremely rusty, and they will not rescue each other. In many cases, they directly watch the people of other families surrounded by barbarians and then wiped out.

Such a scattered alliance is exactly what the barbarian tribes need. Since the five world alliances cannot be united, they cannot threaten the barbarian tribes. Then, their tribes can also use the five world alliances to block other people’s eyes. Here is calm. Continue to grow and develop.

It can be said that if Lin Ze does not appear, even if the strength of the barbarian is increased dozens of times, the five major families in the Sancai Valley are safe, because the barbarian tribe needs them to separate the barbarian from other powerful sectarian disputes. .

From the point of view of the barbarian tribes, the five families in Sancai Valley are like the power gap between the two countries. As long as this power gap exists, the two countries cannot fight.

It’s just that the Five Great Family Alliance obviously didn’t think about this, or even though they thought of it, but when they thought that they became the target of the barbarian clan calculation, the most important thing is that they really have to obediently listen to the words of the barbarian and help them Isolate the peeping of outsiders, this feeling makes the five big families feel humiliated.

Therefore, the five major families have not taken away the manpower here, and continue to strengthen, in order to eliminate this abominable barbarian.

As everyone knows, this decision of the five worlds actually makes this barbarian tribe even more happy.

I thought that with the continuous enhancement of the strength of the alliance of the five major families in the Sancai Valley, the outsiders were even more afraid to come in and peep. Correspondingly, wouldn't the barbarian tribe be more secure.

It is a pity that this plan of the barbarian tribe was completely destroyed after Lin Ze appeared.

Huang Hui and Zhou Da used to think that they had a relationship with each other. They were all fighting each other everywhere, but now they are all Lin Ze’s subordinates. Although they still want to win each other’s minds, However, when faced with war, they will wholeheartedly unite against the enemy.

This huge change gave the barbarian a heavy blow.

"The threat of the small soul stone cannon, don't attack easily, those enemies are just wanting us to do this, and everyone withdraws into the big formation!" The barbarian patriarch shouted loudly, and then joined hands with several other elders, all together The attack continued to shoot into the sky in the distance, and tried his best to explode all the gangling attacks and the ice bombs fired by Lin Ze in the air, and the approaching Yuanshi artillery and the family alliance army It is also forced to retreat.

With this time, the barbarian masters who finally retreated were able to get a breathing time. Then, everyone hurriedly left the battle and entered the mountain protection array from the little array of portals just opened.


At this time, the barbarian tribe was in a state of consternation. Some barbarian soldiers were all at a loss, and they didn't even understand how the situation suddenly became such a miserable situation.

In the end, the barbarian patriarch, the second elder, and the fifth elder were behind their palace. After pushing back another round of attacks by the family children, they wanted to pull back, but at this time, they suddenly heard a long and cheerful smile in their ears. : "Hahaha! The Huang Family and Huang Hui, seated in the Family Alliance, come to lead the Patriarch your great move!"

The sound waves are cascading like water waves, and there is a continuous back and forth shock between the valleys, and a wave of power fluctuations also rises with the sound wave.

At this time, above the large array of mountain protection above the valley, a vast ocean of power surged, and the golden yellow light was rippled like a snake, and he would directly face the barbarian patriarch directly in the end, and he could not get out of it urgently.

At this time, in the direction of 100 meters away from the right hand of the barbarian patriarch, a star surging, a middle-aged man who looked only forty years old, so with his hands on his back, with a confident smile on his face, There was a very powerful fact in his body, so he strode out towards the barbarian patriarch.

Every step of falling, there is a strong force surging, as if the whole space is trembling slightly.

"Huang Hui!" The eyes of the barbarian patriarch narrowed slightly. Although he didn't know Huang Hui's strength very well, he only knew that Huang Hui's strength was at least Jindan period. In the mid-term realm, such strength can already be compared with him.

Huang Hui stared at the barbarian patriarch not far away. His hands slowly raised and pressed forward. The barbarian patriarch immediately felt that the sea of ​​power around him was more surging, and a powerful wave of power surged up. With the superposition of power, it becomes stronger and stronger.

At this time, the barbarian patriarch really felt the pressure around him increased, and under the pressure of Huang Hui's power, the scope of his movement now is getting smaller and smaller!

"Patriarch!" The second elder on the side wanted to step forward, but soon, he was stopped by Zhou Da and showed signs of falling into the wind.

Seeing this, the barbarian patriarch knew that it was impossible for him to get the help of the second elder, so he shouted loudly: "Don't panic! Huang Hui can't take me as yet, all of us together They can’t treat us even if they join forces against the enemy!”

"Boom!" As the voice of the barbarian patriarch fell, the battle in the sky started again. ,

This time, there were ten Golden Powers in the sky fighting, and, in order to win, each of the Powers of the Golden Power was in full force.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield was shrouded by Huang Hui, the barbarian patriarch and other huge battle scenes of these golden masters, and countless powerful gangs were constantly spreading out.

The barbarian tribes are better because they are guarded by the mountain guards. They do not need to retreat. However, the other side of the family alliance army, except for Lin Ze, can stand and watch, and all other people invariably withdraw from the kilometers backward. , So as not to be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

... m.

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