Alien Lord

Chapter 1937: Qing old man

When I first came to the door of the tent, Lin Ze's induction was wide open. I looked at the door and found that no one came to the tent. I was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, there was a very subtle rustle in his ears, and he quietly took out a thing. It was a jade box filled with three ambergris, only the size of a slap, and there were no other organs in it. Ambergris.

Hearing the rustling sounds getting closer and closer, Lin Ze broke one of the ambergris, and then quietly placed the jade box near the door of the tent.


Two empty nether snakes swam over, one burrowed into the jade box, and began to swallow the amber fruit inside. For Lin Ze, who was just a few steps away, it was blind.

The jade box closed silently. The empty snake inside was busy swallowing the ambergris. They ignored the changes outside.

Lin Ze quickly collected the jade box and rushed out of the barbarian clan camp as quickly as possible.

He had already seen that those empty snakes were only in captivity, not the mortal spirit beasts of a certain warrior, so even if they disappeared, they would not be noticed in a short time.

In this way, Lin Ze still carried out the escape technique, and left the camp of the barbarian tribe unknowingly.

Of course, on the way back, Lin Ze also successfully solved the dark whistle of those barbarian tribes, opening a safe path for the subsequent offensive.


At the same time, on the ground of the central tent, a circle of normal formations of the ring array was lined outwards, the more sparse the outside, the denser the inside.

Those formations engraved the lines, and absorbed the spirits of the surrounding heaven and earth a little, and all were transported to the disk in the center of the formation.

There was a huge bronze-colored array with a diameter of more than ten meters in diameter. There was an old futon on it, and a Qingzheng old man sat on it.

At this time, the Qingzheng old man slowly exhaled and opened his eyes.

This time the practice is over.

In the morning, he did not need to supervise the construction of the warship, but in the afternoon, it was his turn.

The movement to make warships was quite large, and it was definitely not suitable for cultivation at that time.

Although cultivation has ceased, the Qingzheng old man did not rush to get up, but took out a small totem from his storage space.

The totem is carved from a single piece of top-grade spirit stone, and the surrounding is decorated with flame moire.

In the middle of the entire totem, a three-headed, six-armed demon image was engraved, and a huge amount of coercion came from above, as if the demon above was alive.

The Qingzheng old man put his hands on it, and the totem floated in front of him. Then the Qingzheng old man clenched his fists in both hands and bowed respectfully three times. Then he collected the Devil Totem and stood up.

He was about to go out, and suddenly a barbarian soldier rushed in. "Elder, not good..."

The Qingzhen old man raised his eyebrows, and the barbarian soldier flew out with a grunt.

The barbarian soldiers ran out of the gate of the tent and bleed their noses and noses, but they dared not complain. After falling to the ground, they climbed up with pain and knelt outside the door: "Elder, Cheng Yuan seeks to see."

The Qingzheng old man said lightly, "Come in."

Cheng Yuan quickly stepped forward and said anxiously, "Elder, the big thing is not good. The soldiers who guarded the warships have disappeared, and everything inside is gone!"

"Slap!" The Qingzhen old man took a heavy beat, and his voice immediately increased by ten levels, angrily said: "What are you saying?!"

After that, he didn't have time to say anything to Chengyuan below. At the next moment, the old Qingzheng had turned into a violent wind and rushed out.


As he rushed out, the entire central account slammed and almost collapsed.

The old Qingzhen rushed all the way into the tent. At this time, some barbarian soldiers had come here, looking at the empty space in a panic, but the old Qingzhen couldn't care about looking at these, and rushed directly into the tent. .

As soon as he entered, the Qingzhen old man burst into anger, and a violent airflow burst out!

"Waste! Waste!" The Qingzhen old man scolded fiercely, glaring fiercely at the barbarian soldiers who didn't know what to do, and then asked directly: "Are there any clues? Did you find the sneaking enemy?"

Several barbarian soldiers glanced at each other, then shook their heads nervously: "Elder Qiyun, I didn't find any useful clues. It's just that there are dozens of empty snakes here. It seems obvious that they should be one. Those who are proficient in controlling beasts sneak in, otherwise, they will never escape the investigation of the Nether Serpent."

"Cultivator who is proficient in controlling beasts?! Hehe........." Qingzhen old man sneered a few times, but just these times, he already thought of who would be bold enough to do this.

"It must be those guys in Sancai Valley. Those guys always wanted to drive us out. I used to look down on them before. I didn't expect to give this hand to us this time. This time our tribal plan was completely leaked! "The old Qing Qing thought secretly.

"No, maybe the things in the Lingshi mine will also be leaked." Thinking about this matter, the old man's complexion changed greatly. Where did he still care about the matter here? He flew directly and flew in the direction of the stone temple. The worst news informs the patriarchs and elders in the stone palace.

"Hopefully this is my imagination, otherwise, if the guys in Sancai Valley really guess that we have a spirit stone mine, then..."

Thinking of the prying eyes of the countless warriors that their tribe would have to face in the future, the heart of the Qingzhen old man was cold, and even fluttered during the flight.


Turning his gaze to Lin Ze, Lin Ze left the barbarian clan camp immediately after scraping everything in the tent, and soon returned to the family alliance army.

"Why haven't you returned yet? It's been more than three hours. Why hasn't this Lin Ze returned?" It's been more than three hours since Lin Ze left. The waiting people began to be anxious.

They are not far from the barbarian camp here. They are hidden in the time, but they will definitely be discovered over time.

Just like when they were just now, their dark whistle solved no less than ten barbarians. If Lin Ze continues to have no news, maybe they will be exposed here in the next moment.

At that time, the plan to attack the barbarian tribes will fail. Huang Zhen and they really cannot afford this responsibility.

"Okay, what's the hurry, have you come back?" Wang Chen on the side pointed to Lin Ze's figure.

He and Huang Hui were not really anxious in their hearts. First, they believed in Lin Ze’s strength, but the induction of the puppet mark in their minds. Finally, that was Lin Ze’s experience in the barbarian camp. They were all clear.

"Ah, it's really back, really good!" Huang Zhen also saw the trace of Lin Ze, and the big rock in his heart was finally put down.

"Brother Lin, why have you been here for so long?" Lin Ze had just returned. Huang Zhen's dissatisfied voice rang in Lin Ze's ear.

"Brother Huang, this thing really doesn't blame me. Then I said before that the number of soldiers in the barbarian clan will not be more than one thousand, but after I entered, I found that there were more than two thousand barbarian soldiers in it Under your request, can you say that I can come back as fast as possible? I still haven't figured out the garrison of these soldiers and the corresponding combat effectiveness." Lin Ze said to Huang Zhen with a smile.

"His, more than two thousand troops, when did the barbarian tribe increase troops!" Huang Zhen took a breath of breath after hearing this number.

More than a thousand barbarian soldiers have already caused headaches for the five big family alliances. Now it is more than doubled, and Huang Zhen has a urge to retreat.

However, fortunately, Huang Zhen knew that he did not look back when opening the bow. Since they had come here, he would have to fight this time in the war.

If Huang Zhen really flinched this time, then he would be severely punished by the Family Alliance. At that time, the forbidden land of the Huang family would be considered good. If it is not good, it will be abolished and repaired. This is absolutely impossible for Huang Zhen to accept. Things.

As a warrior, Huang Zhenning would like to die on the spot, and absolutely do not want to be abolished by the family alliance.

This is not only an insult to Huang Zhen, but will also push the family behind Huang Zhen directly into the abyss of death.

"More than two thousand barbarian soldiers, how good this is!" There were immediate waves of worry in the crowd. Those who could participate in this war, knew the strength of barbarian warriors.

If it had been calculated according to more than one thousand because they have more than 1,700 people here, so everyone is confident to destroy this barbarian tribe, but now, the barbarian soldiers have doubled, The number of people is more than they are coming, and now if they fight again, their winning rate will be reduced a lot.

No warrior is willing to die, even if there are five Jindan strong leaders, so there is an inevitable shake in the crowd.

"Don’t forget, this time the barbarians can increase troops this time, who can guarantee that they will not continue to increase troops next time, and if the barbarian tribe will directly increase its troops by two or three thousand next time, you think that the barbarian tribe will let go Are we too close?!” Lin Ze saw the situation a little confused and stood up and said aloud.

"Yeah, the barbarian will not let us go at that time!"

"That is, instead of going from an attacker to a defender, we might as well destroy this barbarian clan today. In this way, the future crisis will be lifted."

"Well, well, that's the truth!!"


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