Alien Lord

Chapter 1938: Barbarian Coping

At the same time, outside the stone temple of the barbarian tribe, the Qingzhen old man rushed towards the inside of the stone temple anxiously. After the barbarian guard outside the stone hall saw the figure of the old Qingzheno, he quickly gave a gift, but the old Qingyu didn't seem to see it. Like, rushed directly into the stone hall.

"Wow!!" When he entered the stone temple, a large bell rang outside the stone temple, which was caused by a random blow.

As the bell rang, dozens of figures appeared in the depths of the stone palace.

Before the figure completely came out, there was a scream: "Who dares to be alarmed to make an order in the temple!"

The voice just fell, and I saw a barbarian with a height of about two and five meters, and muscles all over his body appeared in front of the Qingzhen old man.

Seeing this strong man, the old man of Qingzhen quickly said: "Yuan Bao patriarch, our refiner room was stolen!"

"What, the refining room was stolen? What was stolen? And who came in and stolen?" The strong man, the patriarch, irritated and asked with a look of anxiety in his eyes.

As the patriarch, he knows how important the things in the refining chamber are to them. Anything inside is extremely important, but now there are thieves there. Almost mad.

"The patriarch, before the meal, the inside of the refining room is good. However, between the time of eating and the current time, the things in the refining room will disappear." The old Qingqi said with frustration.

"Wait, listening to your words, it seems that more than one thing was stolen in the refining room?" The Zhuang Han patriarch responded somewhat, as if there were a lot of stolen things in the refining room this time.

"Patriarch..." The Qingzhen old man carefully glanced at the Zhuang Han patriarch in front of him. He was a little afraid to say that, because he was afraid that the patriarch would be directly mad at him.

"Let's say, how much was lost?" Seeing the face of the old Qingzheng, the face of the Zhuang Han patriarch became even darker, and his heart doubled the number of losses again.

"The patriarch, it's all!!" After saying this, the Qingzhen old man's head was directly lowered, and he didn't dare to look at the Zhuang Han patriarch in front of him.

".........." The Zhuang Han patriarch was stunned for a moment, and the whole person looked at it with such eyes absent, as if time had stopped.

"You said it was all stolen!!!" The next moment, the roar of the Zhuang Han patriarch rang through the temple.

"Yes..., yes!" The old Qingzhen did not want to reply, but he had to answer the question of the patriarch.

"Ah...!" Zhuang Han Patriarch roared, and then the whole person disappeared into a green smoke in the temple. Along with him, there were dozens of other green smoke.

The Qingzhen old man also quickly followed, and soon the group returned to the refining room that had been patronized by Lin Ze.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Looking at the bare refining room inside, the head of the Zhuang Han roared, and the anger on his face could not be described by words.

"How come, how come, how could anyone steal all the things here, how could this happen!" The voice of the Zhuang Han patriarch was full of unbelievable, there are a lot of things in the refining room, and the volume is even larger, Especially the volume of that warship is very huge.

The war carrier has a length of thousands of meters, a width of more than three hundred meters, and a height of more than two hundred meters. There is really no storage equipment for such a huge thing.

Therefore, when he came, what the Zhuang Han patriarch thought was that the spirit stones were stolen, like these warships under construction, and they should still be there. However, after he arrived here, he discovered that this thief was not just It was the stealing of all spirit stones here, and even the five warships under construction were also stolen together.

This reality hit the Zhuang Han Patriarch hard, making him a little unacceptable to the cruel fact in front of him.

"How could this happen, who has such a powerful force to steal everything here?" The several tribal elders who followed immediately looked at the empty refining room in front of them with pale faces, and they were also It will not work.

"We have so many empty nether snakes here, why are they still sneaking in?" one of the elders said.

"Three elders, the guy who sneaked in should be the master beast master, and it is still the strong master beast master, otherwise, how could it be possible to tame the empty snake here." The old Qingyu quickly said.

This time the refining room was stolen. Although it happened before he came to the refining room, most of the responsibility was not with him. However, as the care elder of the refining room, he could not escape his ultimate responsibility of.

This is like a failed war. In the eyes of ordinary people, this war is defeated, and only the person in charge of the war should be held accountable, but, in fact, the people held accountable are not just The command of this war, as well as his background above Chao Tang, and allies and the like.

Now the same is true of the Qingzhen old man. The refining room was stolen, regardless of whether he was there before, as long as he is the guarding elder of the refining room, he cannot escape this responsibility.

"Master Beast Master?" A few tribal elders repeated in their mouths, and nodded quickly. When they thought about it, there was indeed only one possibility.

"Song Yu, what about the refining master here?" Soon, an apparently leading tribal elder saw the disappearing of the refining master in the refining chamber, and immediately asked in shock.

"By reporting to the elders, all the refining masters are missing!" The elder Qingzhen finished his sentence, directly bowed his head, and dared not look at the elders in front of him.

"Damn!!" The elder elder was also furious. Seriously, although the loss of the materials and the five warships under construction, he was heartbroken, but he was able to suppress his inner anger.

However, now that he learned that all the refiners were missing, his inner anger really couldn't hold up anymore.

Refining masters are really too important for their barbarians, especially their own barbarian refining masters can be said to be rare treasures among millions.

The barbarians are indeed very talented in combat power, but in terms of things like alchemy and alchemy, their talents seem to be engulfed by combat talents. In these respects, the barbarian talents are extremely low.

For example, in the cultivation world of the Chu Kingdom, there are definitely hundreds of martial arts warriors, and there must be a talented alchemist or refining master. However, in the barbarian, there can be such a refining master in one million. If it is, it is even good.

Hundreds of refining masters were collected by their tribes at once, and the difficulty was huge, that is imaginable.

The materials were stolen. Although it was heartbreaking, they could still collect and build more warships, as long as those refining divisions were still there.

However, now that all the refining masters are gone, the blow to this barbarian tribe is really too big, too big.

Without the refining master, it is considered that they have collected so many resources that they want to build warships again, that is totally impossible.

It even says that their tribe can already extinguish the idea of ​​making warships.

Because they want to gather more than one hundred refiners who can make warships. I really don’t know when it will be.

"Oh, thirty years of hard work, it turned into ashes, alas!!!" The elder seemed to be thirty years old. The straight spine before it looked a bit hunched at this time.

"Great elder, patriarch, now is not a time for sadness. The first thing we have to do is to get all the things back." At this time, a barbarian on the leftmost side spoke about the size of the Zhuang Han patriarch.

"The second brother said that there is not much time left until the things here are stolen. If we go to catch up now, the time should be within time." The head of the Zhuang Han patriarch's eyes lighted up, and the whole person recovered his fighting spirit again.

"Yes, yes, they carry so many things, plus our refiner, the speed is definitely not fast, if we go now, we should come back. Even if we don't need other things, those refiners Master, we have to chase it back." The elder's eyes also lighted up, and the flame in his heart burned again.

"Well, Song Yu, this time you take the lead and lead a thousand households to chase back all our things, and we will arrive later!" The Zhuang Han patriarch immediately ordered.

He wanted to catch up now, but the tribe was infiltrated, and so many things were stolen under their Obviously, their tribal guards appeared very big The problem.

If this problem is solved without restrictions, the Zhuang Han chief will not dare to go out of the tribe easily, so that when someone else comes to hunt the tiger off the mountain and ride them out to chase down, they will bring their entire tribe to the pot.

If such a thing really happened, the Zhuang Han patriarch was too late to regret it, so he had to stay and guard the safety of the entire tribe.

Song Yu, also said that it was the Qingzheng old man who quickly took his orders. He knew that this was his only chance to save himself.

Song Yu hurried into the barracks, his face full of anger, after he came to the barracks, no matter how much, he directly transferred the general army here.

From the perspective of Song Yu, there must be a lot of people who write the stolen items. In this case, he must have enough manpower. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, his head will really move. .

Soon, just two minutes later, Song Yu personally took a thousand barbaric soldiers out of the barracks, and then directly controlled one of the war flying boats, quickly flew into the sky, and flew in the direction of Sancai Valley.

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