Alien Lord

Chapter 1936: 1 empty

The consumption of the aircraft carrier fleet is so large, not to mention the more powerful warship than the aircraft carrier fleet. The most terrible thing is that the warship consumes more valuable Yuanshi and Lingshi.

Now as long as he thinks about the huge amount of Yuan stone he needs to bear in the future, the spirit stone is consumed, Lin Ze's heart is not happy at all.

"Alas, such warships are good, but the huge consumption in the future is also a big problem!" Lin Ze lamented.

"........." Qu Jingwen and his party...

For a long time, Han Dongcai said sternly: "Master, don't worry about it, after all, there is a huge spirit stone mine here, maybe, maybe..."

Han Dong couldn’t say half of what he said, because he knew very well that although he now seems to have received a news of a spirit stone mine, honestly, Han Dong was in the heart of whether he could occupy the spirit stone mine. The face is nothing.

Fools know the importance of Lingshi Mine, so there will definitely be countless barbarian masters in the Guardian.

Even if Lin Ze really got down, it means that this spirit stone mine is Lin Ze.

Because, at that time, as long as the barbarian tribe directly leaked the news of the spirit stone mine, Lin Ze would face countless prying eyes.

When the time comes, relying on Lin Ze alone, how can he resist countless prying eyes?

Therefore, although Han Dong's words were relaxed, his heart was heavy.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Lin Ze said quickly: "Okay, let's put these topics on hold for a while. I have a seed world in hand. Maybe it is a bit heavier to bear the warships now, but as long as it lasts After this time, I believe that the future will not be a problem."

"Yes, the master has this world in hand, and the future is really not a problem." Qu Jingwen also reflected them.

The Plane Seed World is only a preliminary development. Spiritual mines such as basaltic iron ore have already appeared. It is a matter of course that there will be spiritual mines in the future.

Perhaps on the mainland of Shenzhou, when discovering the Lingshi mine, Lin Ze still needs to compete with others. In the world of plane seeds, all of this will be Lin Ze.

After temporarily putting aside the problem that caused Lin Ze to have a headache, Lin Ze began to put away the things here.

"Fortunately, it was me who infiltrated this time. Otherwise, if he was replaced by anyone else, he would not be able to take away the things here." Lin Ze was fortunate while collecting the things here into the world of Plane Seeds.

"Yeah, it is indeed fortunate that you came in. Otherwise, with the power of these remaining spirit cannons, if you seriously attack outside, you will really lose a lot." Xin Xue pointed to Lin A well-made spirit stone cannon received by Ze said sharply.

Xin Xue did not feel much about the alliance of the five big families, but now they are all Lin Ze’s allies.

Together with the war, once the barbarians move out of these spirit cannons, it will be a disaster for anyone!

"Yeah, this time, the master is really a big help for the alliance of the five major families. If there is no master, don’t say that this time the five major families can capture this barbarian tribe. Is also an unknown number." This time it was Qu Jingwen speaking.

Others agree with Qu Jingwen.

Just looking at the rapidly-built warships here, no one will believe that after these powerful new warships are built in the future, the barbarian tribes will hide them instead of dealing with the five major families in Sancai Valley. .

Believe this, no fool will believe.

In the future, after these new warships are established, I believe that the barbarian tribes here will be the first to take the five major family alliances in Sancai Valley as a test player.

Therefore, Lin Ze has indeed saved the five major family alliances.

"However, Master, we just took them all away, not leaving some for the five big family alliances, is it really okay?" Feng Miao said with a trace of anxiety.

"Feng Miao, you are too timid to say that Huang Hui and they are our people. This time, the master saved the five families only once. We took everything here, and the five families couldn't say anything. Besides, there is something here, who knows, as long as we don’t say, where will the five families know that there are so many things here." Xin Xue said carelessly.

"Aren't you afraid that the barbarians and tribes here talk about things here?" Feng Miao directly retorted.

"Hey, these things here, but it's about a huge spirit stone mine. If this barbarian tribe doesn't want to disappear immediately, then they will keep everything here secret." Xin Xue replied confidently.

"Well, this time Xinxue was right, even if this barbarian tribe knew that we had taken everything here, it would not be said. The matter of the Lingshi mine is so important that they cannot afford the consequences of the leak. "This time Lin Ze agreed with Xin Xue's words very much.

Don't look at the strength of this barbarian tribe. In fact, this strength is only for the five family alliances. Once the upper sect, not to mention the top sect, even the medium sect can be easily eliminated. This barbarian tribe.

In addition, once the matter of the Lingshi mine leaks, this barbarian tribe faces not only a medium-sized sect, but countless large and medium-sized sects to come to the door. You said that at that time, this barbarian tribe would also Does it exist? !

Therefore, as long as the leader of this barbarian tribe is not stupid, he will not say anything about it here.

"Master, there is not much time. I think the baby should be put away first and then delayed, the people outside will come in!" At this time, Qu Jingwen reminded.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's take all the treasures here so as not to come by." Lin Ze patted his forehead and soon began to put away the treasures in the tent.

At this time, Han Dong said: "Master, be careful, there are no organs banned on these boxes, but there are some hidden alarms on the top-quality spirit crystals. As soon as you move, the alarm will sound immediately. At that time, it will not take much time, and countless barbarian masters will be killed."

"Well, I get it!" Lin Ze said solemnly, and then said to Han Dong: "You should be able to crack these means?"

Han Dong smiled: "Of course, the master, his subordinates have researched these prohibition methods. In order to avoid accidents, the master will let me go out. I will personally lift the prohibition alarm above."

"Okay, this is how it will be done!" After that, Lin Ze directly released Han Dong, and in accordance with Han Dong's request, he also released several other formation masters to expedite the crackdown on the ban alarm.

Above the Needling Spirit Crystal, there is indeed a hidden, very subtle, and very subtle alarm array.

If it weren't for Han Dong's true formation, everyone would easily mistake these alarm formations as part of the Need for Spirit Crystals. That part of the complex formation would be ignored because of the past.

However, as soon as you touch this Needling Spirit Crystal, these alarm arrays will immediately issue an alarm.

With a serious face in his hands, Han Dong began to break through with all his strength.

The difficulty with this kind of cracking lies in how not to let the person who arranges this formation notice.

The formation master of this alert formation is at the guru level. According to normal circumstances, unless there is a grand master, at least the formation master at the peak of the formation master to crack, in order not to disturb the formation, Break this formation.

This kind of formation, everyone, the general situation is extremely difficult to encounter, so it is said that the barbarians are very comfortable with these superb spirit stones.

However, this time they happened to meet Lin Ze, a cheating-level **** man with a plug-in.

Lin Ze's own formation skills are very low, but he can't help but have a large number of formation masters in his plane seed world, and among them, the grand master, the master level is not lacking.

Now under the leadership of Han Dong, the great master of the formation, these alarm prohibitions really have no effect.

This kind of situation, which is extremely difficult for ordinary infiltrators, has become the easiest problem to solve here in Lin Ze.

Soon, under the leadership of Han Dong, it only took less than five minutes, and all the alarm prohibitions on the top grade spirit stones were broken one by one.

Without the effect of warning and prohibition, Lin Ze collected these treasures, which is a very simple matter.

Maybe the general storage space is not particularly large, and it can’t fit everything here, but for Lin Ze, who has a plane-seed world, don’t say that it contains tens of thousands of times more stuff He can easily install all of them.

So, soon, everything in this tent, including the five new half-built warships and warships, were taken into Lin Ze’s plane seed world.

Seriously, this time I was really fortunate that Lin Ze came. Otherwise, if he replaced any other person, he might be able to pretend to have those super-spirit crystals, but he would never turn away from those five huge warships.

After all, no matter how big the storage ring is, it can't fit several aircraft carrier-sized things.

After finishing all of this, Lin Ze knew that the time was running out, and he had to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, he would soon find something wrong here.

After all, when making warships, the sound will not be low, and it will stop for a short period of time. It can be said to be resting and eating. However, if there is no sound for a long time, the fool will know that there is a problem.

Therefore, after collecting the resources that Lin Ze wanted most for the warships, Lin Ze was ready to leave here, and even a few other tents that looked very good, Lin Ze was also not going to see it.

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