Alien Lord

Chapter 1892: Invincible Longwei

Maybe Wang Jiao didn't care about Lin Ze's mental attack before. Anyway, there was a devil in his head. No matter how strong the mental attack was, he was all on the menu.

However, now he has lost the devil's head, and his full strength is on the winding of the dragon against him, and he can't divide much strength to resist Lin Ze's mental attack.

Although Lin Ze’s mental power attack did not play much role with his strength, if he was hit by a continuous stream of mental power attacks at the same time, the consequences would certainly be unimaginable.

Although he has the protection of dragon scale armor and dragon scale shield, Jiaolong may not be able to get him, but now, with Lin Ze joining, it is like the last straw that crushed the camel, the situation will soon be the most He didn't want to see the direction of development. At that time, maybe he had no chance to escape.

At the same time, against the dragon and mental attack, it will definitely consume his strength. At that time, maybe he will not be able to escape even if he has the opportunity to escape.

"Give me!" Wang Jiao burst into a scream, his face covered with fierce colors, he stretched out his hand, the light on the dragon scale shield completely wrapped him, and then walked out step by step through the previous exit .

Anyway, the most important thing for Wang Jiao now is to go out of this dragon dragon's death winding, and then think about other things later.

While resisting Lin Ze’s mental attack, Wang Jiao was still thinking: he originally thought that it was only to deal with a cultivator of the foundation period. For his master of the Jindan period, it was not yet handy. What he brought, but now, after this time and again, he only knows that the'foundation period' practitioners in front of him are not easy.

Yes, until now Wang Jiao could not really confirm the true strength of the enemy on the opposite side.

To say that he is only the strength of the foundation period, but his mental strength is Jindan period. If he has the fighting strength of the Jindan period, then the fighting strength he now exerts is only the foundation period.

The two are extremely contradictory, and even Wang Jiao's mind is still blurred.

"After getting out this time, I must find someone to avenge me!" Wang Jiao thought hardly.

Just thinking of it, in the future he brought four or five masters who were also golden princes to come to the door. At that time, when he looked at the other party’s poor skills, as if he was at a loss, or he looked frightened, his heart burst into a burst. Strong pleasure.

However, Wang Jiao's heart was suddenly shocked, because he suddenly thought that when he was dealing with a'foundation period' cultivator, he would actually produce Du Fu his like this with other masters. I feel that if you let his brothers or people in Qinglong City know, they will definitely be laughed out of their teeth, and even a bad one will threaten his status in Qinglong City.

After all, as the deputy city owner of Qinglong City, if he can't even be dealt with by a guy in the foundation period, then his strength can be imagined. Such a person is not eligible to stay above the position of deputy city owner of Qinglong City. of.

"No, this thing can never be spread, otherwise, I will..."

Thinking of the terrible picture of the future, Wang Jiao's heart was cold.

"The person in front of you must die, even if you can't get the Jiaolong on one side, even if you are seriously injured, you must kill him here, otherwise there will be no place for me in the Qinglong City!" The killing in Wang Jiao's eyes was almost substantive, but even at this moment, Wang Jiao, who had already personally learned the magical abilities of Lin Ze and haunted himself many times, never again refused. Relaxed any trace of vigilance.

"Blood Burning Dafa!!" Wang Jiao, who was forced into desperation, was thrown out and directly used the blood burning Dafa.

"Boom!" A very strong blood came out of the body of Jiaolong. Then, Jiaolong felt that a powerful force was generated from Wang Jiao's body. Then, it was directly sent to Zhenfei by this powerful force. Exposed Wang Jiao, who had been entangled before.

"Ah, I'm just afraid of such a thing, so I let Jiao Long get around this guy in an effort to win him in the shortest time, but I never thought that this happened in the end, alas!!" Lin Ze sighed inwardly. With a cry.

"Jin Dan's later period, no, it should be the strength of Jin Dan's great consummation, it is really difficult to deal with this time!" Lin Ze felt a headache.

It was only in the middle of Jin Dan's time that it made him feel tricky. Now that he is directly seeded to the state of the perfection of Jin Dan, the pressure on Lin Ze has directly increased tenfold.

Lin Ze looked at Wang Jiao, who was in a state of explosive seed, without any hesitation. At the next moment, another dragon that was about the same length as the Jiao Dragon appeared in front of Lin Ze.

Looking at the space dragon king in front of him, a smile appeared on Lin Ze's face.

Don't look at this space dragon king is just the state of the great consummation of the foundation period, but its real combat power, definitely does not belong to the previous dragon dragon.

One is that the space dragon king is a dragon king level, and its natural fighting power is stronger than the ordinary dragon dragon. In addition, it is also a space attribute, and its strength is even more powerful.

The other and most important point is that this space dragon king has been imprisoned for more than 500 years in the Xuanyin secret realm. If it were not restricted by the formation there, it would have been promoted to the Jindan period.

However, even if this is the case, after more than 500 years of accumulation, the space dragon king's strength is further. Now, it is not a problem to defeat another dragon.

No, the former Jiaolong now came directly to the King of Space Jiaolong and bowed his head, guarding it like a man.

This is not only a factor of strength, but also because the space dragon king is the dragon king. The status of the king allows this ordinary dragon to obey orders.

"The space dragon dragon king's strength has reached its extreme, and it is possible to be promoted to the Jindan period at any time. Now let it come out to fight, and I don't know if it is good or bad!"

Lin Ze sighed in the bottom of his heart. Although he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse to do so, since the matter had reached this point, he actually had no choice.

Since this is already the case, Lin Ze let go of his hands and feet, he opened his throat to the space dragon king, and suddenly shouted, "King dragon king, take me this guy!!"

Lin Ze's voice had just fallen, and there seemed to be a flash of light in front of him, and then the Space Dragon King appeared abruptly in front of Lin Ze.

Wang Jiao, who had originally increased his confidence because of his great strength, was terrified when he saw this place, because even his eyesight did not find out where this dragon king came from.

Years of combat experience made him make the most correct choice in an instant. All the means of attack stopped at this moment, and the dragon-scale shield in his hand was a ray of light and turned into a thick one. The light wall enveloped his whole body.

Afterwards, his spirit and spirit were raised to the extreme at this moment, and all his attention was focused on this sudden space dragon king.

This is not his fuss, but the normal reaction that anyone has before a sudden addition of a powerful dragon king.

What's more, Lin Ze's yelling at this time, the idiot also knows that the dragon king in front of him is so powerful. Before he can figure out its true strength, Wang Jiao is still not ready to attack.

However, at the moment when Wang Jiao clearly saw the King of Space Dragon, his body shuddered abruptly, and all his movements stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the breath on his body diminished rapidly, and even the shield brilliance that surrounded him heavily retreated after a breath.

Subsequently, the golden armor on his body, as well as the dragon scale armor scales covered on that armor, were also lost at this moment.

At this moment, there is only one thought in Wang Jiao's heart, that is, he has to obey the command of the dragon king in front of him.

This dragon king is the most powerful and majestic dragon he has ever seen in his life, he wants to be close to it desperately submit to it.

And now, the evil spirit and the light of the dragon scale armor pervading him is a great disrespect to the dragon king, and it cannot exist anyway.

This is a subconscious thought, and he was put into action in an instant.

In fact, this is quite normal. When Lin Ze first met Space Dragon King in the past, why did he not think so.

However, Lin Ze has a plane seed world in hand, and soon took advantage of the influence of Space Dragon King Longwei.

As a dragon king, the dragon's body has far exceeded the limit of the rank. Whether it is a congenital strongman, a cultivator in the foundation period, or even the king in front of him, in the dragon king powerful dragon In front of the influence, there is no difference.

What's more, there is a dragon's bloodline on Wang Jiao's body, which was told to Lin Ze by Jiao Long before.

Therefore, after Lin Ze called out the Dragon King of Space, he had already expected such a situation.

It was just a speculation by Lin Ze at that time, whether it did not work or not was still an unknown.

It now appears that, as he expected, Wang Jiao did not perform much better than Lin Ze in the face of the dragon king of the space dragon, and it was even worse.

This is actually level suppression.

Just like the power ministers or eunuchs in history, when the emperor is satisfied with them, they can do it, but once the emperor is dissatisfied, their ending is extremely miserable.

Like Wei Zhongxian in the Ming Dynasty and Heshen in the Qing Dynasty.

When the emperor was alive, both of them were figures of power, but when the emperor died and replaced with a new emperor, they all ended up miserable, and each one was accounted by the new emperor, and they were killed!

This is actually a deterrent to imperial power!

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