Alien Lord

Chapter 1891: reason

To be honest, Wang Jiao is the most speechless now.

God knows, in order to get these three golden-headed demon heads, how much effort Wang Jiao spent and how much time he spent, and finally after spending more than nine layers of his worth, he finally succeeded in refining these three Devil.

Before relying on these three Golden Pill Devil Heads, plus his own strength, Wang Jiao was able to gain a foothold in Wanmo Mountain, but now, if he had the most powerful combat power, and, Still defeated in such a low-level barbarian hand.

With Wang Jiao's eyesight, it can be seen naturally that those soul-eating butterflies are only acquired beasts, and their fighting power is absolutely not strong, at most it is the fighting strength of the seven or eight layers of the day after tomorrow. It stands to reason that with the three gold The powerful strength of the Danqi Demon Head, where will these little soul eater butterflies be placed in the eyes.

However, the face slap soon appeared.

In Wang Jiao's heart, the three golden devil heads that can kill countless soul-eating butterflies can be spiked. At the moment they meet the soul-eating butterfly swarms, they emit a roar of fear together, and then they are extremely panicked. Turning away and escaping, even the call of his master is ignored.

Later, Wang Jiao also wanted to use the blood contract with the demon head to forcibly call back the three golden devil heads.

Jindan Demon is afraid of those soul-eating butterflies, but Wang Jiao doesn't care. He can say 100% that once those soul-eating butterflies are within 100 meters of him, he can destroy them with one stroke.

However, something that made Wang Jiao even more dumbfounded. Not only did the three golden devil heads fail to follow his orders, but they also forcibly broke the blood contract signed with him, which made Wang Jiao vomit blood directly.

He vomiting blood has both the reasons for being angry and the reasons for being repulsed by the blood contract.

Fortunately, Wang Jiao is the master of the blood contract, so the power of anti-bite is not so powerful, at most it is caused by some minor injuries, but as the protagonist of the blood contract, the ending of the three Jindan devil heads is extremely miserable, they Because of the blood bite's counterattack, it was directly hit, and the strength was reduced by nine layers and nine. Soon, it was quickly surrounded by Soul Eater Butterfly Group and easily captured.

"Don't kill them, bring them back!" Lin Ze ordered directly.

After all, this is the devil of the three-headed golden pill stage, and now it has lost its fighting power. In this case, Lin Ze is equivalent to three more men of the golden pill period.

As for the devil's bullying character, hehe, these things do not exist under Lin Ze's puppet mark.

"Why, why do you forcibly break away from the blood contract, why..." Wang Jiao's eyes are full of question marks, he really can't figure out why the three golden devil heads will forcefully break away from his blood contract. .

Although they are demon heads, their IQs are not low, and they are very clear about the consequences of forcibly breaking away from the blood contract. However, the three golden devil heads still forcibly broke off the blood contract, which filled Wang Jiao's heart with question marks.

In fact, the reason is not as complicated as Wang Jiao imagined. These three golden pill devil heads will break free from the blood contract, all because these three golden pill devil heads have recovered some of their past consciousness.

Seriously, this time Wang Jiao took out the three Jindan demon heads to deal with Lin Ze. This thing was really wrong.

Lin Ze's own combat strength is not strong, but his mental power is extremely pure.

Let's put it this way, the spiritual purity of the Jindan period generally reaches 30%, but Lin Ze's spiritual purity is about 70%.

It can be said that Lin Ze's mental power is the biggest tonic for any creature that can devour mental power, or other things.

Before Wang Jiao commanded the demon heads to devour Lin Ze’s mental power attack. These extremely pure spiritual powers gave the three demon heads a very strong nourishment. Although their spiritual power did not increase much, but the purity was above, The increase is extremely obvious.

It’s like a wine with 60% wine content on one side, and then you mix this wine into 20% wine. The purity of the final wine is definitely more than 20%, and, more than The range will not be small.

The same is true of the devil's spirits, and their purity has been improved.

It is the improvement of the purity of these souls that made the three golden pill heads awake and recalled some previous memories.

You should know that the three demon heads made by Wang Jiao were forcibly refined using the spirits of the three golden-dragon strongmen killed by him. Before that, Wang Jiao used some means to seal these demons. The memory of the head is now restored. Do you think these demon heads will follow Wang Jiao's orders?

Later, after feeling that these memories of myself started to get confused again, I realized that this is the power of the means that Wang Jiao stays in their souls, and it will not be long before they will become their enemies under Wang Jiao. The three golden devil heads didn't even think about it, and forcibly broke the blood contract with Wang Jiao.

Although it is the same, their chances of survival are almost zero, but this is also more than falling on the hands of Wang Jiao, the enemy, not only can not revenge the previous killing revenge, but even become a weapon in the hands of the enemy to help him fight Good.

The details of this are unknown to Wang Jiao, so even if he wants to break his head, he can't think of the real reason why these three Golden Pill Devil Heads will force him to release the blood contract.

I believe that if Wang Jiao knows this real reason, he will have one more regret in his heart for chasing Lin Ze down, which is still an extremely important one.

"How is this possible, how is this possible..."

Facing this cruel reality, Wang Jiao was really hit.

There were three Jindan demon heads before, and Wang Jiao still had confidence to fight against Lin Ze. However, after losing his three most powerful weapons, Wang Jiao's inner confidence directly fell to the lowest point.

Wang Jiao expected that he would fail, and imagined the picture of failure. At that time, he would definitely have experienced a arduous battle. By then, he had wounds all over his body, and the wounds on his enemies were not weaker than him.

This final picture is the last picture in Wang Jiao Xin.

However, what he did not expect was that the pictures after his group would be so funny.

He didn’t fight the enemy for 500 rounds, and he didn’t have many injuries. Some of them were caused by his own. The most important thing is that he was placed under a group of small soul-eating butterflies. As a cruel result, Wang Jiao couldn't accept it in his heart.

Although it seems that Wang Jiao still has considerable combat power, after all, he still has seven or eight layers of strength. If he fights, his power is also very impressive, but Wang Jiao already knows that he has failed this time!

"I don't agree!" Wang Jiao burst into the innermost, and then, he turned into a streamer and killed Lin Ze.

Wang Jiao knows that as long as he can capture Lin Ze, everything can be reversed, so this time he is out of the way and he must capture Lin Ze.

It's just that where Lin Ze will not know Wang Jiao's intentions, so he has already prepared.

"Aoao!" Jiaolong appeared in front of Lin Ze in a teleport, and several powerful sonic powers hit Wang Jiao, who rushed at full speed.

Wang Jiao roared and raised a bright yellow body shield, directly blocking Jiaolong's sonic skills, but he suddenly found that his movements seemed to be slower than he thought.

No matter how he accelerated the speed, howl a roar, or the spiritual force in his body forcibly accelerated, but his body seemed to become slow.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Jiao felt that he was wrapped in an extremely hard shackle.

"No!" Wang Jiao roared, his heart was furious, because he only found out that his body had been directly entangled by Jiao Long's long body.

The winding power of snakes is already extremely strong, and many people are entangled can't easily take it off, let alone the winding power of a dragon.

Wang Jiao believes that if he were not wearing an armor made of the scale of the infantile Jiaolong King, now he is definitely entangled by the Jiaolong.

It's just that even now he hasn't been hanged, but it is no longer possible to rush to capture Lin Ze.

Impossible, impossible, but he is the deputy lord of Qinglong City of Wanmo Mountain. There are countless men, and his own strength is extremely powerful. It is absolutely impossible to die here like this. It is absolutely impossible!

The thought in Wang Jiao's heart had just flashed, and I saw Lin Ze on the opposite side facing him with the cold medicine effect. Then, with his hands raised like that, Wang Jiao felt a black shadow in front of him, and a bigger shadow appeared. In front of him, he smashed his head with his face covered.

Seeing this, Wang Jiao's heart was completely out of the plan to capture Lin Ze, and he no longer wanted to be able to take this dragon. He no longer dared to be negligent and entrusted. What he thought was to escape first. To go on, after that, the storage ring on his right hand flashed, and the shield with amazing defense made by the powerful dragon dragon king's scale armor appeared in his hand.

"Break me!" With Wang Jiao's sharp drink, Suddenly, a strange force swayed on his body, turning away all the dragon bodies around him.

Jiao Long used his entanglement with all his strength, and did not want to be escaped by Wang Jiao, but the magical power was too large to be able to resist even Jiao Long. Soon, an obvious gap appeared in front of Wang Jiao .

Seeing this gap, Wang Jiao was relieved in his heart. Of course, his face is actually not good-looking now, because the exertion of the moment just consumed too much of his spiritual power.

The most terrible thing is that Wang Jiao found that Lin Ze, who was not far away, was beginning to exert a mental attack.

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