Alien Lord

Chapter 1893: Take it!

At the moment when the light above the dragon-scale armor shield around Wang Jiao dissipated, Lin Ze's eyes lit up, seizing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and vigorously turned his true energy and spiritual power into one moment from his right hand There were two or three thousand pale white lights.

Once these pale white rays left Lin Ze's right hand, they immediately entangled in pairs, and soon became a bright chain, and they trapped Baidu Demon King in the Xuanyin secret realm with the Master Xuanyin. The seal chain looks similar.

Perhaps it is the most suitable opportunity to kill Wang Jiao, but it is also the best opportunity to capture Wang Jiao.

As long as I think of the benefits of capturing Wang Jiao, what choices Lin Ze will make in his heart, I believe it goes without saying.

Countless seal chains were invariably directed towards the intoxicated and lost Wang Jiao, and in the process, these thousands of seal chains were still merging with each other...

If Master Xuanyin sees Lin Ze's proficiency in using seal chains and methods, his face will definitely show a gratifying expression.

Because, as long as Lin Ze can now achieve unrestricted integration of these seal chains, it should be known that Lin Ze has fully mastered this kind of power.

For a master, what makes the apprentice younger than the blue one makes him happier.

Because at this time, the thousands of seal chains were not merged separately, but as much as possible, so soon, the time for three breaths did not expire, and there were already a hundred seal chains. Fusion.

Although Lin Ze would like to merge all these thousands of seal chains at once, it is obvious that with his current ability, he is definitely not weak.

In addition, the time is limited, so Lin Ze did not continue.

The previous more than one hundred seal chains were delayed because of the fusion of each other, but the speed was a bit slower. However, those thousands of other seal chains that have not participated and cannot be merged at this time. It rushed up first, and directly hit Wang Jiao's body fiercely.

These seal chains are a seal method that Qu Jingwen deliberately studied. The source is both the seal chains of the demon warriors before, but it was used by Lin Ze as one of the killer tools.

However, Lin Ze hadn't used it before, and he didn't know the real effect. It was only because he believed in Master Xuanyin that he would use it directly at this time.

Of course, it is because Lin Ze had no other means to capture Wang Jiao.

Like Lin Ze’s most powerful mental attack before, Wang Jiao, the Golden Power strongman, had little effect.

Needless to say, Lin Ze's own strength, no one can win Wang Jiao's strength during the foundation period.

The Jiaolong around you can take Wang Jiao, but only a lot will kill Wang Jiao, which is not what Lin Ze wants to see.

If there is no other way, Lin Ze will definitely not use this seal chain that has not really been tested to seal Wang Jiao.

However, the problem is to such an extent that the mountains and rivers are almost exhausted, and there is no other way out of it.

At the moment when Lin Ze's seal chain was about to attack Wang Jiao's body, suddenly, a trace of clarity appeared in Wang Jiao's eyes.

After all, he is a powerhouse in the Jindan period, and more importantly, the Space Dragon King has not really been promoted to the Jindan period. Longwei's power is not strong enough to completely suppress Wang Jiao.

Coupled with the blood of the dragon in Wang Jiao's own body, under the influence of the Dragon King of Space Dragon King, a trace of fluctuations appeared. At this moment of life and death, Wang Jiao finally awakened from the feeling of that powerful Dragon King influence A little bit.

Although there is only a little recovery of the mind, it is enough for Wang Jiao, a strong man with a hundred battles.

Suddenly his body lighted up again, and the dragon scale armor that had been put away was restored to its original condition, and Wang Jiao was covered with a dense layer of dragon scale armor.

These dragon scale armor originally disappeared automatically at the moment when the dragon king sent out his dragon power, but this time it appeared again.

However, Wang Jiao can only do this now.

Immediately after that, thousands of seal chains bombarded heavily on his body, and Wang Jiao's mouth made a roar of fright.

Soon, Lin Ze saw that Wang Jiao's body suddenly had countless seal chains, and the entire body surface was covered by countless seal chains. The most important thing is that these seal chains are still indenting, making Wang Jiao miserable now.

Although the body of Wang Jiao in Jindan period //body // is extremely powerful, it will not be inferior to the ordinary Jindan period monster.

But this time it was not the ordinary seal chain that attacked him, but the power inherited from Xuanyin Master.

The average cultivator and the genius-level cultivator, even if the strength is a realm, but the difference in power between them can not be calculated.

The defense of the dragon scale armor on Wang Jiao can withstand the power of the thousands of sword lights of the thousand swords large array that Lin Ze played before, but now he can't bear the thousands obtained from the inheritance of Xuanyin The power of a small seal chain.

In the next moment, Wang Jiao's entire body was trapped by countless seal chains. It seemed that he could no longer see Wang Jiao, and it seemed that he was about to be taken down.

However, Lin Ze’s use and understanding time of these seal chains is too short, and the power of each seal chain is limited, so it is only to trap Wang Jiao’s body, and he cannot really seal him. It can be said that its strength has not hurt its roots.

Realizing that he was trapped again, Wang Jiao's heart was shocked and angry, but after being attacked by the child, he completely woke him up.

The dragon-scale battle armor on his body appeared again, and at the same time, the spiritual power in his hand was surging. A large amount of spiritual power was continuously input on the dragon-scale armor shield.

As long as the power on this dragon-scale armor shield is inspired, Wang Jiao is confident that this time he will make the enemy look good, and he will definitely be in an undefeated position.

However, at this moment, a strong sense of crisis came to mind. Even before he had any time to react, he was hit **** the chest with a seal chain slightly larger than the previous one.

He was hit a lot before this chain of seals. He is also somewhat numb until now. Although their power is very strong, at most it is to trap direct actions. For Dan Tian, ​​the spiritual power in the meridian, that is No effect at all.

However, the next moment, when the slightly larger seal chain hit the dragonscale armor that had just emerged from his body, his face suddenly changed.

Because he sensed a strong seal power will from this seal chain.

That's right, this is not just a power of seal, but also a will, a strong willpower that is invincible and unyielding.

Wang Jiao knows that it is not subconscious, he wants to immediately inspire the strength on the shield of the dragon scale.

However, at this time, a loud noise rang in his ears, and this seal chain exploded actively.

This explosive force is so incredible that it is far from the strength of the smaller seal chains.

The most terrible thing is that the power of this explosion is not directed at his body, but at his Dantian and meridians.

Although the defensive power of the dragon scale armor on Wang Jiao is strong, it is like a paper sack under the impact of this powerful explosive force, and there is no resistance at all.


There were some hollows in the dragon scale armor on his body. Then, the powers that had exploded before were actually transformed into a chain of seals again. Afterwards, they instantly turned into a stream of streamers. They directly drilled through these hollows and entered into In his body!

" no!!" Wang Jiao wailed violently, and wanted to stimulate the attack in his hands with all his strength, but it was too late.

The seal chains that entered Wang Jiao's body quickly transformed into a gate, locking Wang Jiao's meridians and all the power in Dan Tian.

"Wow!" A dragonscale armor shield that exuded endless momentum fell directly from Wang Jiao's hand. After rolling a few times on the ground, he stopped directly under Lin Ze's feet.

Immediately following this shield, Wang Jiao's body fell quickly, and the whole person fell to the ground with regret.

"Huh, I finally got this tough guy!" After seeing Wang Jiao being completely sealed, Lin Ze was relieved, and at the same time, a deep sense of pride rose in his heart.

Also, this time Lin Ze’s opponent was a golden pill period, which definitely exceeded Lin Ze’s own strength. However, Lin Ze was still taken down, and also took home three golden pill demons. Lin Ze was certainly proud of such a huge harvest.

"How could this be, how could this be impossible!!" After falling to the ground, Wang Jiao kept muttering these words in his mouth.

Obviously, he really couldn't accept this ending, and it was completely unexpected.

"Why not? Since you dare to shoot me, you have to be ready to be captured, ha ha ha..." Lin Ze came to Wang Jiao and looked down at Wang Jiao on the ground Laughed.

"Who are you, who are you?" Wang Jiao shouted, staring at Lin Ze with red eyes.

Now, the only thing he wants to know is who is he on.

"My name is Lin Ze, a little monk in the foundation period!"

"........." Wang Jiao looked at Lin Ze speechlessly...

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