Alien Lord

Chapter 1890: Blood Contract

"How is this possible, how is this possible!" Wang Jiao was stunned, and his eyes were filled with incredible eyes looking at Lin Ze, who was still alive. He now had a feeling of whether he was dreaming.

"Did the three-headed devil have another problem?" Wang Jiao's heart quickly flashed the thought.

However, Wang Jiao quickly denied this idea. If the three demons faced the late Jindan, or the strong of the pseudo-infant period, they would indeed work out if they were afraid. Contribute to such a thing.

However, now they are only facing the back of the foundation period. In terms of their bullying and fierce personality, ////blood// flesh, when they see the back of the foundation period, it is definitely the first time Just throw it up and devour him, how could it not work.

"His, is the guy on the opposite side playing a pig and eating a tiger!" Thinking of this, Wang Jiao's heart was cold, and he wanted to come in love with him, and now only this possibility can explain why his three-headed golden age Lin De could not kill Lin Ze.

At the same time, if this explanation is established, it can also explain why he could safely leave the Wanmo Mountain with the Wanmo annihilation order, why he couldn’t catch up with the other party for a long time, and why the other party’s hand will have a golden age. Jiaolong.

If the opponent's strength is the late Jin Dan, or the pseudo-infancy, then all this is explained.

When thinking of these, Wang Jiao's legs felt a little soft, because, if this is the case, he really is this time...

What Wang Jiao did not know was that none of his guesses were correct, and even deviated greatly from the facts.

He is now wondering why Lin Ze has not been killed by his three Golden Pill Devil Heads. As everyone knows, Lin Ze's heart is also sweating coldly.

"Careful, careless, this time really careless!" Lin Ze kept muttering.

"Knowing that the other party is a strong player in the Jindan period, how can I underestimate the strength of the other party in this way? The lesson this time is really great!" Lin Ze's face is not good-looking now, it is pale. The clothes on his chest were covered with blood, obviously spit out before.

"This guy really has a lot of cards!" Lin Ze looked at Wang Jiao with a lingering fear. The moment just now was too dangerous.

In fact, Wang Jiao's three-headed golden-headed demon had indeed hit Lin Ze, and Lin Ze was indeed almost killed at that time.

If it weren’t for the last defensive shield of plane seeds, Lin Ze is really dead now.

However, even if it were so, Lin Ze was not well.

Plane Seed's defense blocked the full blows of the three devils, but, similarly, the resilience of the full blows of the three devils gave Lin Ze a blow.

At that time, his body was like being hit by a dozens of tons of trucks at full speed. The whole person instantly hit a few tens of meters away, and his body was hit hard. The blood was first spouted out of a fountain.

If it weren’t Lin Ze’s hand that was the sacred medicine for healing, now Lin Ze’s standing up is a problem.

Even so, the meridians in Lin Ze's body are still broken by a third, and his strength is greatly reduced. Looking at Wang Jiao's eyes, he took solemnity for the first time.

Lin Ze first forcibly suppressed the trace of panic in his heart. At this time, the effects of the previous battles were fully reflected at this moment.

Lin Ze can restore absolute calmness in the shortest time. This is a temperament cultivated after several previous battles with countless wild beasts, a willpower that never loses and never bows his head.

He soon calmed down, and after feeling a pain in Dantian, Lin Ze didn't panic, but stretched out his hand.

An invisible spiritual attack appeared instantly, and with a powerful killing opportunity, he killed Wang Jiao on the opposite side.

Lin Ze’s Dantian injury was not bad, and he could no longer use his spiritual power. Fortunately, his knowledge of the sea was still in its heyday. Therefore, at this time, he had to attack Wang Jiao with mental power.

Anyway, after Lin Ze was injured, the main force to deal with Wang Jiao has been replaced by Jiao Long, so he will use mental power to attack Wang Jiao on the side.

As for Lin Ze's doing this, is it a bit invincible?

Haha, don’t forget, Jiaolong was originally Lin Ze’s attacking method. Isn’t it normal for him to use it?

Although Wang Jiao still feels a little afraid that Lin Ze is playing a pig and eating a tiger, but when he thinks of the benefits of swallowing Jiao Dragon and the fighting power before it seems to be really not very powerful, Wang Jiao still decided to fight in his heart. One game, to see if he can win by chance, after all, his strength is not weak.

Therefore, after feeling Lin Ze's mental power attack, Wang Jiao's face showed a sneer, ridiculed and said: "Use mental power to attack? Ha ha, you are really stupid, don't you know what I am not afraid of is Mental attack, if my mental strength is not strong, how can I conquer these three golden pill demons."

"What's more, there is a demon around me, don't you know that the devil is a nemesis like mental attack, hum!"

With a cold snort, Wang Jiao suddenly took a step forward. His right hand was a scratch to his side. He directly grabbed a devil next to him, and thus threw it at Lin Ze's mental attack.

"Woooooooooooooooooo!" The demon head flew excitedly towards Lin Ze's mental power attack, and immediately displayed Lin Ze's invisible mental power attack, as if grabbing the real thing. Grab it, then, grab it like it's stuffed inside the mouth.

"How is this possible!" Seeing his mental power attack, it was like being eaten by the devil, and Lin Ze's face showed a look of surprise.

To be honest, Lin Ze knew long ago that there would definitely be a nemesis for mental power attacks. Otherwise, the strong men in the Golden Age and Yuan infantry period do not need to practice spiritual power. Isn't it necessary to practice all spiritual power.

However, these powerful men are really famous for their powerful fighting power, that is, the fighting power of spiritual power. It can be seen that spiritual power is not as strong as Lin Ze imagined, and she also has a nemesis.

Now, Lin Ze has finally met the nemesis of the mental attack, but he never thought that the nemesis of the mental attack would be like this, not sacred at all, not beautiful at all, and directly a demon.

This fact really hurt Lin Ze, making him have to sigh, things are impermanent!

"I really can't think that the nemesis of the mental attack will be something like the devil. This is really..." Lin Ze was speechless again.

"Master, it is normal if you think about it again. After all, the devil itself is a transformation of the spirit of the god, and the spirit of the soul is actually a combination of spiritual power and soul power. In this way, the devil can devour the spiritual power, which is normal. "Qu Jingwen quickly explained that as an outsider, he soon understood the reasons behind it.

"You're right, it's just the fact that I'm still a little bit hard to accept!" Lin Ze's heart accepted Qu Jingwen's explanation, but his face was still as unacceptable.

"Master, be careful, the devil is coming to you!" At this moment, Qu Jingwen suddenly reminded.

"Oh, this is eating //// Addiction ////!" Seeing the look of the greedy face of the devil flying towards him, Lin Ze's mouth twitched slightly, he could not see it, this devil It's eating // addiction // addiction, but also want to come here to devour some mental power.

"Well, since you can't wait like this, then I will give you a tastier thing to try, I hope you will like it!" Lin Ze looked at the devil that was killing himself with a trace of sarcasm, and then opened it directly A spirit beast bag around me.

"Buzz!" A large piece of Soul Eater appeared in front of Lin Ze. Lin Ze faced the Devil's head all the time. Suddenly, thousands of Soul Eater butterflies turned into a sharp arrow and flew towards the Demon Head quickly.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooisso moremorelouis morelouis aloud the voice of the devil's head this time it's not the excitement but the extreme fear of it.

It itself started to tremble all over the Then, he fled towards the back without looking back, and even the command of Wang Jiao on one side was ignored.

"Come back, you come back to me, come back to me...!" Wang Jiao's throat shouted on one side was hoarse, but the devil, including the other two demon heads that followed him, After seeing the soul eaters, they all fled without looking back. The Wang Jiao who was watching was just speechless.

"There is no barbarian with low strength, and no barbarian that is useless, only the question that you use is not suitable, hehehe..." Looking at just some soul eaters, put one The scene where Jin Danqi’s demon head directly scared away, Lin Ze’s face smiled for the first time.

After learning the composition of the demon, Lin Ze immediately figured out how to deal with the devil's tricks.

Since these demon heads are mutated from the soul, then the biggest nemesis such as the soul-eating butterfly can be dealt with.

Soul Eater likes to eat souls, and can be ignored for all Soul Attacks, and the most powerful of the Devil is actually Soul Attacks, but the little Soul Eater can ignore these Soul Attacks, And, soul is their favorite food.

Therefore, even the devil with Lin Ze’s headache has been solved by a small soul-eating butterfly, and, looking at the few demon heads running away in panic, even Wang Jiao didn’t listen to his orders, Lin Ze does not need to worry about their threats.

This is the so-called nemesis. It does not depend on whether the opponent's strength is very strong. As long as he can restrain the opponent in a certain way, he can defeat the opponent.

Just like current radars and fighters, the combat effectiveness of radars is absolutely inferior to that of fighters. It can be said that even a fraction is not comparable. However, radar is definitely the killer of fighters, the most powerful killer!

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