Alien Lord

Chapter 1889: I'm so fucked!

Seeing the hundreds of murderous flying swords gathered around Lin Ze, Wang Jiao's face flickered a few times, and finally he groaned, saying: "I don't care if you will have a thousand swords, but you You can’t deal with me, unless you hand over Jiaolong, today I will kill you anyway!"

After Lin Ze heard this, he secretly scolded, this guy was clearly a venomous dragon bloodline, but now he threatened himself directly with words, and replaced with a general strong foundation period, maybe he was fooled.

"Oh, if you want my life, you should pass the level of Qianjin Dajin!" Lin Ze said with a sneering expression, and then without any hesitation, he transported Qianjian Dazhen to Wang Jiao. Come and kill.

"Junior, look for death!" Anxious Wang Jiao burst out crying, and the bundle of Xian Suo, which had been suspended in mid-air, once again fell towards Lin Ze.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so much so much a lot of power!" "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so assholes!" "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo prettysssssss A Then Them They Of The chucks were immensely powerful!

Seeing this, Lin Ze flew back, and at the same time directed thousands of sword lights around him to counterattack.

However, Wang Jiao, who was still in awe of the power of Thousand Swords, was unafraid of these sword lights at this moment. He didn’t even use the body shield on his body, but just rushed over. .

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!!"

Countless popping sounds exploded from his body, and those fierce sword lights could not break through his body protection.

Seeing this, Lin Ze was shocked in his heart, and when he looked carefully, he saw that there was already a fine scale armor on the surface of Wang Jiao's body protection.

These scales were golden in color, and they were exactly the same as the scales on the shield.

Obviously, it is not Wang Jiao's body that is powerful, but this layer of scale armor is extremely powerful.

"Master, be careful, those scale armor may be true dragon scales, even if not, it is at least the scale armor of the dragon king of the Yuanying level!" Jiaolong said on the side.

"It turns out that I said that this guy was so bold and directly against the Qianjian!" Lin Ze looked suddenly.

The defense of Dragon Scale Armor is of course very strong, even if Lin Ze has a large array of swords, after all, he is only the strength of the foundation period, and he wants to break the defense of the Dragon King Scale Armor, which is at least the Yuan infant period. Not caught.

The King of Dragons is definitely the most changed state in the Yuan infantry period. Its strength can leapfrog the powerful gods and will not lose.

You said that with such a powerful King of Dragons, Lin Ze can break the defense? !

Wang Jiao only used one arm to block the head and face, and then rushed down in front of Lin Ze, clearly wanting to solve him in the shortest time.

In his view, the reason why Lin Ze can have the courage to play against him as a Golden Power strongman is because of the courage given to him by Qian Jian, and as long as he defeats Lin Ze’s idea, then he can Take Lin Ze easily.

In addition, according to Wang Jiao's own understanding, although the power of this Qianjian Dazheng is very strong, but to really exert this strength, it is impossible to rely on one person alone. The consumption is huge, as long as the other party gives strong pressure to the other party to continue to use the Qianjian Dazhen. Soon, the Qianjian Dazhen will consume all the true energy of this person, and then he can easily take the opponent. .

Therefore, Wang Jiao will choose to resist the power of a thousand swords. He will definitely not give Lin Ze any chance to breathe, in order to kill in one blow.

Lin Ze snorted, moving his feet back and forth, drawing a strange arc on the ground to avoid the other party's attack as much as possible.

Now that the opponent has dragon scales and body protection, although the power of Qianjian Dazheng is powerful, it is not surprising that he cannot stop the opponent.

People themselves are the powerhouses of the Golden Pill Period, and they also have defense scale armor like dragon scale armor, plus Lin Ze alone can't really exert the real power of the thousand swords. The huge gap really made Lin Ze feel a little tricky, so now it is still a bit back, let Jiao Long deal with this guy first.

Seeing Lin Ze taking the initiative to retreat, Wang Jiao's eyes suddenly glared, then, a strange power spattered out of his eyes.

Lin Ze's eyes were matched with each other. There was an excitement in his mind. Not only did his thoughts pause, but even his body seemed to be locked in by some kind of power and could not move.

In the brain domain, Lin Ze’s incomparable mental powers in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be stimulated, and began to turn violently. All the mental powers in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to sense this huge crisis. All the power has been released.

The endless power of consciousness shone the entire sea of ​​knowledge, and immediately dispelled the strange powers that had just invaded, and the power of the counterattack that followed was unkindly swallowed up in all, never again. Leave nothing.

Seriously, Wang Jiao was overjoyed when he just saw Lin Ze's eyes dull and his movements stopped abruptly.

Just now he used mental power attack. When he reached this level, mental power attack was already a killer skill. Of course, with his mental strength, it can only be used at the most critical time.

Before Lin Ze swept away like a loach again and again, then Wang Jiao was thinking of using mental power to attack. No, this time, after approaching enough distance, he immediately used mental power to attack, preparing Come kill with one blow.

Although such a killer skill is applicable to a warrior in the foundation period, it is a bit wasteful, but since this person is concerned with such a big thing as Jiaolong, controlling him is equivalent to controlling Jiaolong, then all his consumption It's worth it.

However, just when he was so surprised, thinking that he could take down the small print that caused him a headache, suddenly, his head was a pain, and the mental power he had previously exhibited was attacked by a stronger spirit. The force attack was shattered, and at the same time, a powerful mental force attack followed the route of the mental force attack previously performed and directly invaded into his sea of ​​knowledge.

"Boom!" Innumerable red lightning flashed in Wang Jiao's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Ah!" Wang Jiao screamed, his eyes were red, and his temple was beating like a heart beating on the temple.

"Good opportunity!!" Lin Ze's eyes lit up and attacked Wang Jiao directly with Jiao Long around him.

"Come out for me!" Just when Lin Ze's attack was coming on Wang Jiao, suddenly, Wang Jiao yelled, and then "boomed", three dark shadows appeared in front of him. As soon as the three shadows appeared, Lin Ze's head was numb for a while. He knew that it was wrong, and he quickly stepped back.

It's just that it's too late at this time. The three black shadows follow the shadows tightly against Lin Ze's back, and six black paws grow rapidly, pulling directly towards Lin Ze's back heart.

"Bang Bang Bang!!" All six black claws caught Lin Ze's back.

"Well, hum!!" Lin Ze groaned in his mouth. The whole person flew towards the front like a dropped kite. There were obvious bloodstains at the corners of his mouth, and his face was pale for a while.

"Oh!!" Just at this time, Jiaolong rushed to Lin Ze's side, and with a roar of dragon, the powerful sonic power directly knocked back the three shadows who wanted to chase after victory.

Huh, huh, huh! !

It wasn't until this time that Lin Ze was able to stabilize himself, but the innermost breath became extremely rapid.

"What attacked me, Qu Jingwen, did you see it?" Lin Ze asked, panting.

"Master, it's the devil, the devil of the three-headed golden pill stage!" Qu Jingwen answered quickly.

"His!" Hearing this answer, Lin Ze took a breath in the back. He couldn't think of it. There were three demon heads of Jindan period beside Wang Jiao.

The demon head is a magical path made by the spirit of the Jindan strong. Because of the immortal nature of the demon head, their power is extremely powerful. The ordinary warrior is absolutely dead to them.

Wang Jiao is now glaring his eyes, with a ghost expression on his face, and looking at Lin Zedao with exclamation: "How is it possible, how could you not be killed?"

That was the three-headed devil, the three-headed devil in the Golden Pill Period. When he wanted to come and kill Lin Ze in the foundation period, that was 100%.

If before seeing the Jiaolong, Wang Jiao wouldn't kill Lin Ze, lest he could not find the Wanmo killing order, but after seeing the Jiaolong, whether Lin Ze was actually not important.

Wang Jiao never gave up his death hand just because he wanted to persuade Lin Ze to let him give Jiao Long to him, so that he could spend less effort on But now it seems that this matter is obviously impossible In addition, Lin Ze’s attack power is not low, and the strength of the consciousness even exceeds him. After feeling the danger, Wang Jiao directly died.

During the foundation period, he was able to conquer a dragon and have a stronger sense than him. Obviously, Lin Ze’s identity is not ordinary. His background is definitely very strong. If Lin Ze escapes, his end is possible. Imagined.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the troubles, Wang Jiao used his most powerful killer, the three golden devil heads.

The three demon heads of the Golden Pill Period were still a sudden attack, and the distance can be said to be very close. The sneak attack under this distance, Wang Jiao's self-lining is an inescapable way of death, so, in his Lin Ze was already a dead man in his heart.

However, the final result made him dumbfounded again.

The sneak attacks of the three Golden Pill Devil Heads hit Lin Ze, but they not only failed to kill Lin Ze, they were even unable to do serious damage, they just let Lin Ze spit some blood.

At this moment, Wang Jiao was forced!

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