Alien Lord

Chapter 1854: Misunderstanding of heartbeat

"Far beetle, you come and explain the matter inside with them." Lin Ze said with a black face.

"Yes, Master!" Soon, Qiu Zong and Mao Qian explained to them what he had just said to Lin Ze.

"Fuck! There is such a thing!"

"M's, if we knew it, our eight brothers would not be so polite with those guys." Mao Xun, the most grumpy, said angrily.

"It really didn't happen to think that there would be such a reason." Qu Jingwen in the world of Plane Seed World said they were surprised. They did not expect that there would be such a reason.

"Ah, it's said that it's very dark in the cultivation world. I didn't agree with it before. Now..., alas..." It was Han Dong who was talking about it. In the study of the law, there are fewer dark insights in the cultivation world than in Qu Jingwen.

"I feel that my actions have been black before. I can't think that these guys are hundreds of times blacker than me!" Xin Xue said shamelessly. He was born in the dark, and he didn't even think of it. Something like this happened.

"Alas..." Lin Ze sighed deeply, finally knowing why he hadn't seen the shadows of the sect gates in Wanmo City before.

It is not that there is no news in Wanmo City that he got the Wanmo Slave Order, nor that they did not pay attention to the Wanmo Slave Order, nor that they did not find the specific position of Lin Ze, but that they had a darker calculation.

"Wan Mozhu killing order, hehe, what a Wanmo Zhu killing order!" Just by the words of Qiu Zong, Lin Ze was already completely guessing why this thing was called Wan Mozhu killing order.

"It seems that the name of this Ten Thousand Devil Killing Order is not only because it was refined by Ten Thousand Devil Patriarchs, but also because it was actually made in Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, but it is to really inspire Thousand Demon The power of the magic order requires the sacrifice of the tens of thousands!" Lin Ze said with a sigh in his mouth, and his heart was also very shocked by the thoughts of Wan Mo.

This is 10,000 congenital strongmen, so he directly sacrificed this mortal killing order, in order to get all the power of this 10,000 strongmen, when thinking of this, Lin Ze was upright with cold hair, and thus also Thoroughly realize that what is the real devil and what is the real lack of humanity!

"Master, in fact, the order of killing ten thousand demons is not so simple." Qu Jingwen also frowned at this time.

"Oh, what else is inside?" Lin Ze almost exclaimed when he heard this. He didn't think there would be other things hidden inside.

"Master, if you think about it, the blood sacrifice of a very few warriors alone can promote this warrior to the Golden Pill Period, or even the Infant Period. If all the blood sacrifices are really completed, the realm that can be reached is not ........."

Qu Jingwen didn't go on with the next words because he was shocked by his own guess.

The infant period was already the most powerful existence that Qu Jingwen could think of. Now the power is even more powerful. Even Qu Jingwen can hardly imagine this matter.

"His...!" The scene immediately sounded a breath of cold breath.

No one here is a fool, and the meaning in Qu Jing's Mandarin would not be understood.

"Master, it seems that we have to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be really dangerous." Xin Xue said to Lin Ze with a serious face.

If it is only related to the Jindan period, Lin Ze’s current strength is really nothing, but once it involves the Yuan infantry period, or even a higher level of strength, Lin Ze’s current strength is not enough. Therefore, for the sake of safety, Lin Ze is better to leave here as soon as possible, or even leave Wanmo Mountain directly, so as to ensure his safety.

"Well, this is indeed the truth, master, we can no longer continue to delay here." Qu Jingwen also agreed.

"Okay, since this is the case, then we shouldn't be too late. Let's leave here now." Lin Ze was not a dissident. After realizing the danger, he didn't hesitate anymore and was ready to leave here immediately.

"Master, what about those people?" The smiling face looked at the people on the top of the mountain. These people were a big trouble.

If you want to clean them up, Lin Ze will have to spend a considerable amount of time. However, if you don’t clean up them, they will be covered in a long distance, which is also extremely troublesome.

"These people are really a hindrance." Lin Ze was also impatient at this time. Indeed, if they did not clean up these guys, even if Lin Ze left, they would still follow them from a distance.

"Regardless of them, we will leave here now." Lin Ze thought for a moment, and then he was still not prepared to continue to delay here.

The things involved in the Wan Mo Zhu killing order are really getting bigger and bigger. God knows how many strong men are on their way to here, so Lin Ze can't afford to delay it for a moment.

"Han Dong, arrange a maze to block these people first." Lin Ze ordered directly.

"Yes, master!"

Soon, Han Dong took a dozen masters who were also on the formation and started to set up with some flag arrays around.

"Hoo!" With a light breeze, a thick fog appeared around Lin Ze's group, and soon Lin Ze's group was enveloped. In a blink of an eye, they lost their tracks.

"No, those people want to run away!" At this time, where would these people not know Lin Ze they wanted to run away?

"Let's chase!" Those people on the top of the mountain rushed into the mist without thinking.

"Ahhhh!!!" Suddenly, a scream rang out in the mist, and then, dozens of martial artists who were in awkward, **** mouths rushed out from the inside with a look of fear on their faces.

Seeing the appearance of these people, all the martial arts forwards stopped immediately and dared not move forward.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, what's going on inside?" Soon, a large number of warriors came around and asked anxiously.

"There is a trap inside, a trap designed to ambush us!" said one of the warriors who was relatively lightly injured, with a trace of terror in his eyes.

"Trap?! It's really insidious!"

"Yeah, it's really insidious, but in less than a dozen breaths, it swallowed thirty or so fellows. That guy is really insidious!"

There were actually fifty or sixty people who rushed into the mist first, but less than thirty people returned in the end, and there was no fighting sound anymore. It can be seen that most of the people were already trapped inside. And nine layers and nine are already killed.

In the face of such a cruel result, among the warriors in the back, there were still many people who worried that Lin Ze had escaped, but if he really wanted him to go inside the mist to track him, he would not dare.

"There are so many of them, they will certainly leave countless trails, and then there are ways to track their trails, and wait until the mist here dissipates!" For a time, similar ideas kept rising in the minds of these warriors.

Among them, there are some people with a confident and mysterious smile in their mouths. Obviously, they have another way to find Lin Ze, but what is the specific way, hehe...

"Oh, these guys really don't dare to come in again. The master's carbine is really amazing!" The smiling face and his party looked at the guys outside the maze who didn't dare to come in. Their faces were full of right. Their contempt.

"Okay, let's get advanced first, we have to leave here as soon as possible." Lin Ze said with a smile, and then they put the smiling face demons into the plane seed world, and the three who had just been packed were also included. A dozen warriors.

Before Lin Ze asked Han Dong to arrange the puzzles and directly inspire, he didn't leave immediately, but went ahead and got rich, preparing to give those people a hard lesson.

Sure enough, Lin Ze's carbine was extremely effective, and he immediately took over 30 people, and later scared the people behind, and dared not enter this maze. In this way, Lin Ze can leave here with peace of mind .

"I thought there were dark sons in the Wandu Cave, and we would be able to find our trail. Oh, I really thought it was too simple!" Lin Ze sneered at the abnormally confident guy outside the mist, he was looking forward to it, After they did not find the mark left by Asko, could the confidence in their faces be maintained.

Yes, there are secret sons of these people in Wandu Cave, and there are even secret sons of other sects, but these secret sons are no longer their secret sons after being planted with puppet marks.

Of course, there is no waste to Lin Ze, these dark sons. He plans to release some killer bees when he escapes later, and then, according to the marks of these dark sons, leave marks in other places, so that the trackers can directly chase the wrong direction.

Even Lin Ze was prepared to lead some of them, especially those of the sect, directly into the powerful barbarian's nest, and let them taste his power.

"Hey, I hope you will like the surprises I left for you!" With a slight smile, Lin Ze lucked out the escape technique and quickly left in the direction of Gu Xiyao.

At the same time, hundreds of killer bees divided into several directions, flying out quietly.........

The development of things is similar to what Lin Ze envisioned.

It is said that after two days, several large-scale battles took place at a distance of five hundred miles from where it was located, and some of the strong people of the Golden Dan period appeared.

To this end, a large number of people were injured and injured, and even two Jindan strong men fell.

As for why this war was caused, it is said that there was a conflict with some powerful beasts. The top gates such as the Nether Gate and the Alchemist Gate in the Demon City all sent powerful forces to break into some Inside the old nest of the powerful barbarian group, and there is no room for negotiation, just go to war directly.

In this war, the dark ground, a large number of warriors, and countless wild beasts died because of it. After that, there were more than a dozen Golden Powers and nine wild beasts. .

The next is a big battle, and finally, it ends with the death of two Jindan strong men and the death of 100,000 wild beasts.

In the end, it is said that it was said that in this battle, both sides were actually counted. Some people hid an extremely precious treasure in the barbarian herd, just to fight for such treasure, it would cause this battle.

It is even said that in the end, none of these treasures were obtained, it seems to be a fake.......

These rumors spread throughout the Wanmo Mountain in a short time, and then spread to the 100,000 mountains. It is the most shocking news in the past few decades.

The top ancestors that originally dominated the Wanmo City, because the power in the sect was greatly reduced, so they were directly killed by the other sects who had long been peeping into the Wanmo City. And, the greatest achievement in the Hades is the Qu Yuan group.

In this way, Lin Ze deeply planted nails in the Demon City, and to a certain extent, the Devil City was controlled by Lin Ze.

Of course, this is all afterwords, and now Lin Ze is still running away.

With the help of hermitage and the murderous bees pretending to be the chasers behind him, this time Lin Ze returned to the cave house where Gu Xiyao was.

After communicating with the killer bee and the five monster warriors he arranged here, Lin Ze felt at ease. Before that, some people did find this place, but under the attack of the five monster warriors, These people were either killed or captured alive. It can be said that it was a shock.

"It doesn't seem safe here anymore!" Lin Ze murmured to himself.

Since someone will find it before, someone will definitely come here in the future, so Lin Ze had to leave Gu Xiyao as soon as possible.

"Lixuan, are you back?" There was a familiar voice from Then, a very reassuring figure for Lin Ze appeared at the door of Dongfu.

"This is what it feels like to be home!" At this moment, Lin Ze's nervous heart relaxed and felt like his wife was welcoming her husband home. The whole heart was warm.

"Well, I'm back!" Lin Ze replied with a smile like a husband, and then took Gu Xiyao's hand directly and went into Dongfu.

"........." The warmth in his hands and Lin Ze's gentle smile directly made Gu Xiyao's face blush.

In addition, as soon as Lin Ze came in, she took her to the direction of the bedroom. It was late at night, and Gu Xiyao's heartbeat was directly accelerated more than ten times, beating like an engine.

"If Li Xuan made the request later, what should I do?" Gu Xiyao buzzed in his head.

"Am I refusing, or..." There was a mess in her mind, and she didn't know what to do.

Then, she was led by Lin Ze into the bedroom.

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