Alien Lord

Chapter 1855: 1 promise

"What should I do, what should I do now, he went directly to the bedroom in Lixuan, would he want to... If Lixuan really asked me that request afterwards, what should I do? "Gu Xiyao's brain was buzzing straight, and the sound of his heart beating was comparable to drumming.

"Should I refuse then, or..." Her mind is now cluttered, and she has no idea what to do next.

After all, this is the first time she has experienced such a thing, and no one has ever told her how to do it.

So, soon, Gu Xiyao was a bit stunned, and then she was led by Lin Ze into the bedroom.

Looking at the humble bedroom, the back that made her feel extremely at ease, and the warm feeling in her hand, Gu Xiyao's heartbeat returned to calm, she took a deep breath, a flash of firmness flashed in her eyes, she was ready Up...

"Xiyao, hurry up and clean up the things here, we have to leave here as soon as possible!" Lin Ze said as he packed up what Gu Xiyao put in the bedroom without looking back.

"..." Gu Xiyao froze for a moment, and then there was a trace of shame in his eyes, and then his face turned red and red, and the fingers of his hands were directly stirred together, a little overwhelmed. , The heart is full of shyness.

"I misunderstood Lixuan, I misunderstood Lixuan, I thought he wanted..., alas, ashamed!" Gu Xiyao bowed his head in shame, completely an eighteen-year-old woman For the first time, the child encounters a heart object and does not know what to do.

"Xiyao, what's the matter with you?" Lin Ze, who hadn't received a response for a long time, turned around, and then saw Gu Xiyao's blushing face directly. He didn't know the details. He thought Gu Xiyao had a fever. What.

"No fever, why is your face so red!" Lin Ze touched Gu Xiyao's forehead, feeling that there was no abnormal temperature, and then said to himself.

"Humph, a fool!" Gu Xiyao opened Lin Ze's hand directly with his right hand. Then, he pushed Lin Ze out of the bedroom and started to pick up the contents.

This is the bedroom of her daughter's house, and some of these things cannot be shown to Lin Ze, even Gu Xiyao's heart is no exception.

"........." Lin Ze's mind was full of question marks, I didn't know what happened to Gu Xiyao.

"Ah, the master is really a novice!" Qu Jingwen sighed in the plane seed world.

"Well, we didn't think our master was so immature in this respect, huh, huh, but it's really nice to have such a master!" Qiu Chong, who just joined, also said with a smile.

Then, these people did not say anything to Lin Ze, just watched their good show.

"Huh, you guys, actually want to watch my good show, have a dream!" Fortunately, Lin Ze's response was quick, he immediately closed the channel of the plane seed world and the outside world, and cut off their sight, Qu Jingwen, This is a relief.

"It's really a mistake to be seen by these boys before me!" Lin Ze sighed as he shook his head.

"Well, before Xi Yao misunderstood what I want..." Lin Ze, who was reminded by Qu Jingwen's words, reacted instantly.

Reminiscing about the scene when I just entered this cave house, I dragged Gu Xiyao into the bedroom with an eager look, and Lin Ze's face also became rosy.

"It's no wonder that Yao's face was so red before, the original reason is here!" Lin Ze suddenly realized, and then he gave himself a big ear scraper directly: "Let you react so slowly, such a good opportunity will be you I missed it, you were joked by Qu Jingwen, that deserves it!"

Lin Ze regretted for a while, if he knew that Gu Xiyao was blushing for that matter, then he did the wrong thing and went on.

At that time Gu Xiyao blushed with shame, but still followed his own way, if he continued, it would be 100%.

It's a pity that he didn't know what was happening at that time. His brain rusted at once and didn't react, so he missed this best opportunity.

"Ah, I'm such a fool, I'm such a fool!" Lin Ze said in his mouth, and gently gave himself a few ear scrapers with his right hand.

Only this time, Lin Ze just hit one, and the bedroom door that had been closed was opened.

"Li Xuan, what are you doing?" Gu Xiyao asked with a hint of shame on his face, his eyes slowly naughty.

"Cough cough cough......" Lin Ze caught off guard by coughing up, and then quickly explained: "Isn't this a mosquito, I am playing mosquitoes!"

Lin Ze completely ignored the cold and frosty weather outside, and explained randomly that he was hitting mosquitoes.

"Poof!" Gu Xiyao laughed directly, which made Lin Ze's face even more embarrassed.

"Oh, Xi Yao, you know, this, this..." Lin Ze looked at Gu Xiyao, and an embarrassed look appeared on his face.

"Li Xuan, you!" Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze strangely, then stepped forward to touch Lin Ze's face and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Hey, no pain, Xiyao, you are my rescue angel. As long as you are there, no pain can find me." Lin Ze was awake at this time, very sweet between words.

"Hee hee... Lixuan, then I will give you a few more touches." Gu Xiyao is also very naughty. She first helped Lin Ze touch her face a few times, but she enjoyed it in Lin Ze's face. When she closed her eyes, her eyes rolled, her teeth bit, and then her right hand squeezed Lin Ze's face hard.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, Xi Yao, it hurts!" Lin Ze screamed directly, but did not break away, so Gu Xiyao squeezed his face in pain, and his eyes were pitiful. Looked at Gu Xiyao, gaining her sympathy.

"Well, it's no use making a pitiful look. I'm really angry today!" Gu Xiyao said with an angry look on his face, and the strength in his hand was strengthened a bit.

"It hurts!" Lin Ze's mouth was left with only the word: "Xiyao, you explain why you are angry, let me know the reason inside. You must know the reason for the sentence in the Yamen?"

Lin Ze said bitterly, he really didn't know where he was causing Gu Xiyao to get angry. During this time, he didn't seem to make Gu Xiyao angry. Is she still angry about what she just did?

Lin Ze couldn't help but think of the matter just now. After thinking of this, he quickly apologized: "Xiyao, the thing just happened was that I was wrong. I shouldn't do that. I apologize, OK?"

"Not just the thing, but since you mentioned the thing just now, then I won't spare you any more!" Lin Ze's words made Gu Xiyao's face even more ruddy. Obviously, from Lin Ze In the words just now, she could hear that Lin Ze had already guessed what she had just thought about.

The thought of Lin Ze thought of this, Gu Xiyao's heart was even more mad, but no, the strength of his right hand increased again.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts..., Xi Yao, my face is really going to fall, it's really going to fall!" Lin Ze shouted in pain, and then asked himself, "Xiyao, that What made you angry, I really don’t know where I made you angry."

"You don't know?! Huh, you don't care about my house at all, I'm even more angry!" Lin Ze didn't ask. Fortunately, Gu Xiyao was even more annoyed when asked, and you don't know how to do it now Isn't it annoying me to be angry? Well, I'll make you feel more painful. I can remember why I was angry.

"Oh, I understand, I understand, Xi Yao, if I go out in the future, I will definitely take you out with me, I promise!" Lin Ze seemed to have reacted and quickly promised.

"It's not this!" Although Lin Ze's guess was still wrong, Gu Xiyao's strength was somewhat reduced, and she was also distressed by Lin Ze.

"What exactly is that, I really can't think of it, Xi Yao, you can say it directly, let me know it!" Lin Ze said with a frustrated face, I didn't resist, and what you want, just what you want The look of Gu Xiyao was laughing again.

"I was fortunate enough to have the bedroom set up twice, but you gave up so quickly, and I didn't even have a good word. Of course I was angry!" Gu Xiyao said as a matter of course, Lin Ze was completely speechless. Too.

He couldn't think of anything. Gu Xiyao would be angry because of this matter. Seriously, this reason really hurt Lin Ze.

However, he also knew that it was unreasonable to reason with a woman, and because his face was still in Gu Xiyao’s hands, he didn’t dare to make her angry again, so Lin Ze immediately apologized: “Xiyao, yes I'm not right. After I go back, I want to decorate my room as much as I want."

Lin Ze looked at Gu Xiyao with a pleased look, but he was still worried.

"Huh, that's what you said!" Gu Xiyao's eyes lit up after listening, and the strength in his hand was much smaller again.

In fact, Gu Xiyao would be angry for these little things because she really dressed up these temporary cave houses as her and Lin Ze’s home, but Lin Ze was quickly abandoned every time. He did not praise Gu Xiyao, so Gu Xiyao was angry.

In addition, after leaving Wanmo Mountain, Lin Ze will soon return to Huangsha Town, and soon call for a wedding, so the closer to Huangsha Town, the more uncomfortable and more distressed Gu Guyao's heart is. Looking for Lin Ze's trouble, no, this time Gu Xiyao made an excuse and gave Lin Ze a good look.

However, with Lin Ze's promise now, Gu Xiyao felt at ease.

Lin Ze was able to say let her decorate his room. Obviously, he always took her in his heart. This sentence is better than any apology. It should satisfy Gu Xiyao, so the anger in her heart disappeared. Too.

"Relax, Xiyao, after I go back, I will tell my parents that I will welcome you to get started!" At this time, Lin Ze was not crying with pain, but looked at Gu Xiyao with a warm face and said solemnly Out of this sentence.

In fact, Lin Ze is very aware of Gu Xiyao's current mood. Since betraying Xuanyin's Demon Road, Gu Xiyao is like a rootless duckweed, and has no idea where to go.

Even if he promised to take her home and promised to give her a home, Gu Xiyao still didn't have much confidence, because, like marriage, Lin Ze had never told her before.

However, now it’s okay. After Lin Ze promised her to go back, she will marry her and get started. For a time, Gu Xiyao filled her heart with surprise, and she looked at Lin Ze with tears in her eyes. The most beautiful smile of her age.

"Li Xuan, I'm sorry!" Gu Xiyao plunged directly into Lin Ze's arms, and then the tears finally fell.

"Xiyao, I understand, I understand!" Lin Ze didn't say much, directly kept Gu Xiyao tight, and then comforted her.

Lin Ze was very aware of Gu Xiyao's mood. When he was in China before, his parents died in an airplane accident, and his most beloved grandparents passed away. During these two periods, he also spent quite a period of time. The rootless life of that kind of taste is really uncomfortable.

"Lixuan, it's so nice to have you there, so good!" Slowly, Gu Xiyao's voice became softer and lighter. Lin Ze looked down, and Gu Xiyao, who was completely relaxed, was asleep in his arms. In this regard, Lin Ze also showed a sweet smile on her face, a princess hugged, directly picked up Gu Xiyao, and left the cave.........


At this One of the teahouses within the Wanmo City looks very ordinary, but if you look closely, you will find that it is extremely unusual, an old man in his sixties, Push the door and walk in.

This man is tall and thin, and looks like 1.50 meters long. He is wearing a blue gingham robe, three inches above the robe, embroidered with six blue green plums, a red dot at the heart of the flower, and a blue petal on the side. Against the background, it looks bright and unusual.

This spring's green plum was originally a kind of elegant thing among literati. If it is white and blue, it is normal, but now there are blood red spots in the center of the flower, it looks a little uncomfortable. Feeling.

It felt like blood, and this bright red immediately changed the overall feeling of the plum blossom, which immediately changed from elegant to sensational and strange.

There are a lot of cultivators in the inn, the moment when the old man in Tsing Yi entered, the conversation disappeared for a moment, and then dozens of eyes turned around the old man in Tsing Yi for a few times. Afterwards, it seemed that there was nothing wrong. After that, they all quickly looked back.

After that, the conversation in the teahouse rang again.

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