Alien Lord

Chapter 1853: The Way of Jianxiu (2)

The practice of sword cultivation is indeed extremely difficult, but this is only for ordinary people. For Lin Ze, it is not very difficult to practice.

In the final analysis, the way of sword cultivation is to create a body of sword cultivation, which is not a matter for Lin Ze with plane seeds.

The Plane Seed contains all powers, such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and other attributes. It also has the power of sword repair.

Therefore, if Lin Ze wants to practice kendo, he does not need the pain and torture of transforming the body of sword cultivation in the first place. As long as he has an idea, the plane seed will turn Lin Ze's body into the body of sword cultivation.

This is the same as Lin Ze’s cheats for practicing Xuanyin’s Master. The true qi that Lin Ze practiced before was not Xuanyin’s true qi, but another attribute’s true qi. However, the Plane Seed was quickly adopted by Lin. All of Ze's true qi was transformed into Xuanyin's true qi, which finally made Lin Ze truly inherit Xuanyin's master.

Now practicing kendo is almost the same way.

However, there are no cheats for advanced sword cultivation in Lin Ze’s hands, so Lin Ze can only temporarily put aside the matter of practicing sword cultivation, and wait until there are cheats for advanced sword cultivation in the future.

The power of sword repair is amazing, Lin Ze will not miss it.

Why do so many people fail to practice sword cultivation?

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, they can not persevere.

For ten years and one day, every day has to endure the pain of one hour and one hour. Such pain, really not many people can persevere.

Perhaps in the first few days, or within a few months, many people can barely persevere, but as the strength of the sword energy they experience later becomes stronger and stronger, the pain like Lingchi is also getting stronger and stronger, many When people reach this stage, they just give up, they can't persevere.

However, this did not exist for Lin Ze's men.

As long as Lin Ze ordered, these people would definitely persevere for ten years, even if they suffered too much, they would persevere.

Therefore, under Lin Ze's men, there is no such problem as persistence.

In addition, there are actually some people who insist on persevering in ordinary people, but the more pain they get in the end, the more and more pain directly destroys this person’s consciousness.

And such a thing will not happen to Lin Ze's men.

Don’t forget, Lin Ze planted a puppet mark in the sea of ​​knowledge under these men. Once this person’s sea knowledge is in danger of collapsing, Lin Ze’s puppet mark will immediately be felt and will be reported to Lin Ze immediately. .

Knowing this matter, Lin Ze can quickly save this man who is about to collapse.

Lin Zeduo, the spirit creature that treats the damage of consciousness like Ghost Face Fruit, is to give this man at most a sublime pill made of Eternal Ghost Face Fruit. I believe this problem can be solved.

As for the final high-quality flying sword, hehe, after Lin Ze got the Qianjian of Qianjianmen, he had ordered his refining masters to start making high-quality flying swords.

I believe that Linze will have enough high-quality flying swords in a short time.

Lin Ze can solve all the problems of Jianxiu Dao. Isn't it a waste to say that he did not set up a construction team? !

Qiu insect's strength soon fell to the middle of the foundation, and the greatly weakened Qiu insect stumbled, almost fell directly.

Regardless, Qiu Chong did not stop it, but fell to the ground directly on the ground and surrendered to Lin Ze, surrendered: "The Qiu Chong under the door, welcome Master Zhang!"

"Fuck, it's definitely a bullshit!" Seeing Qiu Chong's approach, the smiling face on the side scolded the shame's shamelessness, but then he himself came to Lin Ze as quickly as before, with a serious expression. Kneel on the ground and respectfully said: "Congratulations, Master, you have become the master of Wandu Cave, and long live the master!"

Not only the smiling face demon, but also very open, the eight brothers of the Mao family also knelt down to congratulate Lin Ze, Qu Jingwen they also knelt down to congratulate Lin Ze in the plane seed world.

At this time, the elders of the surviving Wandu Cave first looked at each other, but they also knelt on the ground when they saw their most powerful palm master, and thought of the powerful and powerful mind attack before, these People immediately put away the weapons in their hands, and their faces were embarrassed. After a little silence, they knelt down and saluted the direction of Lin Ze, one by one, the meaning was self-evident.

As for the dozens of disciples who belonged to the Wandu Cave, seeing the elders and the head teacher kneel down to see the new head teacher, and all of them were excited for a while, all of them knelt down quickly and looked respectfully Lin Ze, bow to the new head teacher.

These disciples are only ordinary in strength, and even the strongest leaders and elders have surrendered. With Lin Ze's strong strength, it is strange that they do not surrender.

Even, the disciples of these Wandu Caves are actually full of joy.

After all, with such a powerful adult in charge, their future will be brighter in the future, and their hearts are looking forward to it.

Seeing all the people in the Wandu Cave so quickly kneel down on the ground and bow to his new head teacher, in fact, Lin Ze’s heart did not have much joy, but there was a deep sense of helplessness, feeling that the cultivation world was really Is too cruel, too realistic.

There is no right or wrong in the world in the cultivation world. Some are just weak flesh and strong food. In order to survive in this world, only the roots that threaten themselves are interrupted, or directly surrendered to this strong man.

Lin Ze could imagine that if he was replaced by another strong man, the people of these poisonous caves would also kneel to the ground and greet the new palm.

What they submit to is not their own person, but their own strength.

However, these thoughts Lin Ze just thought about in his mind. Soon, he left these unnecessary thoughts behind.

The weak surrender to the strong, which was originally the iron law of nature. Since this is the case, Lin Ze is also dissatisfied.

Besides, the words of Wandu Cave surrendered to him reduced his countless troubles.

Lin Ze can be sure that if he had let these people out of Wandu Caves very much this time, and let them go away, I believe that it wouldn’t take long for him to wait for him, and the endlessness of Wandu Caves and other sect Endless counterattack.

Maybe Qiu Chong won't greet Linze's death order, but the other people in Wandu Cave certainly don't think so. Therefore, Lin Ze really wants to let them go.

On the contrary, if Lin Ze accepted them, it would not only wipe out this future danger, but also use Ten Thousand Caves to deter others and add some powerful men to him.

Lin Ze will miss such a good thing with three actions.

If you want to protect yourself in this world of weak meat and strong food, then let everyone know that you are a person who cannot be provoked. Once provoked, the consequences will be very serious.

"Qiu Chong, please get up!" Lin Ze said to Qiu Chong with a smiling face.

"Xie Zhang teaches Master!" Qiu Chong shouted with joy, and then stood up carefully, wanting to stand beside Lin Ze.

However, before he really got close to Lin Ze, the smiling face demon stopped him with a cold face, making his face look a little sad.

Now that he has just surrendered, Lin Ze does not believe him, it is normal.

"Qiu Chong, I have to say something in front." Lin Ze looked at Qiu Chong and said.

"Teach Master, you said yes." Qiu Chong replied respectfully. He already had some speculations about what Lin Ze wanted to say next.

"Okay, what was your status with me before? I believe you also understand it. Therefore, I have to plant some prohibitions on you to avoid anything that everyone is not happy about." Lin Ze explained directly. .

This is the best chance for the puppets to plant puppet imprints. If you miss this opportunity, if you want to plant puppet imprints later, it will be several times harder.

"The disciple understands, what you say is what the master teaches." Qiu Chong replied in a big way, but there was still a wry smile on his face.

For Lin Ze's request, he had expected it before, but after the real arrival, he still felt bitter in his heart.

Once Lin Ze planted the ban, he could not escape Lin Ze's grasp, but this is better than being killed by Lin Ze, or becoming a sacrifice for those ancestral sacrifice orders A lot, so the worms quickly accepted.

"Okay, since you don't have any opinions, then we will fight the iron early. These are my prohibitions. You can be happy and know the sea. I will plant the prohibitions for you." Lin Ze took out hundreds of them into prohibitions. The mark of the puppet, while directly opening the inside of the sea of ​​knowledge, the power of the Jindan period of power, suddenly, a powerful force that destroyed the world, instantly enveloped Qiu Chong and his party.

Until this time, Qiu Chong's heart was only a moment of happiness, and there was also a rise of joy, because, before he had chosen correctly, the new head coach in front of him was actually a strong power in the Jindan period.

The worms who have personally experienced the power of the pseudo-Golden Period, are extremely sensitive to the breath of the Jindan Period. He can be 100% certain that the strength of the consciousness that Lin Ze now exudes is definitely the Jindan Period.

"I said why did the smiling face demon and the eight Mao brothers surrender so readily, the original reason is here, in the face of the Golden Power, they really have little ability to resist, this time I bet It's really right."

There was a burst of ecstasy in Qiu Chong's heart, and then, first of all, he took the initiative to take a ban from Lin Ze's hand, let go of everything without any resistance, and let the ban enter his sea of ​​knowledge.

Just six or seven seconds, Qiu Zong opened his eyes. At this time, he looked into Lin Ze's eyes, only full surrender.

"You also come up to plant these prohibitions!" Qiu Chong turned directly to the elders and disciples who had been crushed to the ground in other Wandu Caves.

After planting the puppet mark, Lin Ze wanted to do something, and through the puppet mark, he could clarify with the insect.

Compared with Lin Ze, Qiu Chong, the old palm master, is more acceptable to the doormen of Wandu Cave, so it is much better to let him fully understand the effects of these people than to Lin Ze.

Sure enough, with Qiu Chong's persuasion, coupled with Lin Ze's incomparably powerful Jindan period consciousness, who originally belonged to the doormen of Wandu Cave, one after another took the initiative to take a ban from Lin Ze's hand. , And then actively integrate into it.

It’s not that no one wants to pretend, but where they escaped Lin Ze’s eyes, they immediately recognized these people, and then it was simple. These people were directly clicked on the acupuncture point, put it aside first, and then forced to plant Under the puppet mark.

This process lasted for a whole period of incense sticks. During this period of incense sticks, the large number of other practitioners on the top of the mountain did not dare to come forward to disturb Lin Ze.

Lin Ze's consciousness before showing was too strong, so powerful that these people did not dare to move at all, fearing that Lin Ze might have been accidentally provoked, and by then, they would really be in a dilemma.

However, the greed for the Ten Thousand Demon Killing Order made them reluctant to leave like this, so such a picture appeared.

Hundreds of strong men stared at Lin Ze and his party from one side, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes, but, on the other side, all of them were full of spiritual power, and they looked ready to escape at any time. .

It was really funny to see this scene.

After everything was over, Qiu Chong walked towards Lin Ze again. This time the smiling face was no longer blocked. After all, Qiu Chong is now his own.

"Master, I have an important news to report here." Qiu Chong came to Lin Ze's side and whispered.

The Wan Mo Zhuan killing order, and the calculations of the sect gates in the Wan Mo City, Qiu Chong must report to Lin Ze, otherwise, a bad one, Lin Ze will be, what's the matter? "Lin Ze saw from Qiu Chong's face that he was talking about something very important, so he didn't hesitate to let Qiu Chong report it directly."

"Master, I found..." Then Qiu Zong put out what he thought to Lin Ze tray.

At the beginning, the expression on Lin Ze's face was still very plain, but as Qiugong said more and more, his face began to change.

At the end, Lin Ze's face was black.

"Boom!" Lin Ze slammed directly on the ground, and a hole that was more than two meters wide and seven to eighty centimeters deep appeared in the ground instantly.

"It's really a good calculation, a good calculation!" Lin Ze said with a grin on his face.

"Master, what's wrong with this?" The hair shaft on one side asked carefully, and at the same time, he threatened to glance at the fur on the other side.

He knew very well that Lin Ze would be so angry, obviously caused by this worm.

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