Alien Lord

Chapter 1839: 8 images

Lin Ze's speed was extremely fast, and soon he flew out about ten kilometers. At this time, Lin Ze's body suddenly stopped and stopped, his complexion was uncertain, because of his sense of discovery, In front of him, there are more than hundreds of cultivators, who are blocking his way forward, one by one is well hidden in the forest, and at the same time, staring one by one in the direction of Lin Zelai, it is difficult to see in his eyes Covery greed, but there is a trace of fear in this greed.

"It seems that in the future I really have to pay attention to the elimination of residual breath. Compared to these people, you are like you, chasing the future through the breath of my body." Lin Ze light smiled inside the world of the opposite plane seed Said the smiling face devil.

Smiling face magic, oh no, Lin Xiao touched his head embarrassedly.

Lin Xiao will have the name of smiling face demon, one is that he has been grinning all the time, and then instantly flips his face to kill, and the other is because of his name.

"Master, this is the way of survival in the World of Ten Thousand Demon Cultivators. Here, if you want to survive, you have to have a unique skill, which is similar to the way to find people according to the smell of the scene. It is a very useful skill. In the cultivation field of Wanmo Mountain, although there are not many people who are proficient in such means, but how can there be twenty or thirty!" Smiling Face Demon, no, Lin Xiao explained.

The means of finding people by smell is not something that ordinary cultivators can learn. Of the millions of warriors in the entire Wanmo Mountain cultivation world, there are only twenty or thirty. It can be seen that this is indeed a must.

Lin Ze nodded, and he understood that.

Just like his sense of power, it is actually a means used by the consciousness, but not everyone can learn it. Up to now, Lin Ze has not seen any other practitioners have this means.

It can be said that Lin Ze's sense of force is also a must!

"Master, I think we should come out and pack up these guys who don't know life and death!" Lin Xiao and Qu Yuan in the world of Plane Seeds are eager to try.

They have just become Lin Ze's men and they have not made any credit. Now they want to make credit for Lin Ze, and the guys who are in front of them are the best candidates.

Lin Ze glanced coldly at the cultivators in front of him, and said plainly, "Okay, these people will be handed over to you."

After talking, Lin Ze directly released Lin Xiao and Qu Yuan and others who had not been conquered for a long time. The twelve strong men of the foundation period stood directly in front of Lin Ze, waiting for his order.

Returning to the outside world again, Lin Xiao and Qu Yuan's hearts were full of excitement. They secretly said that their opportunity came. This time, they must definitely perform well and strive for the credit this time in exchange for being better in Lin Ze's heart Status.

As soon as they came into the world of plane seeds, Qu Yuan and Lin Xiao knew how amazing their masters were and how powerful their fairy figures were, and with him, it would be 100% to become fairy gods in the future.

It is a pity that the time they became Lin Ze's men is too short. Before that, many other people have become Lin Ze's men, and they have made a lot of credit. Now they have become the leaders of various departments in the plane seed world. .

Want to seize power from their hands, the difficulty is not ordinary.

However, Qu Yuan and Lin Xiao would not give up, so after seeing this opportunity in front of them, they actively asked Lin Ze to fight to get credit.

Regarding this, Qu Jingwen and his team were left with helplessness.

It's not that they don't want to go out and fight for Lin Ze, but that the current level of battle is not what they can join.

With the strength of their masters and grand masters, to face a group of at least a hundred masters who are at least the supreme grand master in the late period, and more than a dozen base-building strongmen, they will only die.

Therefore, this time they only watched Qu Yuan and Lin Xiao in the world of Plane Seeds and they made contributions.

However, this also aroused the enthusiasm of Qu Jingwen and his team. From now on, Qu Jingwen and his team have invested 300% in enthusiasm for cultivation. They will never let Qu Yuan, Lin Xiao and these people dominate. of.

"Master, let's hand over the miscellaneous pieces in front of us!" After that, Lin Xiao jumped out, standing with Qu Yuan and others, and swaying towards the hundreds of practitioners not far away. Laughed: "A group of miscellaneous people who don't know the good or bad, dare to block my master's path here, really don't know the life and death. You guys listen to me, guys who don't want to die, surrender immediately, otherwise, there will be no amnesty!"

Lin Xiao threatened the words just now. Among those cultivators in front, half of them fled in an instant. These people are some of the supreme grandmasters, or they are early cultivators.

These people did not plan to come here, one by one, just to see who, after all, had the legendary Wanmo Zhuan kill order, and also wanted to see what the legendary Wanmo Zhuan kill order was. Looks like these thoughts.

It's just that when Lin Ze was really seen, these cultivators were all very hairy, especially when they saw Lin Xiao and Qu Yuan, the twelve strong foundations, standing in front of them The strong coercion of the strong in the base period makes people feel chilly. Even if they want to make a shot, they need to hesitate at this time.

After all, what I am facing now is not Lin Ze, but the twelve strong base-building powers. With so many strong base-building powers, these supreme masters go up to death.

It was only a few breathing hours. Among the more than 100 practitioners who were in front of the road, they went directly to the nearly nine floors, leaving only eight base-building warriors in front.

The eight strong men in the foundation period are obviously a gang in terms of their clothes.

"Qu Yuan, who are these eight guys?" Lin Ze glanced at the eight cultivators in the foundation period and asked Qu Yuandao directly.

"Master, these eight guys are actually eight babies. They are extremely famous in the Magic City. They are considered to be the strong men in the casual repair. It is said that they have an eight-strength figure, and they are powerful. If the eight men fight the enemy together, It can fully exert the peak strength of the early Jindan period. In Wanmo City, it is considered to be the top character." Qu Yuan carefully introduced the details of the eight guys in front of him to Lin Ze.

For the eight Mao's brothers, even Qu Yuan, they dare not underestimate.

"Oh. Master the formation!" Lin Ze laughed at the corner of his mouth. It would be a bit difficult for him to change to other Lin Ze. After all, the eight guys in front of me, each of which was in the middle of the foundation, really did not clean up them. easily.

However, in the case of formation, Lin Ze laughed directly.

Yes, Lin Ze’s own formation skills are not high. However, don’t forget that Master Xuanyin is a master of the formation world. As long as you look at the formation of Xuanyin dense realm, countless schools have studied a few One hundred years, still nothing, you can know the strength of Master Xuanyin in formation.

According to Lin Ze, the strength of Master Xuanyin in the formation method, although he did not reach the holy level, but definitely exceeded the **** level. Such a master of the **** level formation method, packed up a small eight array, that is really Easy and pleasant things.

"Master, this is the detailed explanation of the Eight Diagrams!" Han Dong in the Plane Seed World took the initiative to give the detailed explanation of the Eight Diagrams to Lin Ze before Lin Ze ordered.

Lin Ze’s strength in the formation is not strong, but there are geniuses in the formation of his plane seed world, like Han Dong. Now his ability in the formation has reached the level of Grand Master, plus other Hundreds of formation geniuses, as well as the formation knowledge inherited from the Master Xuanyin, to crack a small eight formation, it was as simple as eating.

"Hand it over, although you have more people, but..." the boss of the eight Mao brothers said confidently.

According to the ranking of gossip, the eight Mao brothers were named Qiangan, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li, Dui, and were named Mao Qian, Mao Zhen, Mao Kan, Mao Gen, Mao Kun, Mao Xun, Mao Li , Mao Tiao.

These eight brothers are all strengths in the middle of the foundation period. Because they are eight babies, so the spirit is connected. With the effect of the eight arrays, the strength of the eight brothers is really very strong, and it is also top in the Wanmo City. The presence.

Even if it is the three main sect gates in Wanmo City, when they meet these eight brothers, they dare not be too embarrassed.

The eight brothers of the Mao family, relying on the Eight Diagrams, were able to directly coerce the existence of the strong men at the beginning of the Jindan period. Such strong men, Qu Yuan, they have no chance of winning.

Seeing that there was still no movement on Lin Ze’s side, Mao Qian was a little impatient. He first looked at Lin Ze and his party with a smile, then said to the seven younger brothers around him: “It seems that the guys on the opposite side don’t know us It’s amazing, seven younger brothers, let these guys know what we are good at, eight battles, start!"

Mao Kun A slap-sized flag flew out of his storage bag instantly, then grew in the wind, and instantly became a huge flag more than three meters high. According to this Standing directly in front of Mao Kun.

"Hoohoo!" Several other people did the same. Soon, in front of the eight brothers of Mao's, they all left a flag.

The size and style are similar, but there is a clear difference in color.

"Get up!" Mao Kun shouted, and the spiritual power in Dantian kept inputting the true energy in front of him.

"Wow!" The sound of Qi in front of the hair dryer automatically made a loud sound, and then a burst of invisible ripples spread out, quickly connecting to the other seven different ripples.

"Boom!" A gossip that looks extremely real and detailed is thus displayed in front of Lin Ze and others, it floats quietly at two meters above the head of Mao Qian and others, continuously exuding a colorful light, It was extremely beautiful in the reflection of the night. After Lin Ze looked at it, there was a sigh in his mouth.



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