Alien Lord

Chapter 1838: Forgive me!

Thinking of Lin Ze's powerful strength, the smiling face was soft on his feet, and he immediately knelt on the ground and shuddered loudly: "Seniors spare their lives, seniors spare their lives, and juniors know their mistakes. Please also ask seniors not to blame, seniors spare their lives, spare them... "

In order to be able to survive, the smiling face magic is out.

Lin Ze stared blankly at the scene in front of him, his heart burst into tears and laughter.

The guy in front of me is like a boss. My second child looks like he is kneeling down and shouting Rao at once. Such a change really makes Lin Ze feel very funny.

The smiling face didn't feel anything funny. Instead, his heart was extremely frightened. He secretly glanced at Lin Ze with a fearful look inside, and he never dared to think about those thoughts just now.

Seeing that Lin Ze’s expression was still cold, the smiling face immediately shivered fiercely, then immediately gritted his teeth, and said, "Senior, junior would like to be your slave, and only respect your command from the master, master, you Is this good?"

After he finished speaking, he simply sealed his self-cultivation directly and actively, waiting for Lin Ze's disposal.

When the smiling face demon did this, he was extremely worried. Lin Ze killed him directly. However, if he wanted to survive, this was his only way out, otherwise, waiting for him was definitely not a good end.

Don’t forget, before the smiling face magic was very certain with his sense of smell that the order of the ten thousand demons was on Lin Ze’s hand, so the other party would never let him go, because once he left here, The matter of Wan Mo's death order will surely be leaked out by him, so that besides surrender, the smiling face has no idea of ​​how to save himself.

"This guy is a smart man, knowing to use this method to save his life." Lin Ze's heart nodded in agreement with the smiling face devil's choice.

Don't look at the smiling face's current behavior is very embarrassing, no ambition, but this is indeed the only way he can save himself now.

Just like what was said above, when the smiling face devil is sure to say that the ten thousand devil's killing order is on Lin Ze's hand, Lin Ze can't let him go.

Moreover, through the description of the smiling face, Lin Ze also saw a shortcoming of himself, that is, he should disturb the remaining breath of the scene before leaving the scene, otherwise, now the smiling face can pass the remaining breath of the scene Taste finds himself, and other practitioners must find him accordingly.

"Oh, this time this guy taught me a lesson!" Lin Ze felt a little grateful, but he wouldn't show his face.

Lin Ze still stared at the smiling face magician kneeling on the ground with cold eyes. The pressure of the powerful consciousness directly pressed on the smiling face magical body. The smiling face demon forehead and body directly shed a lot of sweat.

However, the smiling face dare dare to wipe the sweat at all. Instead, he has been observing Lin Ze’s reaction with his eyes. However, Lin Ze’s expression has always been such a cold face, which makes the smiling face secretly cry badly.

However, if you let him resist, the smiling face has no confidence at all, because he knows that since the other party can protect the body's body jade charm and break it into two instantly, it must be no weaker than the Jindan period. The attack power, coupled with the extremely powerful consciousness attack, made him tremble, even if he wanted to escape, it would be inevitable to die.

Anxious and anxious, in order to survive, he quickly frowned a little, the soul power of the peak cultivation in the early stage of the foundation, suddenly flew from the position of the forehead of his forehead, the color of this soul power was pale white, and, looking at it Volume, how can it also occupy one-third of the power of the soul of the smiling face demon, so as soon as it appeared, the expression of the smiling face defiant immediately, the body's spiritual power fluctuated sharply, and cultivation had hidden signs of falling.

The higher the cultivation power of this soul, the more precious it is. Once sacrificed, the cultivation of the whole body is certainly detrimental, and the higher the cultivation practice, the greater the loss.

The pale **** of the soul floated out of the smiley face's eyebrows, exuding a soft light and appeared in front of Lin Ze. Lin Ze's expression was as usual, and he looked at the smiley face demon handed over, and the right hand called, the power of the soul Immediately flew into his palm.

After a little scrutiny, Lin Ze put a puppet mark in these soul forces without thinking, and then directly returned the soul forces to the smiling face.

The power of the soul is not important to Lin Ze. What is important is the puppet mark inside. As long as the smiling face demons recover these soul powers into the sea of ​​souls who know the sea, the puppet mark will follow him into his Inside the sea of ​​souls, it becomes a real'own person'.

The smiling face demon also saw the thing that Lin Ze added to the power of the soul. Although it seems inconspicuous, but only with the mysterious extreme atmosphere exuded from above, the smiling face demon knows that this thing is absolutely not In general, and as long as his mystery is really entered by this mysterious thing, in the future, his life and death may only require Lin Ze’s thoughts across from him, and he will die instantly.

When it was normal, the smiling face would rather have the power of these souls run away, rather than absorb them again, but now his life is under the control of others, and he still offered this before. A soul power, now withdrawing this added soul power, is actually nothing.

Originally, he was ready to become Lin Ze's men, but now there are only a few more methods. In essence, there is still no change.

Therefore, the smiling face knows that the mark of the puppet is not a good thing, but he still obeyed the force of the added soul.

To be honest, giving the power of the soul is actually almost the same as the puppet mark planted by Lin Ze, but it is obvious that Lin Ze’s puppet acting is more direct and useful, and stronger.

However, there is still a clear difference between the two.

It seems that this person has completely surrendered to the power of the soul, but in fact, there will be great changes in the future.

One-third of the soul power is indeed a lot. Once lost, this person will become a fool in nine layers and nines, and if he is unlucky, he will die directly.

However, the same, as this person's strength continues to increase, his sea of ​​soul will continue to expand and continue to strengthen, to a certain stage, the amount of soul power he paid before may not be as good as he is now One percent of the sea of ​​souls.

Just like a drop of water, compared to ten drops of water, the content of one drop of water is still very large, but compared to a bucket of water, the impact of this drop of water is very small, not to mention the loss of one drop of water, even if It doesn't matter if ten drops, one hundred drops, one thousand drops are lost.

Therefore, it seems that the cultivator's contribution of the soul's power is very safe, but in fact, there are still a lot of hidden dangers. Once the strength of the cultivator who contributes the soul's power increases greatly, there is a great possibility of betrayal.

Lin Ze’s puppet mark is different. As long as the puppet mark is printed, this person will never betray forever.

For example, you are actually a soul mark engraved in the realm of the day after tomorrow. After a long time, your strength has been promoted to the Jindan period, even the Yuan infant period. However, even if this is the case, the puppet mark is still the puppet mark. Listen to Lin Ze.

Therefore, compared to giving the power of the soul, Lin Ze certainly believes more in his puppet mark.

In addition, people’s knowledge of the sea may seem solid and seemingly endless, but the reality is extremely fragile. Moreover, extreme xenophobia, once you charge too much soul power belonging to others, then it is likely to cause your knowledge of the sea Chaos leads to unimaginable and terrible consequences.

Therefore, absorbing the power of the soul of other practitioners can only be a temporary limitation, and the trouble is not small, so it is often not popular with most warriors.

Compared to using soul power to control others, there are at least tens of thousands of other prohibition methods that can achieve the same effect.

Of course, among these prohibitions, the most sincere thing is to dedicate the power of the soul. At least at this moment, this guy definitely wants to surrender.

To be honest, the smiling face will be forced to do so. He was already prepared that the other party could not easily let go of him. It is very likely that he will be printed with some strong prohibitions on him. When the other party accepted himself as a slave, he already had complete psychological preparation. This said that the act of becoming Lin Ze's slave actually meant giving the other party an excuse to give himself a step.

But he never imagined that in the face of such a low-eyed begging for mercy, the other party was unmoved, and, with the coldness in his eyes, he was helpless and offered to save his life. The power of his own soul.

After seeing the other party accepting and adding something to it and giving it back to himself, his flustered mood was considered to ease it.

Although the smiling face knows that Lin Ze has already done things in his own soul, as long as he can survive, that is the best thing.

"See the master!" After a minute, the smiling face opened his eyes. At this time, there was no other look in his eyes. Some were only respect and loyalty to Lin Ze.

"Well, let's go first!" After finishing, Lin Ze put the smiling face demo into the plane seed world first.

Now Lin Ze is in the hurry, and then he wants to see Gu Xiyao, so it is not appropriate to be with a smiling face demon.

Even if there is something to ask the smiling face devil, Lin Ze can also fly and ask in the plane seed world.

In this way, after cleaning up the smiling face demon, Lin Ze did not delay much, went on and quickly flew towards the cave house where Gu Xiyao was.



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