Alien Lord

Chapter 1840: Nanming Lihuo

? "It is worthy of the Eight Array Diagrams, the power is strong, the beauty of the image is really extraordinary!!" Lin Ze sighed looking at the Eight Diagrams not far away.

However, sighing back to sigh, now that everyone is ready to start, Lin Ze here will certainly not be polite.

He handed over the anti-gossip array that Han Dong had just studied to Qu Yuan and others, and quickly explained.

Then, Qu Yuan and others took the initiative to come forward with a smile on their faces. The faces of the eight brothers of Maogan looked depressed. I don’t know why these people’s faces on Qu Yuan would show such a smile. Are you afraid of losing heart?

This is the Eight Diagrams. Alas, the power is comparable to the power of the early Jindan period. The strength of these people in front of them is not low. However, against their Eight Diagrams, it is only for death. However, why look The faces of these people in front of them are all confident. Do they have a way to fight against them? Or that they can crack their eight arrays?

Thinking of this, a trace of shadow rose in Maogan's heart, but, soon, he rejected the idea.

The Eight Diagrams are not so easy to crack. They have all lived in the Demon City for decades. However, no cultivator has cracked their Eight Diagrams. Therefore, Mao Qian never believes in front. These people will crack the eight array map.

"Huh, pretend, brothers, we'll pack them up first." After saying this, Mao Qian directly launched the Eight Diagrams.

"Buzz!" Maogan's Taiji gossip above their heads instantly became larger, and they came directly to Qu Yuan and others, and they were quickly put into the formation.

"From the beginning, the fire of the south of the Eight Battles!" Mao Qiang used a big kill as soon as he came up, and used the fire of the south to deal with them.

Seriously, Maogan's practice is indeed savvy. People like Qu Yuan are demon cultivators, and the martial arts they practice are all Yin attribute martial arts, or other magic attribute martial arts. Martial arts, the martial arts type with the fire attribute is indeed the most suitable.

They used to do this when they had conflicts with other practitioners, and they all achieved good results. However, this time they soon discovered something was wrong, because they sent out the fire from the south. It didn't work at all. Even, gradually, their control of the fire from Nanli seemed to be transferred.

"How is this possible, how is this possible!" Ma Qiang and his eight brothers were full of unbelievable looks on their faces. As the manipulators who manipulated the formation, they clearly felt that the control of the formation was being transferred And, still taken away by their enemies, this...

In an instant, Mao Gan and others felt cold in their hearts. They only felt that they were dreaming and their mentality gradually collapsed.

The mentality of people like Maogan will collapse, but it's not hard to imagine.

Just like many college students now, when they are in school, as long as they take care of their grades and get good grades, their status will be high. Gradually, these people's spirit will become higher and higher.

I believe that many people have had similar feelings. In the student era, when you are learning in general, when you get along with those students who have studied well, there is always a feeling of being looked down on in your heart. When you get along with him, he will not allow you Refuting his opinion, if one is not satisfied, he will show you his face immediately.

I believe that such an experience has happened to many of us.

Why this is so is actually that the results give these people sufficient self-confidence, so that when they treat the people around them, they always have a feeling of superiority in their hearts.

However, as soon as they are inferior to the warfare society, these people will immediately find out that this is not a school. It is no longer represented by academic performance, but by his ability to work.

In the face of this sudden and completely different change, the mentality of many Xueba collapsed in an instant, and gradually disappeared into the world. Maybe you will find out when you meet him again in a few years, more than ten years later, The confidence in him has long since disappeared, replaced by ordinary people who have been completely tempered by society.

There are too many examples like this in modern society.

As reported earlier, the most important reason for the incident of a brand-name college student who lost contact 10 years ago is that he was severely hit by the reality and cruelty of society. After his mentality was unbalanced, or directly hit After losing his confidence, he went directly into the dead end. For more than ten years, he had no contact with his family.

In addition, there are reports that the university has become a tramp. I believe that you have seen a lot of these reports. Why do these college students become like this? The biggest reason is that they have lost their self-confidence because of the cruelty of the society. Frightened by the brutal social competition, he gave up his fighting spirit and eventually escaped reality by losing contact.

The current eight brothers of Maogan are a similar example. Previously, relying on the power of the Eight Formations, they have been rampant in the Wanmo City for decades. For decades, their hearts have generated the Eight Formations invincible in the world. Mentality.

However, now it was only one fight, and the control of the Eight Teams in their hearts was taken away by others. Such a dramatic change instantly burst the mentality of the eight Mao brothers.

Originally, they were competing with Maogan and they were fighting for control of the Eight Diagrams, and now the eight Maogans were distracted. Therefore, the control of the Eight Diagrams was quickly taken away by Qu Yuan and them.

"Okay, Qu Yuan, you are good!" Lin Ze said with a big smile, his sense of power had seen Qu Yuan they seized control of the Eight Array Diagrams. It's easy.

"Han Dong, this time it's a big deal for you." Lin Ze did not forget Han Dong, the biggest hero of this plan.

This time, if it weren’t for Han Dong’s Masters, they cracked the Eighth Array at a very fast rate. Otherwise, where could they simply clean up the Eight Brothers of Mao’s, and also get an extremely powerful Eight Array. .

"Master, this is what we should do!" Han Dong answered with a smile.

He didn't eat solitary food. When he spoke, he also brought other formations on the side. This made Lin Ze very satisfied.

He can allow competition between his men, but absolutely not to dismantle each other, nor to allow other people to devote themselves to the credit.

Qu Yuan and his party seized control of the Eight Diagrams, plus Lin Ze’s strength was almost the same as that of the Eight Brothers Mao, and Lin Ze was plug-in, just three minutes, the Eight Brothers Mao With a look of shock and daze, they were all captured, and then they were directly taken into the plane seed world.

After finishing the eight brothers of Mao, Lin Ze went on.

However, the previous battle with the eight brothers of the Mao family still delayed some time. In addition, there were many other spies in the cultivators who had escaped before, so the news here has already been spread, and, It spread rapidly at Lin Ze's unimaginable speed.

The spread of this news has spread too fast. It can almost be said that within three hundred miles of the Wanmo City, all cultivators know this.

Needless to say afterwards, these cultivators all flew out, looking around for news, and gradually, the number of cultivators along the way was increasing.

During Lin Ze’s flight, such cultivators will meet some people almost every little time. Since the number of such cultivators is really too much, his flight speed will inevitably decrease, which makes Lin Ze's heart was a little impatient, and he sneered a few times, looking at the eyes of almost all cultivators with greed, and many cultivators and ambushes, a look ready to attack him at any time, which made The anger in his heart grew.

In addition, Lin Ze’s responsiveness can be clearly seen, and there are many other strong ones, who are far behind, their eyes flashing, and they are obviously not well-intentioned.

At this time, even Qu Yuan and his party who had already returned to the seed world of planes, after seeing this situation, if there was a burst of hair in their hearts, although they were cultivators in the foundation period, their strength was not low, but, in this Among the cultivators Lin Ze saw on the road, many were stronger than them, and even some old guys who had only heard of their names and unknown people seemed to be involved in this time, but they were all caught by Lin Ze. Induction was discovered in advance, and it was avoided far away.

Such a reality makes Qu Yuan and others feel terrified in their hearts. Seriously, don’t talk about them. Even Lin Ze now feels a violent jump in his heart, raising his vigilance, and a bitter smile in his heart, If the secret road goes on like this, it is hard to guarantee that it will attract the attention of all the practitioners within a few hundred miles of Wanmo City. By then, it will be difficult to say whether there will be a strong person in the Golden Pill period~www.mtlnovel. com~ Lin Ze was anxious, he knew that things could not continue like this, otherwise, it would be really difficult to clean up.

"Now it seems that I have to kill the Quartet. Only by deterring these greedy practitioners in such a vicious way can this phenomenon be alleviated, otherwise the people around me will accumulate more and it will be in trouble. "Thinking of this, Lin Ze's heart gradually began to emerge infinite killing opportunities.

The dense cultivators around me gathered more and more with the passage of time. The alarm device that Lin Ze had installed near the cave house where Gu Xiyao was located also issued many alarm sounds.

Especially the five demonized warriors that Lin Ze placed outside the cave house have packed up no less than ten practitioners, and Lin Ze's eyes are even colder.

"Can't go on like this anymore, otherwise, Xi Yao will be really dangerous over there!"

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