Alien Lord

Chapter 1817: Shocked

Think about it too. Jiaolong represents the Jindan period. Gu Xiyao is just a congenital warrior in the early innate period. Now when I hear about Jiaolong, I will certainly be shocked.

This is when you heard that the richest man suddenly appeared in your home, or your company, when you were in a state of excitement.

"Yes, it is Jiaolong, a severely injured Jiaolong flew directly into the Jade Mountain..."

Before Lin Ze’s words were finished, Gu Xiyao on the other side said nervously, “Li Xuan, have you gone to Jizo Mountain? Don’t you know that it is one of the three dangerous places in Wanmo Mountain? Going there too Dangerous, how can you go?"

The words of scolding continued to be spoken from Gu Xiyao's mouth, but these words of scolding Lin Ze did not feel uncomfortable in his ears. Instead, his heart was warm.

Because, only those who really care about you and those who really love you, when they hear you go to some dangerous place, the first thing they ask is not the reason why you entered this dangerous place, nor how much gain you have after entering, but first Have you been injured? Then warn you not to go to such dangerous places in the future.

This is what a person who really loves you would say, and now Gu Xiyao asked Lin Ze to go to Jizhe Mountain. This is the first thing he asked, not the whereabouts of Jiaolong, whom she was most concerned about before. Is in love with Lin Ze.

"Xiyao, it's my fault." Lin Ze's gentle apology.

It is not difficult for Lin Ze to apologize to someone who truly loves himself.

"Well, you know, just don't go to such a dangerous place to take risks in the future." Gu Xiyao's face eased a little, but finally he told Lin Ze to stop going to such a dangerous place in the future.

In fact, Gu Xiyao knows that her present advice is actually a symbolic meaning. With Lin Ze’s strength and status, she will definitely go to such a dangerous place in the future, even a place that is a hundred times more dangerous than Jizhe Mountain. In the future Lin Ze The same will be involved.

However, the symbolic meaning belongs to the symbolic meaning, what Gu Xiyao wants is Lin Ze's attitude.

"Xiyao, look, this is something I found for you in Jicorp Mountain." Lin Ze directly took out the black demon sword he had previously obtained, and dozens of demon souls he collected in Jicorp Mountain And ghost.

"Li Xuan........." Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze very moved, and a flutter fell directly into Lin Ze's arms. His eyes were filled with tears.

"Xiyao!" Lin Ze also hugged Gu Xiyao directly. He could understand Gu Xiyao's mood now.

"Li Xuan, you are so nice!" Gu Xiyao's heart was quite hot now, she couldn't think of it at all, Lin Ze went to Jiji Mountain for her.

As soon as Lin Ze took out the Black Demon Sword, Gu Xiyao immediately felt the hidden spirits and ghosts in it, plus the movement of the thousand demon streamers on his body, Gu Xiyao immediately understood that Lin Ze would go to Jiji Mountain, in fact It is for her, in order to help her restore the power of Thousand Devils.

When thinking of Lin Ze for her, she went directly to the dangerous corpse mountain at night to collect the demon soul and the ghost soul. Gu Xiyao's heart was moved.

If the number of Gu Xiyao's love for Lin Ze was calculated in tens of thousands, then this number has now risen directly to MAX.

Also starting today, Gu Xiyao was completely stubborn about Lin Ze.

Lin Ze didn't know that Gu Xiyao's mind was changing now. He was still taking out the jade bottles that sealed the demon soul and the ghost soul. This time Gu Xiyao said that he wasn't squeezing and squeezing all of them.

After all, she is now ruthless to Lin Ze, so what is it to collect some of Lin Ze's things, anyway, she is all Lin Ze now.

After finishing all the demons and ghosts, Gu Xiyao asked about Jiaolong again.

After all, it was a dragon, a strong man in the Golden Pill Period, Gu Xiyao, as a warrior, could not care if he wanted to.

"Li Xuan, what happened to the Jiaolong in the end? Was it killed? Or was it captured?" Gu Xiyao asked, his eyes flashing.

"Xiyao, before answering this question, I want you to make sure that after you listen to me, don't be excited or startled by the big man." Lin Ze first gave a preventive shot.

The topic of Jiaolong could have been mentioned before, but now, when it comes to the belonging of Jiaolong, it cannot be said aloud to prevent the wall from having ears.

"Lixuan, isn't it..." Gu Xiyao's eyes were wide open directly, larger than the eyes of the little swallow, and the breath in his mouth stopped directly at this moment, Then he looked at Lin Ze in a daze.

Obviously, from what Lin Ze said before, Gu Xiyao guessed what.

However, it was precisely because he had guessed this matter that Gu Xiyao was so shocked.

After all, this is a dragon, a dragon of the golden pill stage, such a dragon, how important it is for any martial arts under the golden pill stage, it is conceivable.

Any strong man in the foundation period will get this dragon, and his chance of advancing into the Golden Pill Period can be said to be 100%.

100% advanced Jindan period, you said such a thing is a crazy thing for any strong person in the foundation period.

If this matter really leaks out, it will definitely set off a tremendous wave of shock, and even want to set off a huge **** storm.

What Gu Xiyao did not know is that in Jiji Mountain, the **** storm had begun to set off, and the scale and number far exceeded her imagination.

"Hush...., Xi Yao, you guessed it yourself, don't say it." Lin Ze cautioned Gu Xiyao carefully.

Although there are inductive forces and surveillance of killer bees around, Lin Ze still cautioned Gu Xiyao not to disclose this matter.

The thing about Jiaolong is really too big, so big that even Lin Ze can't afford it now, so he has to keep a low profile now.

As for the future, Ha ha, as long as Jiao Long's injury recovered, Lin Ze could not be afraid.

But now, Lin Ze has to keep a low profile.

In the end-dead state of Jiaolong, even Lin Ze cherished countless elixir, but it took several months to recover from the wound.

Of course, even after the Jiaolong had nourished the wound, Lin Ze would not let the Jiaolong come out until the last resort, because now the Jiaolong has become the most powerful killer in Lin Ze's hands.

Since it is a killer skill, of course, it must be used at the most critical time. Lin Ze believes that his unknown enemies will be very excited at the moment when they see Jiaolong appear!

"Li Xuan, Jiao....., did you really get it?" Gu Xiyao asked in a low voice.

At the beginning, she originally wanted to talk about Jiaolong, but when she thought of Lin Ze's advice, she quickly replaced it with ‘it’.

Lin Ze nodded directly to answer.

"Huh, huh, huh!!" Gu Xiyao's breath was rushed in an instant, and if an unsuspecting person heard it, he might think that this person had asthma.

"Xiyao, relax, relax!!" Lin Ze persuaded Gu Xiyao patiently.

Lin Ze had long expected this response from Gu Xiyao.

"Lixuan, am I dreaming now?" Gu Xiyao asked such a question, Lin Ze got the matter of Jiaolong, giving Gu Xiyao a feeling of being in a dream.

"Xiyao, it is now at night, but now is not the time to dream!" Lin Ze said with a smile.

"Lixuan, how did you get it?" Gu Xiyao quickly focused on how Lin Ze got Jiaolong. After all, it was Jiaolong, how did Linze get his strength.

"Xiyao, didn't I say that before? Jiaolong was seriously injured and dying. When I saw it, there was not much fighting power left. Moreover, my transport was also very good, and Jiaolong fell directly on me. In front of me, and after waiting for it to pass out in a coma, I flew directly over and then took it."

Lin Ze explained very briefly how he got Jiaolong. Although Lin Ze said very simply, Gu Xiyao was able to know the danger inside.

Although Jiaolong is seriously injured and dying, but as the saying goes, the water is difficult to reach the bottom, and the tiger will not die!

Jiaolong's strength far exceeds Lin Ze's current strength, even if it is already at the stage of dying, but at this time it is still very easy to clean up a strong man in the foundation period.

What's more, the dragon's dragon power is extremely powerful. According to the relevant records that Gu Xiyao saw in the Xuanyin Devil's book, in front of Longwei, whether it is a cultivator of the same level or other barbarians of the same level, strength is born. Will drop a bit.

This is one of the most important reasons why Jiaolong is the most top-notch existence in the wild beast group.

Lin Ze's own strength is far worse than that of Now he is deterred by the nearest distance of Longwei. The danger at that time can be imagined.

Anyway, Gu Xiyao confessed that if she was in Lin Ze's position at that time, she definitely did not have the strength to take Jiaolong, and maybe she might be scared back by Jiaolong's Longwei.

Therefore, Gu Xiyao was really shocked and admired that Lin Ze could take Jiaolong.

Gu Xiyao had no idea that Longwei, the most powerful in her heart, had no effect on Lin Ze.

There are plane seeds, not to mention the dragon power of Jiaolong, even if the real dragon is in front of Lin Ze, Lin Ze will not be affected by a trace of dragon power.

In addition, the power of Lin Ze’s consciousness is also the Jindan period, so it is not as difficult to pick up a dying Jiaolong as it is seriously injured.

Even for Lin Ze, picking up a severely dying Jiaolong is as simple as eating.

I believe that if other people know this, they will definitely shout God! !

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