Alien Lord

Chapter 1818: Cherish

Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao continued to fly for more than three hours. At this time, they had left Jiji Mountain for five or six hundred miles.

In the middle, they encountered danger more than once, but they were detected by Lin Ze's sense of force in advance, and then the two carefully avoided the danger.

Because thousands of years of Yuzhi are constantly supplementing their innate energy and spiritual power in the body, the two have been advancing at the fastest speed.

Otherwise, for three hours, at night, in the forest, the two of them could never catch such a long distance.

"Xiyao, okay, let's rest here today!" Lin Ze said, taking the initiative to stop, looking at the distressed Gu Xiyao who was already breathless.

Although they have the help of the juice of the millennium Yuzhi along the way, they can ignore the loss of innate energy and spiritual power, but the spiritual consumption is still inevitable.

Three hours of full speed, plus the need to avoid some dangerous places from time to time, this kind of thing is not a big deal for Lin Ze, but for Gu Xiyao, who is only in the early days of the congenital, the pressure is really Is great.

Especially when passing through the territories of those powerful and powerful beasts, the pressure of the absolute level above is really making her extremely uncomfortable. If Lin Ze is around to help share the considerable pressure, plus the thousands of people around her With the help of Moban, Gu Xiyao did not know whether he could persevere.

However, for three hours, she still couldn't keep her up. Lin Ze also saw this situation and asked to stop and take a look.

"Li Xuan......., HuHua....., we stop now..., does it matter?" Gu Xiyao asked gaspingly, her face and forehead above It was full of sweat beads, and his eyes were gradually tired. Obviously, Gu Xiyao had reached the limit.

"Well, we must be safe. There is a distance of five or six hundred miles from the cave before us. Such a long distance, plus it is night, those wild beasts and warriors can never find us. Xiyao, you Just rest assured."

Lin Ze knew what Gu Xiyao was worried about, so he directly picked up what Xi Yao wanted to hear most.

"That's good, that's good!" Gu Xiyao showed a trace of relief on her face. Afterwards, the whole person became paralyzed. If Lin Ze was beside her, she was definitely sitting on the ground.

"Xiyao, why didn't you say it before?" Looking at the tired and disguised Gu Xiyao, Lin Ze looked sad: "Ah, I should have noticed it earlier, I really shouldn't have!"

Lin Ze really wanted to scrape himself directly with two ears, because he didn't know that Gu Xiyao was tired like this.

Before, his attention was mostly on identifying the road ahead and threatening the beast threats along the way. Therefore, he paid less attention to Gu Xiyao around him, which made him unclear. Gu Xiyao was actually early. As soon as he reached the limit of his body, Lin Zexin felt very guilty when he saw Gu Xiyao falling directly to the ground.

"Li Xuan, this is not to blame you, this is my voluntary." Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze with a look of sympathy: "I can't help you in other ways, but I can't drag your hind legs. "

"Xiyao, you fool, you are the most important thing for me. Other things, even if it is Jiaolong, are not as important to you. Don't do such a stupid thing in the future." Lin Ze looked sad. Looked at Gu Xiyao and said.

"Well, Lixuan, I know!" Gu Xiyao replied sweetly.

"Xiyao, you sit here first, I will open a cave house." Lin Ze placed Gu Xiyao under a big tree, and then opened a cave on the side of the mountain.

In just five minutes, a cave about the size of the previous cave was opened. Lin Ze did not care about the scruples between men and women this time. He took Gu Xiyao directly and took her into the cave. Put her on the inside of the cave.

In this process, Gu Xiyao always said nothing, blushing, and bowed his head to look at Lin Ze.

"Xiyao, you are cultivating here now, and I will cook for you." Lin Ze said that she wanted to get up and cook for Gu Xiyao.

"Li Xuan, slow down!" Gu Xiyao seemed to recover at this time, the whole person stood up at once, and stopped Lin Ze.

"Li Xuan, let's leave it to you to cook something like this. If you are a big man who cooks anything, if someone sees it, you will laugh at me."

Gu Xiyao said while taking something from Lin Ze's hand, and turned to cook.

"Xiyao, you are still very tired, so let me do the supper for dinner!" Lin Ze said with a concerned expression, and he didn't care about cooking.

Maybe the ancient men would show something to the women, but for Lin Ze from modern society, these things simply don't exist.

In modern society, it is mostly men who cook for women.

Even in the previous sentence, if you want to grab the man’s heart, you have to grab his stomach first, which directly evolves into “want to grab a girl’s heart, you have to grab her stomach” first. An argument.

Speaking of which, the walker really wants to say that it is really difficult to be a man, and it is even harder to be a man who wants to get married and get married!

However, the mentality of Lin Ze, a man in a modern society, is totally unworkable here.

Gu Xiyao didn't care what Lin Ze said at all. He simply drove Lin Ze back to another room and started to cook himself busy.

Lin Ze looked at Gu Xiyao while he was busy with dinner, and he could not see a trace of tiredness in his face. He felt relieved in his heart, but he did not go away directly, but introduced Gu Xiyao on the side. How to use modern kitchen utensils.

Gu Xiyao was also surprised when he looked at the extremely precious kitchen utensils that Lin Ze brought out.

Whether it is a modern gas stove or a spatula, Gu Xiyao saw it for the first time, and the appearance of these things looks very beautiful, so that Gu Xiyao can’t bear to use them.

Gu Xiyao really does not use these modern stoves. Finally, Lin Ze introduced on the side. Gu Xiyao used modern stoves for the first time.

This use, Gu Xiyao immediately fell in love with these modern stoves.

It is convenient to use, not to mention, the most important thing is that you don’t have to worry about the size of the fire in the stove, and there is no problem with dust. If you want the fire to be larger, you should be larger, and if you want it to be smaller, you should be smaller. .

Just a meal time, Gu Xiyao fell in love with these modern stoves, and afterwards did not say much, just put away these modern stoves, which made Lin Ze while enjoying the cuisine made by Gu Xiyao for a while Speechless.

However, he also understands Gu Xiyao's mentality now, not to mention her. She will be replaced by any other woman who likes cooking. After seeing the modern stove and using it once, she will definitely like it.

(Ancient society is not a modern society. Women do housework and started to learn from a young age. If a woman can’t do housework or cooking, she will definitely be rejected by her mother-in-law. Therefore, even Gu Xiyao, At a very young age, she also started to learn female celebrities like cooking, so it’s not surprising that she would cook or something.)

The two of them were late for a few hours of dinner, and they ate for an hour, knowing that when the twelve o'clock in the evening, their dinner was just over.

After finishing the dinner, Gu Xiyao arranged the formation directly outside the cave after packing up the chopsticks. After that, she took out the Thousand Demon streamers and the demon spirits that Lin Ze had given her before to prepare Start to replenish the consumption of Qianmo streamer.

This was a change that Gu Xiyao eagerly wanted to make after seeing the difference in strength between her and Lin Ze, or after dragging Lin Ze far behind.

With her current innate and early strength, even if she is promoted to the level of Grandmaster now, it will not be very helpful to Lin Ze, but if she can restore the original strength of Qianmo streamer as quickly as possible, then she will Lin Ze can be helped to a certain extent.

At the very least, if there are thousands of demons in hand in the future, Lin Ze will not have to worry about her safety. Therefore, after she became vacant, Gu Xiyao's first thought was to add thousands of demons first.

So Now she is also in love with Lin Ze, and she immediately began to let the thousand demon devour devils and ghosts to restore her previous strength.

Seeing that Gu Xiyao began to practice, Lin Ze was not prepared to disturb her, and he also had other thoughts, that is, to take Gu Xiyao's spare time in cultivation and go to the Wanmo City not far away to see.

Wanmo City, a city located in the center of Wanmo Mountain, has a large range. It is larger than the Chu Kingdom's Kyoto. It has hundreds of thousands to millions of warriors living there for many years. There are countless treasures.

Since Lin Ze came to the vicinity of this city, where would he miss it?

"Xiyao, I want to visit the nearby Wanmo City. How do you like it?" Lin Ze asked Gu Xiyao first.

"Wonderful City!" Gu Xiyao thought about it for a while. She also knew very well that she really wanted to see such a warrior city, but she just thought about the things that dragged Lin Ze before. , This idea was directly strangled by her.

"Yes, Lixuan, when you go, help me buy some demons, and the ghosts come back. There are many warriors selling demons and ghosts in Wanmo City." Gu Xiyao urged.

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