Alien Lord

Chapter 1816: get away

Of course, this kind of action consumes a lot of spiritual and mental energy. Therefore, Lin Ze’s mouth now contains millennium Yuzhi juice, but even if Lin Ze drank a lot of millennium Yuzhi liquid continuously, his spiritual power The consumption speed is also surprisingly fast. At the last distance from the outer periphery of Jizo Mountain, Lin Ze's speed of advancement has dropped a lot.

Fortunately, Lin Ze was out of the center of the battlefield at this time, so when he was moving forward, no one else found it.

Even if someone finds anomalies, their minds are all on the Jiaolong inside, and they can't even look up to check this abnormal change. Therefore, Lin Ze walked out of the Jizo Mountain smoothly.

Lin Ze has always used the escape technique to get out of the Jizo Mountain very quickly. From the time he started to move to the end, it was only a tea time.

Such a short period of time also allowed many later strongmen to have no chance to intercept Lin Ze.

It can be said that Lin Ze was able to choose to evacuate Jizo Mountain the first time. This decision was really correct. Otherwise, as long as he stays a few minutes at night, or more than ten minutes, then he would like to start It's simply impossible to walk out safely inside Jiji Mountain.

Because, at that time, there will be a large number of strong men in the foundation period coming to Jizo Mountain. Facing so many strong men, Lin Ze’s hidden escape will definitely be discovered. By then, once he continues to flee, Fools know that there will be problems.

Now that Lin Ze was riding these real strongmen before he came out, he first came out of Jiji Mountain, which can be said to fundamentally guarantee his safety.

The rest is to go back inside the cave, and then leave Gu Xiyao far away.

Worried about the follow-up things in the Jizo Mountain, Lin Ze returned to the cave's location as quickly as possible.

Along the way, Lin Ze couldn't take care of the spirit materials and spirit beasts. He wholeheartedly hurried back.

In this way, only half an hour later, Lin Ze hurried back to the original cave house.

After returning to the Dong Mansion, Lin Ze carefully observed the surroundings for a while and determined that there were no abnormalities in safety. Then he jumped out and entered into the Mansion by the formation.

The movement on Lin Ze's side immediately alarmed Gu Xiyao inside.

However, Gu Xiyao did not panic. She knew that the person who could come in without obstacles was definitely Lin Ze. Otherwise, if other people came to the battle, how would it cause a huge noise.

Sure enough, Lin Ze's figure soon appeared in front of Gu Xiyao.

"Li Xuan, what's wrong, look at your face is very nervous?" Gu Xiyao asked with a concerned expression when he couldn't care about the food on the stove.

When Lin Ze came in, his face was very serious. Gu Xiyao knew immediately that something great must have happened outside, otherwise, Lin Ze would not have such a serious expression.

Lin Ze is now the strength of the foundation period, even his expression is so serious, this thing can be imagined.

"Xiyao, hurry up and we will leave here as soon as possible." Lin Ze said without stopping.

The thing about Jiaolong is really too big. Lin Ze dare not continue to stay here.

"Okay, I'll clean it up now." Gu Xiyao didn't have any doubts. He put down the things in his hands and started to clean up the things in the cave.

"咻咻咻!!" After a few decisions, the formation outside the cave was completely lifted, and at the same time, those positions flew back to Gu Xiyao's hands, and she was quickly put away.

"It's a pity this meal!" Gu Xiyao looked at the almost ready meal, and it was a pity in his heart.

This was her first time cooking for Lin Ze. Originally she wanted to show Lin Ze her craftsmanship, but now she can only throw it away like this, which makes Gu Xiyao feel very pitiful. .

"Have you packed up, Xi Yao?" Lin Ze's voice rang in Gu Xiyao's ear. As Gu Xiyao packed up the outside formation, Lin Ze was packing up the things in the cave house.

"Pick up, Lixuan, we can start." Gu Xiyao's voice soon came, and Lin Ze walked out.

As soon as he came out, he saw these uncooked meals on the dinner table. Looking at the look on Gu Xiyao's face, he understood.

"Huh!" Lin Ze's right hand waved at these uncooked meals, and all the ingredients went into the storage bag beside him.

"Li Xuan..., you are so nice!" Gu Xiyao was really warm in his heart.

Sometimes looking at whether there is you in a person's heart is not listening to how good and how much is said in his mouth, more is actually looking at his actions.

Just like Lin Ze now, he didn't say anything in his mouth, but the movements in his hand were extremely refreshing. He didn't say a word directly, so he put away the ingredients that had not been completed.

This is actually the best answer!

"Oh, we haven't eaten our supper yet. When we got to a safe place, Xiyao, you will make it for me!" Lin Ze said with a smile, slowly spoiling the taste on his face.

"Well, Lixuan, I will cook for you forever!" Gu Xiyao said with a blush.

"Hahaha............Okay, I will eat the food you cherish in the future!" Lin Ze answered with a smile.

After that, the two went straight on the road, and left in a fast direction towards the principle of Jiji Mountain.

To be honest, Lin Ze's decision to leave here overnight was really correct. After he left for half an hour, a dozen powerful and imposing moments instantly covered hundreds of kilometers around Jizo Mountain.

All cultivators within this range, even the wild beasts, no matter how strong or weak you are, are gathered together and then interrogated one by one.

After a big fight, those people finally found that the dragon's "corpse" was gone. Therefore, the strongmen in the foundation period who arrived later immediately blocked the entire Jiji Mountain and hundreds of kilometers nearby. The scope is to find out where the dragon's corpse is.

Even a few hours later, several Jindan ancestors also came to the Jade Mountain, and when they arrived, they directly blocked the distance of five hundred miles around and searched for all suspicious personnel.

Fortunately, Lin Ze had decided to hurry up all night, so he and Gu Xiyao were lucky to escape the disaster.

Because the dragon’s “corpse” could not be searched for a long time, the Jindan ancestors who participated in the search began to wonder if there were other people doing strange things. So, soon after, a larger battle started. .

This battle lasted for nearly ten days. Tens of thousands of warriors and hundreds of thousands of wild beasts died as a result. There were no fewer than twenty strong men in the foundation period, and more than a dozen Jindan periods. The ancestors were all seriously injured.

It can be said that this battle directly caused the top strongman in Wanmo Mountain to disappear in half instantly.

These things were only heard when Lin Ze returned to Xingyue Canyon. After hearing this news, Lin Ze once again lamented how wise his decision to leave the vicinity of Jizo Mountain overnight was otherwise, otherwise, he It will never be better.

Of course, these are all afterwords, and we still come back to Lin Ze first.

The night of Wanmo Mountain is dangerous everywhere. Although many wild beasts near Jiji Mountain are attracted by the dragon dragon, there are still many other wild beasts who did not go to Jiji Mountain because of their strength. go with.

In addition, the powerful beasts that had been suppressed on top of them have left, so this night, these beasts are more active.

This inevitably caused great trouble for Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao.

Fortunately, Lin Ze’s sensibility was completely restored after leaving Jiji Mountain, so he had enough time to avoid the wild beasts he encountered along the way.

Only in this way, Lin Ze's mental energy consumption has also greatly increased, so that he had to take Bu Shen Dan to restore mental energy consumption.

After the two flew for nearly a hundred miles, Gu Xiyao couldn't help but ask Lin Ze: "Li Xuan, what happened before? Why are we eager to leave there?"

"Xiyao, haven't you heard some huge roars before?" Lin Ze didn't explain directly, but asked a question that didn't seem relevant.

"Roar?" Gu Xiyao's face puzzled: "This is Wanmo Mountain. Isn't there a roar of wild beasts often outside? These are not normal things!"

"Uh..." Gu Xiyao's answer made Lin Ze stunned for a moment. Only then did he sound. Before the cave was not close to the range of Jizo Mountain, there was a distance of seven to eighty miles~ With such a long distance, even the roar of Jiaolong, after reaching here, is very light and very light.

In addition, there are countless wild beasts here in Wanmo Mountain. From time to time, there are some wild beasts roaring. Therefore, Gu Xiyao has long been accustomed to such roars. Even if I hear some abnormal roars, I won’t feel it in my heart. strange.

"Oh, this is mine, isn't it." Lin Ze shook his head with a smile, and then said directly: "Xiyao, this time there will be such a big movement, in fact, it was because there was a seriously injured Jiaolong in the place I went to. ."

Lin Ze did not conceal the matter about Jiao Long from Gu Xiyao. Since she was already her own, Lin Ze was not going to hide from her many things.

The matter of Jiaolong is very important, but this matter is not very important in Lin Ze's heart. This is something that can be said to Gu Xiyao.

"What, Jiaolong!" Gu Xiyao's voice suddenly grew louder, his eyes full of incredible.

"Lixuan, are you talking about the truth? There really appeared a severely injured Jiaolong before?" Gu Xiyao asked a few more words immediately afterwards. Obviously, the words Jiaolong really shocked her. .

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