Alien Lord

Chapter 1769: curious

Of course, such a quantity of 10,000 times was indeed rare in the past, but from now on, or from Lin Ze to the mainland of China, this quantity is an unusual quantity.

Lin Ze’s plane seed world is countless times larger than the large aphrodisiac garden found by the three brothers of the Feng family, and the range of the aphrodisiac gardens established by Lin Ze is also tens of thousands. Times.

The most important thing is that the number of such aphrodisiac gardens is still being developed by Lin Ze. Up to now, the number of such aphrodisiac gardens has exceeded 1,000.

Waiting for ten years, or even fifty years later, I believe that the number of aphrodisiac gardens in Lin Ze's hands will already be innumerable.

With so many elixir gardens, the quantity of elixir produced in it must of course be an astronomical number.

Therefore, the alchemy master under Lin Ze will be blessed in the future, because they will no longer have to worry about the lack of elixir in the future, but instead they will have to worry about whether alchemy is practiced all day long.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Ten years later, more than half of the entire Chu medicine market was occupied by Lin Ze.

The alchemy master under Lin Ze can make five or six furnaces of the elixir every day. After three or four years, the ability of this alchemy master can be promoted to the level of the master.

The most terrible thing is that the number of such alchemist masters in Linze's hands has exceeded 1,000.

Coupled with Lin Ze’s infinite elixir, the quality and price of the panacea in his hand are absolutely unique in the panacea market in Chu.

If it were not for the last time that the ancestors of other countries united to resist the proliferation of the Linze Dan medicine market, maybe Lin Ze at that time was not only occupying the Dan medicine market in Chu, but also the Dan medicine market in the dozens of countries around him of.

If Feng Ming was extremely excited about Lin Ze's praise, for him, getting Lin Ze's approval was the best encouragement to him.

"Feng Ming, this time you have made a great contribution, so that one-tenth of this medicine will be directly rewarded to you, and in the future, you will be the deputy director of the alchemy department, the top grade, and the top grade immortality. , It will be left to you to deal with." Lin Ze began to reward the seal.

This time alchemy can be so successful, Feng Ming occupies eight layers of credit, and, from this alchemy process, Feng Ming's alchemy ability is indeed the strongest, therefore, Lin Ze directly let him be responsible Refining of high-level elixirs.

As for the supervisor, Xinxue.

However, Xin Xue also bears the responsibility of cultivating Jin Yiwei, and most of his experience is on this matter. As for the supervisor in charge of alchemy, there was no suitable person before, and now the talents of Lin Ze’s people are gradually showing up. , Some inappropriate appointments before, Lin Ze also began to adjust.

However, Feng Ming's credit is not enough to serve as the head of the alchemy department. He needs other credit to add a bargaining chip to himself, so now the supervisor is still hard-working.

As for whether Xinxue would be willing to step down from the position of head of the alchemy department, hehe, really, he was still eager.

Yes, he likes alchemy, but now he likes Jin Yiwei's work more than this one.

Jin Yiwei is the eyeliner under Lin Ze's hands. He is absolutely confidant in the confidant's heart. The alchemy department's supervisor status is high, but it is far worse than the supervisor in Jin Yiwei.

Xin Xue is a wise man, he knows the choices.

"Thank you, Master, for your kind love, and your subordinates must live up to your Master's love, and for your Master, point out a better medicine!" Feng Ming knelt with joy, and thanked him.

Being able to be promoted to deputy director of the alchemy department at once was definitely a big surprise for Feng Ming.

What's more, Lin Ze also rewarded him one-tenth of the alchemy achievements this time, how could this not surprise him.

Don’t think that this one-tenth of the reward is less, and you don’t think about it. There are many people around Lin Ze who have a higher status and more credit than him, but none of them has been rewarded by Lin Ze. It is really good that Feng Ming can be rewarded with one-tenth of the number of immortals.

"Oh, I am waiting for your surprise!" Lin Ze said with a smile.

Soon, Lin Ze and his party left the alchemy room.

Lin Ze was still very satisfied with this trip to the alchemy room.

Regardless of anything else, Lin Ze felt that this trip was worthwhile only after seeing the formation of sixteen top-quality medicinal herbs.

What's more, after seeing the powerful ability of Feng Ming on alchemy, Lin Zexin was more satisfied.

After walking for a while, Qu Jingwen on the side turned his head and whispered to Lin Ze: "Master, are you going to break through the congenital this time?"

Lin Zezheng said: "Yes, when I go back, I will prepare to retreat and break through the innate."

"Master, you are young, and you have already practiced the quasi-congenital acquired state at the age of eighteen. It is also human nature to want to break through the congenital. However, you still have to be careful. Master, the innate breakthrough is not that simple. There is a lot of danger inside, if you despise it, your master, I'm afraid it may not succeed in the end." Qu Jingwen sighed softly.

He would be so worried, actually because Lin Ze is too young. Although he knows Lin Ze’s magic very well, it is because he knows Lin Ze’s magic, so he will worry that Lin Ze will not break the innate Take it seriously.

Just like those high school jinshi, they are indeed very smart, otherwise, they cannot stand out among hundreds of thousands of talented students and become jinshi.

At the same time, they are also extremely proud and confident.

However, Qu Jingwen is very clear that these new jinshis are very clever, but this cleverness is only for learning and letting them work at the grassroots level, the consequences are really miserable.

It's like giving him a county directly and let this Jinshi become a supervisor.

Perhaps when accepting this task, the Jinshi was very confident in his heart and thought it was just a piece of cake. However, Qu Jingwenxin knew clearly that the probability of success of this Jinshi is extremely low.

He only knew how to read before, how to deal with things? How to mediate human relations in the county? How to develop a county's livelihood? How to deal with some urgent dangers? .......Wait, wait, something like this, this new Jinjin doesn't know at all.

Therefore, after he went to the county, he either failed to achieve anything, or was directly contaminated with the people below, or was directly emptied by the people below.

This is actually what many people now call "eye-mastery-low".

Qu Jingwen was also worried that Lin Ze would appear on this matter. After all, Lin Ze is really too young now, only 18 years old.

A person of this age is synonymous with unstable confidence in Qu Jingwen's heart.

It is a pity that Qu Jingwen was wrong this time. Where did he know that Lin Ze's body was only 18 years old, but his true age was already in his 30s.

Moreover, Lin Ze experienced too many, too many things on the earth, so, where would he have a high eye and a low eye.

However, these things are Lin Ze’s biggest secrets. Even if he knew Qu Jingwen’s 100% loyalty, this secret Lin Ze wouldn’t say.

Therefore, Qu Jingwen went on to say: "Master, this innate realm seems to be very simple, but this is actually a big hurdle. If you are in the past, then you will become a strong innate period and have a world of transformation. The power of Aura's Aura will increase by dozens of times. However, this intermediate process is extremely dangerous, because when the innate aura was just formed, it was extremely fragile, a bad one would get out of control, and the out of control innate innocence The anger is extremely violent, and will directly wreak havoc in your Dantian at that time. If it is not good, your Dantian will be damaged. At that time, you will be in danger."

Qu Jingwen’s words sounded unpleasant, as if he was directly saying that Lin Ze is too Experience is not such a thing, but Lin Ze did not blame Qu Jingwen for this, because he understood that Qu Jingwen said this, not In really teaching himself, but for his own good, let him not underestimate the danger of breaking through the congenital, let him have a bottom in his heart.

Therefore, there will only be satisfaction in Lin Ze's heart, where there will be a trace of blame.

"Relax, I know all these things, I will not underestimate the danger of breaking through the congenital." Lin Ze patted Qu Jingwen's shoulder to show that he had already remembered these words.

Seeing Lin Ze talking, the clearness in his eyes and the worry in Qu Jingwen's heart finally disappeared.

However, there are only a few. To completely eliminate it, Lin Ze really has to break through the innate talent.

"Qu Jingwen, talk about, how did you break through this congenital realm? At that time, what danger did you encounter?" Lin Zexing asked enthusiastically.

Qu Jingwen didn’t hesitate much, first recalled, then sighed and said: "Master, when his subordinates broke through the congenital, they also experienced countless dangers. In fact, the subordinates had failed at that time. Fortunately, There are many preparations, and they are dual-attribute cultivators, otherwise, the breakthrough of the congenital subordinates will fail that time."

Perhaps he would have thought of the danger at that time. Therefore, when Qu Jingwen answered, there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Lin Zewen was very curious in his heart. After all, Qu Jingwen used to be 100% sure about what he did. Now he almost failed when he heard that he was advanced. Lin Ze’s curiosity in his heart He immediately got up.

At the next moment, Lin Ze asked curiously: "Tell me, what danger did you experience? How did you escape this danger?"

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