Alien Lord

Chapter 1768: 10,000 times

"Master, this time I was able to point out that there are so many top-notch innate barriers, and it's really a lucky day!" Feng Ming said with a smile.

There was no trace of pride on his face. This time, he was able to produce so many top-notch innate obstacles, even if it was the seal itself, it would be amazing.

With his current strength, he is able to do this, sincerely he has no one.

"Lin Ze was surprised when he heard this, and asked, "Feng Ming, how many times did you make the best-quality congenital breaking panacea before? "

Feng Ming thought about it carefully and sighed: "Even this time, under the subordinates in these decades, that is, in the world of your master, there have been five times to refine the top-grade immortality, and, This time is the most."

"Oh, this is not bad, and, seriously, if you don’t have solid alchemy experience and no previous alchemy foreshadowing, I believe you can’t be as perfect as today, so all of your income is actually From the accumulation of your own abilities."

Lin Ze saw it clearly. If the seal did not have such a deep accumulation, this time, even if Lin Ze gathered the best alchemy conditions, he would not have harvested so many indispensable innate obstacles in the end.

Feng Ming smiled slightly on his face and said, "Master, what you are saying is that the way of alchemy is the way of accumulation of experience. If you can successfully refining the common panacea of ​​10,000 furnaces, then when you refine some advanced pill When you take medicine, you will also have a lot of confidence, just like this time for me."

What Feng Ming said sounds very ordinary, but after Lin Ze stopped, there was a shock in his heart, because it was ten thousand times...

Then, Lin Ze didn't say much, and gave a thumbs-up directly to Feng Ming. Although he didn't speak in his mouth, his actions had fully expressed the respect in his heart.

Although it may not take three or four hours or even longer to make a common panacea, even if it is ten furnaces a day, it will become a panacea every time, and it will take more than three years to open 10,000 furnaces.

And, most importantly, during these three years, you need to be practicing alchemy all the time, like what kind of cultivation, taking a break, accompanying your family or something, don’t even think about it, this kind of perseverance, this kind of patience, this Waiting for perseverance, Lin Ze's heart has no second thought except deep admiration.

Of course, some people here will ask, the price of a pot of the lowest-grade panacea may not be too high, but once this amount reaches tens of thousands, the price of the low-level panacea is also an astronomical figure.

Moreover, it is not a simple thing to want to collect so many spiritual materials. Without a lot of manpower, you can't do this at all.

Wasn't Feng Ming a casual repair before, how could he have such a strong financial strength to refine the immortality medicine so many times.

Ha ha, don't forget, why the three brothers of Feng Family were in Yinfeng Canyon before.

They will stay here for decades, not just for the countless spirits in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but for their father’s message that they know that there is a secret elixir garden in Yinfeng Canyon, which grows inside With countless elixir.

Therefore, after some strength, the three brothers ventured into the Yinfeng Canyon.

Fortunately, they really found this large-scale elixir garden.

The scale of this aphrodisiac garden is not small, it is divided into two upper and lower. The lower one is larger. It is as large as a dozen football fields. The upper a half-mountain aphrodisiac garden is smaller, only four or five football fields. .

However, for the three brothers of the Feng Family, this scale is already considered a giant elixir garden.

In this way, the three brothers of the Feng family lived in Yinfeng Gorge and began to use the elixir in the Lingyao Garden to refine the elixir.

The location of this elixir garden is excellent, and the surrounding terrain forms a natural agglomeration array. Therefore, the elixir grows very well, and the speed is very fast.

There is such an elixir garden, where Feng Miao still uses the resources of alchemy.

Coupled with the big brother Feng Miao, in order to conceal the source of the immortal medicine on their body, they directly gathered a stick with their third brother Feng Lin, and sat down in the Yinfeng Canyon to cut the diameter of the life. In this way, Feng Miao Alchemy's elixir has more sources.

In addition, from time to time, they will buy some of the low-level elixirs refined by Feng Ming to the trading market, and exchange them for a considerable amount of spirit grass. The problem of the remedy of Feng Ming Alchemy is even more worry-free.

Oh, you said that so many immortals appeared on the market, it would cause a huge shock in the market.

Ha ha, if you say this, you really underestimated the trading market of Xingyue Canyon.

Let's put it this way, the trading market of Xingyue Canyon is actually a huge trading market jointly established by the top ancestors in Chu and other dozens of countries with similar strength. Therefore, this trading market is facing ten Several huge markets about the size of Chu.

Chu alone has a population of 550 million or 600 million. The market is already big and decent. Now there are dozens of other markets that are so huge. How big is this market?

With Feng Ming's alchemy ability, to be honest, it is a question mark whether he can now meet the demand for immortality in Huangsha Town where Lin Ze is located, not to mention the entire Chu Kingdom and even more than a dozen countries around it.

Therefore, the number of these immortals refined by Feng Ming is truly a drop in the ocean. Even if this quantity level is expanded by a hundredfold, a thousandfold, or even a tens of thousandsfold, it still cannot afford any fluctuations.

Besides, at the beginning, the elixirs refined by Feng Ming were relatively low-level elixirs, so the number was relatively large. However, after his alchemy strength had grown, he had never refined any lower-level elixirs. Medicine, especially after his alchemy can get started, all the medicines he made are all of the highest grade.

The number of such elixirs will not be much each time they are refined, and they alone will consume a considerable part of Feng Miao themselves. In this way, the number of elixirs sold by Feng Ming is smaller and less Will attract the attention of others.

Of course, some people have said, is it true that Feng Ming is a panacea that has been refined 10,000 times? How does this matter sound, and how does it seem to be false

To be honest, this number is still less than the seal.

The number of 10,000 times alchemy seems to be very large, but as long as you think about it, you are refining three times a day, which is almost 1,200 times a year.

Even if it is impossible for the seal to be in Alchemy for 365 days a year, then remove 200 of them and convert to days, which is equivalent to 70 days.

Believe that during these days of rest, no one can say less.

In this way, the number of Fengming alchemy in a year will be 1,000 times, and 10,000 times, which is just a decade of accumulation.

However, Feng Ming has been here in Yinfeng Gorge for more than 20 years. With such a long period of time, you said that the number of his immortality has not reached 10,000 times? Can't exceed 10,000 times?

I believe that even if it is replaced by a general alchemist, it is very easy to do this.

After all, all you need to do is to make more than one pot of panacea a day, and everyone in the alchemy master can do it.

But, why can't other alchemists do such simple things?

Haha, it's because of the value of the spirit material.

Alchemy is a very burdensome thing, even if it is a low-level spirit material, the price is very expensive.

One or two furnaces of immortality a day may not look good, but for most people in the alchemy master, they can’t afford it, even the alchemy master in the sect.

Let's take the medicine powder such as the most low-level hemostatic powder.

Zhixuesan is not even a panacea, but if you want to refine such a pair of Zhixuesan, its cost is also around ten gold coins.

The other medicines in Zhixue San are actually very cheap, but the main medicine in it is a kind of pseudo-spiritual material, and the price is very high. It costs seven or eight gold coins in one piece.

In this case, two furnaces a day requires more than 20 gold coins. (The extra is the cost of fuel. The fuel for also has to use special materials.)

Converted in this way, you need nearly tens of thousands of gold coins a year.

You should know that in Chu, the average person earns five or six gold coins a year, which is enough for the whole family.

Tens of thousands of gold coins are already an astronomical figure for most people.

Even if you are an alchemist, if you want to come up with such a large sum of money, it is not a small burden.

After all, your alchemist still needs to learn, you need to support your family, you also need to collect some books on alchemy, more precious elixir, and bear the loss of alchemy failure, etc. If these things come down, if you don’t earn three or five a year Ten thousand gold coins can't be done.

However, it is not easy to earn 30,000 to 50,000 gold coins a year. Such a thing cannot be done by the alchemist on the 7th or 8th floor.

Even the most low-level, alchemy alchemy, which can’t be counted as a hemostatic powder, needs such a large sum of money to refining. You say that if you change to a real elixir, even if it is the lowest elixir, how many alchemy masters Can you afford this refining price? !

The answer is obvious, such consumption, even those sect can not afford.

After all, there can't be only one alchemy master in a sect, but there will be hundreds of alchemy masters, plus the apprentices behind, huh, huh, this cost is quite large.

Even if it is as strong as Taizong, it can't afford such huge consumption.

So, don’t look at the matter of reaching 10,000 times alchemy, but this is just a dream. For many alchemists, it can be considered satisfactory to have four or five thousand alchemy experiences in a lifetime. .

Feng Ming was just lucky, he found a giant elixir garden, and supplied him with alchemy alone. Otherwise, where could he make more than 10,000 elixir?

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