Alien Lord

Chapter 1770: Allelopathy

Qu Jingwen thought back carefully and said, "Master, in fact, many martial arts records clearly record that all cultivators do not rely on any medicine to break through. Some of the special cultivators are Use a special way to break into the congenital period.

In many cases, although the strength of the ninth floor of the day after tomorrow is already the ultimate achievement of the vast majority of people, there are still some very special practitioners. Because they have two attributes, they start practicing at the same time when they start practicing. In addition, the dual-system exercises are still martial arts with the attributes of mutualism, and in the end, the martial arts of these two attributes are practiced to the extreme. Finally, these genius-level practitioners, with the help of the acquired top-level exercises of the top-notch mutualism attribute, used the principle of mutualism and mutual restraint, and finally successfully broke through to the innate realm. "

"The acquired attributes and exercises?" Lin Ze murmured in his mouth, and then a thought suddenly flashed in his heart.

"Yes, it's the attributes and exercises of mutualism and mutual restraint, just like the fire and wood exercises under it, or other gold and water exercises, etc." Qu Jingwen said in awe: "If there is any A talented cultivator, who also has these two kinds of mutualism and cultivating talents, then paired with the two top-level physiognomy and physical strengths to practice.

Once the martial artist reached the quasi-congenital realm at the same time, he could completely abandon the aid of immortality, and with his own strength, he could try to forcefully convert the power of one of the exercises into another. The coexistence and mutual restraint exercises. If it can be successfully transformed, then this method of mutualism and mutual restraint can automatically break through the original state, so that the true energy of this corresponding method can be directly converted into innate energy, and finally successfully promoted to the innate period. "

Hearing this, Lin’s heart was beating fast, if not his restraint was very strong, I am afraid he would scream out now.

Seriously, he has never heard of such a breakthrough.

When I listen to it now and think about it carefully, I really feel that this breakthrough method is actually quite good, and it is indeed feasible.

But when I thought about it, Lin Ze soon learned that the difficulty of doing this was really not that great.

Cultivation is not a house or a meal. It is difficult and difficult to do.

Ordinary warriors, who practice a martial arts, may never advance to the level of quasi-congenital for life, but now you have to spend another half of your time to practice another kind of practice.

In particular, this kind of exercise and the one you practiced before are mutually complementary, which will inevitably lead to the difficulty of the martial artist practicing several times above.

In addition, the required training resources will also increase several times, and the difficulty of this training can be imagined.

It can be said that there is no strong resources behind him, no genius-like cultivation qualifications, no firm and unusual heart, no one can do this.

I believe this is also the reason why this breakthrough method is not heard in the practice world.

After all, a cultivation genius, if you focus on one martial arts practice, you have the chance of seven or eight levels can be promoted to the congenital, and if you choose to practice two exercises that are mutually compatible, then this possibility will drop to two or three levels. .

Faced with this situation, I believe many practitioners understand how to choose.

What's more, a top-level exercise is extremely difficult to find, and now there are two more, and it must be a combination of exercises. Seriously, if you can do this, there are very few, really few.

Even Lin Ze before entering the secret realm could not do it.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze was no longer worried about Qu Jingwen. They hadn't talked to themselves about this breakthrough method before, and they were dissatisfied.

After all, before entering the secret realm, he did not have this condition, and after entering the secret realm, he did have this condition. However, other breakthrough methods seemed more suitable for Lin Ze, so after Qu Jingwen did not say.

"It seems that Qu Jingwen you are using this characteristic to break through the innate period." Lin Ze looked at Qu Jingwen with a straight face.

Now that Qu Jingwen has said this, it is obvious that he is the innate period of breakthrough through this method.

"Yes master!" Qu Jingwen admitted quite simply.

"Why? This road is more difficult to walk, is it necessary to take this road with your training qualifications?" Lin Ze asked with a puzzled expression.

Qu Jingwen is a rare Confucian cultivator genius seen in a century. With his training qualifications, where is it necessary to do so.

"Oh, master, when he was young, he devoted himself to the imperial examination. All the time, the time of the ninth floor was spent in the imperial examination, although the final subordinate really did succeed in the imperial examination. The champion, however, ultimately delayed the cultivation of Nei Jin. However, the subordinates did not care at that time. After all, the subordinates had just won the top champion at that time, just when they wanted to show their talents.

However, a Jiang Yang thief killed his grandfather, two uncles, and several cousins ​​and cousins ​​directly at night, and he was killed under the siege of hundreds of bureaucrats. When it is still easy to leave, the subordinates are the real importance of the power to wake up.

At that time, if the subordinates had great strength, this tragedy would not happen, nor would they watch their relatives killed, but the murderer could easily escape. Therefore, since then, the subordinates Start martial arts.

It’s just that the age of the subordinates at that time was not too small. The age of twenties has long missed the golden age of cultivation. At this age, the meridians have solidified and the vitality has disappeared. If you want to rely on this method again Breaking through, I am afraid that the air of heaven and earth has just entered the body and will explode and die. Therefore, at that time, if you rely on general cultivation techniques, and ultimately want to achieve success, the difficulty is really great, great. "

When it comes to this, I don't know whether it's because of the dilemma that I faced at that time, fortunately, or something, Qu Jingwen's face was a trace of melancholy.

When Lin Ze heard this, his face changed slightly, and he immediately asked: "Is there no solution?"

"Yes!" Qu Jingwen had a trace of rejoicing on his face.

"Fortunately, at that time, the subordinates were already top champions, and because of their strong foundation in Confucianism, they were valued by the Confucianists. Eventually, the Confucianists even checked out the physical qualities of fire and wood. Therefore, I made a suggestion to my subordinates, that is, to use the attributes of these two mutualisms to practice the martial arts of the two mutualisms. In this case, because they are the exercises of the two mutualisms, the quantity is one after the generation of true energy. It’s twice the size of the door, and it can also refine the true energy of the subordinates to a certain extent, and there is a great chance that it can directly break through the congenital. Of course, in the end, the Confucian people also said this to the subordinates. The shortcomings and consequences of that. It’s just that there is no way to subordinate at that time, except for this, there is no other way. So, under the clenched teeth, I agreed directly.” Here, Qu Jingwen’s face is a face Pride, because, if he didn’t have the determination then, where would he be now.

Hearing this, Lin Ze nodded secretly.

At that time, this was indeed Qu Jingwen's last path. It would be a matter of course that he would make such a choice, because it was Lin Ze who would make the same choice under such circumstances.

After all, if Qu Jingwen didn't make this choice at that time, then the path of martial arts was directly cut off, and he chose this path, but he still had the last hope to embark on the road of martial arts.

Judging from the current results, Qu Jingwen's choice at that time was extremely correct.

"Qu Jingwen, the choice you made at that time was very correct, otherwise, where would you be now." Lin Ze nodded to Qu Jingwen, indicating that the choice he made at that time was really correct.

It’s just that Qu Jingwen heard this but shook his head Then he even said: "Master, seriously, don’t look at me as a success now, but, at the same time, practice two competing skills. Dharma, the kind of psychological pressure to get the one-thousandth chance is really........."

Although Qu Jingwen didn't go on, Lin Ze and they knew the psychological pressure at that time.

Especially Lin Ze, he felt the same about it.

When the seed of the plane came to this world with Lin Ze's soul and began to seize the'body' of Lin Lixuan, the pressure in Lin Ze's heart did not have to be Qu Jingwen at that time.

At that time, Lin Ze's soul energy was extremely scarce. If this time failed, it would be an unknown number for Lin Ze to have another time. Therefore, Lin Ze's psychological pressure was strong at that time.

"Such pressure is not only during cultivation, when I start to break through the congenital, but also to the extreme. Seriously, when I broke through the congenital at that time, the devil directly invaded, all the truth in the blink of an eye Qi is out of control, and the meridians and Dantian in the body are also hit hard. Finally, if the subordinates are out and holding unsuccessful, Cheng Ren’s mentality, let go of all the pressure in the heart, go all out to advance, and finally in Before Dantian was completely destroyed, a trace of innate ingenuity was finally generated, which directly suppressed all the riots in the body. Seriously, at that time, even if there was such a trace of hesitation or worry, your master I don’t see my subordinates anymore, hehehe..."

Qu Jingwen laughed directly. After all, those things are the past, and the final result is also a happy event. So, when talking about this, Qu Jingwen couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe..., you are really lucky!" Lin Ze also smiled and pointed at Qu Jingwen.

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