Alien Lord

Chapter 1767: Success

Lin Ze listened to Da Qi and asked, "Did you not justify these alchemy books with Xinxue before? Didn't you have detailed steps above? Haven't you read them?"

Qu Jingwen turned slightly red, and then said in a very low voice: "Master, I have seen it, it's just... I can't understand the things above."

Speaking of which, a very embarrassed expression appeared on Qu Jingwen's face.

Indeed, the way of alchemy is a unique knowledge. If the above words are not separated, then the Confucian Confucian Confucianist Qu Jingwen knows all of them, but they form special phrases, phrases and After the sentence, for his great Confucian, it is equivalent to a fantasy.

Qu Jingwen knew very well that Lin Ze liked the idea of ​​alchemy in his heart, so of course, as a subordinate of Lin Ze, he certainly did well, and he would be very stern.

After copying these alchemy classics and classics, Qu Jingwen looked over and over for a long time, but the result was still no more clueless. Finally, in desperation, Qu Jingwen had no choice but to stop.

Lin Ze was stunned, and then said with a smile: "Haha, we can't think of our Confucian Confucian Confucian, but it is so bad in alchemy, ha ha ha ha..."

Lin Ze laughed, because before Qu Jingwen was in Lin Ze’s heart, he knew everything above, and he knew all these things. Lin Ze’s heart even regarded Qu Jingwen as complete. The genius of the property is viewed.

However, this time the plume on the alchemy made Lin Ze realize that Qu Jingwen was only a genius, and he still had some problems.

However, it is precisely because of this that Lin Ze's heart has a better impression of Qu Jingwen.

It's like you are getting along with a learning hegemony. If this learning hegemony is in the level of learning hegemony in all courses, I believe that when you get along with him, there will always be some uncomfortable feelings in your heart, or feel that Less than one piece.

However, if this is just two or three courses of learning, and other things are very general, you can quickly become a real good friend with him, and you will not be inferior to him, yourself and him Not in a class feeling.

"Qu Jingwen, you didn't think about asking other alchemists, I remember you also have some alchemists!" Lin Ze asked with a smile.

"Hehehe, master, this... I still consulted my subordinates, but..." Qu Jingwen’s face was even more embarrassing, only after Lin Ze looked at it , But the heart is more refreshing.

"Let you be like that before, now it's stupid, ha ha ha ha..." laughter filled the entire alchemy room directly......

Lin Ze’s joke here is that Qu Jingwen’s stupidity on alchemy, and the laughter is not small, but the seal in front of the alchemy furnace and several other alchemy rooms are blind to this, just like treating them as air. .

This is actually quite normal, because during alchemy, when dealing with some exploding spirit materials, sometimes it will make a very loud sound, and, in the final Hedan, the alchemy furnace will make a huge noise.

Over time, these alchemists have become familiar with them, and no matter how loud their voices are, they will be able to keep their hearts calm.

This is also an ability that alchemists need to possess. Otherwise, if they are easily influenced by some voices, then the capabilities and future achievements of this alchemist will be limited.

In the words of Feng Ming, an alchemist who cannot devote his whole body to alchemy is definitely not an alchemist, at most a pseudo alchemist!

After a full five hours, there was a strong fragrance in the pavilion. Even at the moment, even Qu Jingwen, who knew nothing about alchemy, knew immediately that the panacea was about to be released.

Sure enough, Qu Jingwen was right.

As the scent of the Qin people in the pavilion became more and more intense, the seal in front of the alchemy furnace moved quickly, and I did not know how many times he had refined the elixir in the past few decades. It is familiar to the realm of knowing the situation in Danlu only by feeling.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!!!" After bursts of strong impact sound, Lin Ze knew that this was the formation of the panacea in the alchemy furnace, and the level of these panacea was not low.

Because, the higher the elixir, the stronger the spirituality. After refining and molding, they automatically want to fly out of the alchemy furnace and escape.

Now the impact sound in the alchemy furnace in front of Feng Ming is so loud, it is almost like a war. It can be seen that the level of the elixir inside must be very high, otherwise, the elixir inside will not be such a riot.

"Feng Ming's alchemy technique is really powerful. It seems that there is a great possibility that the alchemy is refined this time. It is indeed the best alchemy!" Lin Ze thought secretly.

At the same time, I also waited for myself for more than five hours, and felt it was worth it.

It is extremely difficult to see the best medicine of immortality. There will be no one on the market for a few years, let alone seeing the refinement of medicine of immortality.

Did not look at Xin Xue's eyes, has completely fallen into Feng Ming's side.

Such an experience is a rare adventure for any alchemist.

"Huh, Huh 2.......!" At this time, Feng Ming's breath was also rapid.

Only by virtue of his experience, he knew that this time alchemy was extremely successful. The elixir in it definitely has the best in it, and the number may be more than one or two.

Replaced by a general alchemist, this time it may have lost its sense of position. I am so excited that I don’t know what to do next.

This will inevitably lead to the panacea in the red furnace, because the fire at the time of the last fire is not in place, and the potion in the pot has a decline in medicinal properties. However, such a mistake will never be committed.

One is that Feng Ming has already practiced several times before the best medicine, so he won’t be as excited as he first started.

The other is this time when Lin Ze is present, Feng Ming wants to show his best, so he is extremely calm.

"Hoo...!" Feng Ming took a few deep breaths, and his original excited heart gradually began to calm down.

At a certain moment, Feng Ming's eyes lit up, and his right hand began to think about the alchemy furnace.

At the moment when he finally opened the furnace, the dignified expression seemed to be mentioned by this hand, not the lid of the furnace, but the whole world, which made Lin Ze on the side admire because the expression on the face of the seal is now, but Such an expression is possible only if all the spirit is devoted to a certain cause.

"Get up!" With Feng Ming's roar, his right hand waved gently towards the alchemy furnace.

"Boom!", a very metallic sound sounded, and then the alchemy furnace in front of Feng Ming finally lifted the top lid of the alchemy furnace.

"Boo babble!!" As soon as the top cover of the alchemy furnace was opened, a dozen colorful streamers flew out of it and flew in all directions.

"Stagnation!!" Feng Ming seemed to have been prepared for a long time, his left index finger pointed at the sky.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, a large number of blue seals appeared in the alchemy room out of thin air. After each seal appeared, it immediately caught up with the colorful streamer that flew out before.

Then, they were easily intercepted.

After that, the sixteen lessons of sacred colorful light, half the size of a quail egg immortality, so floating in the sky quietly.

However, even if this is the case, these sixteen elixirs are still the rebels, constantly impacting the seal of Fuzhuan around them, and want to escape.

However, the seal of Fu seal here, as long as Feng Minglian pointed out the first superb panacea, specially specially strengthened the master of the formation of Han Dong, so no matter how they are pinned, they are all Doing useless work.

"Shut up!" Feng Ming beckoned to the sixteen super medicines in the sky. Suddenly, these super medicines flew into the jade box in his hand like an obedient child.

"Pappappap!" A superb elixir flew into a small jade and soon got on with it.

In less than five seconds, these sixteen elite medicines were stored in the jade box.

Lin Ze on the one side has been sitting still since the start of the furnace, but on the other side of the blood, they are trembling with involuntary tension, and there is a kind of face that wants to rush out directly to help Feng Ming to escape those. The best medicine of immortality gives the urge to catch up.

It's just that Lin Ze on one side did not speak, and they dared not carry out this impulse.

At this time, Feng Ming took those jade boxes and came to Lin Ze in a respectful manner: "Master, this time his luck is not humiliating this time, and he has turned into sixteen indispensable innate obstacles."

"Okay! Very good!" Lin Ze smiled and patted Feng Ming's shoulder as an encouragement.

After that, he took the sixteen jade boxes in Feng Ming's hands, and the smile on his face was a brilliant one.

Seriously, this time the alchemy of alchemy was able to achieve such a successful result, even Lin Ze had never thought of it.

Lin Ze is not worried about the fact that Feng Ming can point out the best congenital broken obstacles, because Feng Ming, like this kind of best congenital broken obstacles, pointed out more than once.

This time, because he was shown to him by refining, the refined spirit materials, alchemy master, and other conditions are all the best.

In addition, Feng Ming has deliberately taken a rest for a period of time for today. Under such conditions, he pointed out that one or two superb congenital broken obstacles, Lin Ze thinks that there is no problem at all.

However, this time Feng Ming came directly to a big surprise. He suddenly pointed out that there are 16 superb congenital broken obstacles, and the remaining 40 or 50 top congenital broken obstacles. (Oh, you are finally It sounded to us...) Such a huge gain, even if Lin Ze, could not have imagined it.

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