Alien Lord

Chapter 1720: No tears in the coffin

So many people will not compete for the inheritance of Master Xuanyin. Are you being a prominent animal at this time? Will it be the target they fight for?

Although the strength of the last person left is not high, but the strength of the barbarian after he won the house is not high, plus the just won the house, it is impossible to reach the body of the barbarian, so the strength will definitely be greatly reduced .

In the end, whether he can get away safely is really a question mark.

Anyway, Ning Zizi is not sure about whether he can get away safely.

He has already given up the human body and won the barbarian beast. Such a huge effort can not guarantee 100% security. You said that Youming will be happy in his heart.

What's more, the inheritance of the Master Xuanyin is extremely important. The Netherworld itself has spent countless efforts and risked the loss of his life to get it. He will not abandon it so easily.

Therefore, to escape with the inheritance of Master Xuanyin, Youmingzi absolutely does not do it.

Since the use of treasures to attract the attention of others, so as to give him the opportunity to escape such a plan does not work, then you have to find another way.

After some hard thinking, in the end, Yumingzi still came up with a safe way to get out.

If you want to get away safely, You Ningzi must not have great strength, that is, those outside can't find him.

Powerful and incomparable strength, if the current body of Netherworld can go out, it can really be done. However, the formation of Xuanyin secret is prohibited, and only people at the guru level are allowed to enter or exit, otherwise Netherworld will not want to take it. Give away those wild beasts.

Therefore, this method is obviously not feasible.

The only thing left is for those outside to not find him.

Those who want to find him can't find his trail, there are ways.

One is that his speed needs to be extremely fast, like lightning speed. In this case, even if someone finds him, but because he is very fast, even if someone wants to chase him, he can’t keep up. He It's easy to rely on the speed of lightning to track people.

This method is still feasible, the only problem is how to catch the barbarian that reaches lightning speed.

In the end, Youmingzi spent a lot of time and couldn't find such a barbarian. In the end, he only gave up this method.

Second, you can also use stealth to let others not find themselves.

It is not necessarily an invisibility ability. An ability like Lin Ze’s previous escape technique is sufficient.

At that time, he can use this ability to hide, so that others will not find him.

It's just that it's too difficult to find a barbarian who can be invisible. It's too difficult. Moreover, you can't be sure that there is a barbarian that can be hidden in the mysterious realm.

Therefore, after two or three years of searching, he still didn't find any trace of a beast capable of stealth, or has a magical ability similar to stealth, and Ghost Child gave up this idea.

In the end, Netherworld can only pin its last hope on this last method, that is, to find a barbarian with space supernatural powers, and use the power of space to hide himself.

You Xingzi's luck is really good. Such a space snake was quickly found by him, near the endless abyss at the door of the secret realm. Here, he found a lot of space snakes.

And, what makes him most happy is that these space snakes have a kind of space magic that is extremely suitable for him, that is, they can easily open the void world and let themselves live in it.

This ability is simply the most beneficial ability for Netherworld.

As long as he seizes the space snake, he can go out with peace of mind.

Even when he just went out, some masters will find some traces, but as long as he opens the void world at the fastest speed and hides inside, then he can get away safely.

Every time the opening of the Xuanyin Secret Realm is not only a huge harvest feast, but also a fighting battle.

Everyone who comes out of the mysterious realm of hidden mystery hides innumerable spiritual materials or other precious treasures. Such things can attract some unscrupulous eyes.

Therefore, within half a month after the close of the dense environment, within a few hundred miles near the Windy Gorge, it will be full of danger, and countless peeping eyes will stare closely at each one coming out of the Windy Gorge. people.

As long as the target is found, like a separate one, or the team's strength is not very strong, these peeping eyes will quickly kill and take away everything around them.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the resources obtained by the children of the Zongmen from the Xuanyin Secret can be safely brought back to the Zongmen, the masters of these Zongmen will protect the Zongmen disciples to return to the Zongmen, and will not be in this valley. Long stay.

The same is true for other disciples. For security reasons, many of them are returned together, and no one will stay alone in the valley.

Therefore, as long as Youmingzi can directly open the void world and enter into hiding as soon as he comes out, it is considered that his figure has been discovered by some sect masters, and he is also safe.

Because these Zongmen masters need to guard the safety of the Zongmen disciples around them, they will definitely return to Zongmen with them, so even if they found Youmingzi, knowing the interests of the present Youmingzi, but in the end they still Had to return to Zongmen.

After all, Netherworld can wait patiently in the void world for a long time. Ten days, one month, or even a few years does not matter. However, these sect disciples absolutely cannot wait here for so long.

The more they delay time here, the more dangerous they will be later.

At that time, the others had already left, and only those of them were left in the valley. Those who peeped out of the outside would eventually unite and suppress them.

Fools know that Zongmen’s children have the most resources and the highest quality, so instead of chasing down those scattered repairs, they will eventually obtain some cultivation resources with poor quantity and quality. Zongmen children.

Maybe they will be more dangerous, but as long as they succeed, they will get thousands of times before.

As the old saying goes, people die for money and die for food!

Faced with such a huge temptation, where will these guys who only have interests in their eyes endure? !

I believe this matter is also clear to the strong minds of the Zongmen. Therefore, they will certainly not take risks. In this way, Youmingzi will be safe.

With this best option, Nyuzu no longer thought about other things, and immediately started to catch space snakes.

Although in the end he still caught the space barbarian snake, but for that, Ning Zizi was also suffering.

He is not Lin Ze. Lin Ze has a powerful consciousness in his body and a plane seed. Therefore, space barbaric snakes cannot attack Lin Ze at all. As long as they open the space channel, Lin Ze’s consciousness and plane seeds will be Immediately tell Lin Ze where these space snakes are.

You have no such thing, and most of his consciousness needs to be isolated from the surveillance of the poisonous demon king. Therefore, when you catch the space snake, it is extremely difficult for you to find the sneak attack of the space snake.

Therefore, those snakes who are out of their wits and no space are a headache for Youmingzi. For a long time, he was helpless.

In the end, it wasn't until Youmingzi's strength soared into the foundation period that Youmingzi finally caught the space snake.

It's just that this time has passed for almost a hundred years, and the long time has made Youmingzi a little numb.

Of course, at that time, Netherworld had not yet reached the final juncture. There are other ways to think about it, such as seizing the cultivator, or seizing the inheritance of the Xuanyin Master, and using this secret method to leave this mysterious secret. .

Therefore, even if Ning Mingzi had already captured the space barbarian snake, he still did not capture it, but waited patiently for the opportunity.

It is a pity that these opportunities were directly destroyed by Lin Ze's arrival this time.

In particular, the inheritance of his most respected Master Xuanyin was obtained by Lin Ze. After losing his greatest hope, You Ningzi took the first time after fleeing and he was ready. Space snake.

He was not as hesitant and hesitant as the middle-aged young master in the past. Once he determined that other methods failed, he immediately took the space barbaric snake and did not think about the difference between barbaric beasts and human cultivators.

From this point of view, You Ningzi is more determined than the former middle-aged young master. Of course, it is the same as other demon warriors.

It's no wonder that among all the demon warriors, only Ning Zizi found a way to open the inheritance of Xuanyin Masters, and finally achieved success.

It's just a pity that the number of people is no match for the number of days. In the end, all that Ning Zizi did was cheaper for Lin Ze.

Believe that Youmingzi would have known such a stream of water if he had known his misfortune. He had already beaten the space snake a few hundred years ago.

Maybe if he had made such a decision early then, he was already a monster at the base level.

It is a pity that there is no such thing as if there is no regret medicine in the world!

"Alas, Youmingzi, it seems that you really can't see the coffin without tears. You think you can do whatever you want with the space snake, and you can't be found out by me. Ha ha, it's really naive!" Lin Ze looked disdainfully. He glanced at the'Netherworld' in the void world, then he didn't circle the'Netherworld' again, and his right hand was on the side of the beast bag.

‘咻咻咻! ! ’Three space snakes appeared directly beside Lin Ze.

"Go, get me the guy inside!" Lin Ze ordered the three space snakes that had just appeared.

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