Alien Lord

Chapter 1719: End (3)

At that time, you were like the middle-aged young master now. It is better to have not come up with a solution to this problem. In this case, although the results are still the same, at least you will not be as difficult as you are now.

Especially in the scores of various universities, and your score is exactly a dozen points less, as long as you correct that question at that time, you can go to a higher-grade university, I believe that time You, your heart will surely be filled with regret, and the whole person will have a feeling that life is better than death.

Of course, things like this kind of sad reminder are not experienced by many people, but I believe there must be some people who have experienced such things.

(To be honest, during several final exams in Xing Zhe Middle School, the Xing Zhe twice took the Chinese test, and the writing was halfway through, and it was really bad to think about the mood at that time. what!!)

"How about, do you need to do it yourself, or do you need me to do it?" Speaking of the two words, Lin Ze's strength to build a great consummation was directly revealed.

The breath of the middle-aged young master who was oppressed by the powerful momentum was a period of difficulty. After feeling Lin Ze’s powerful momentum, the middle young master who was already already weak in his heart was soon defeated.

The next thing is almost the same as Lin Ze grabbed the demonized warriors before. The middle-aged young master easily surrendered to Lin Ze.

Someone here will say, how can a strong man like a middle-aged young master surrender in such a simple way, aren't they masters in the foundation period, and now they should have a battle with Lin Ze.

Seriously, in fact, the middle-aged young master surrendered directly is the most real reality.

Don’t think that there is some strength, you can be upset with anyone. In fact, the person who does this is not a guy with a brain or a fledgling guy. For those who are experienced, many will Choose the same choice as the young master in the middle.

It's like you are a millionaire. When you face a million-level rich man, you can not care about him in your heart, you can ignore him, or even be hostile to him, but once you face a billionaire of this level , Or even billionaires at the level of 10 billion, will you even go against him and provoke him? !

I believe this answer is clear to everyone, as long as it is normal people will not do so.

As long as you think about it, you are just a salaryman with an annual salary of one million, but now you have to directly defeat the top ten rich people in the country. Anyone who trusts you will think this is a joke.

The middle-aged young master is the strength of the foundation period, but don't forget that he had a battle with the Baidu Demon King before. His current strength has been greatly reduced, and it is good to have half of the previous strength.

As for his enemy, Lin Ze, he is now in full strength, and his strength has reached the state of the great consummation of the foundation period, which is already much stronger than the middle-aged young master.

In addition, Lin Ze can also control the formation prohibition in the Xuanyin Secret Realm, which further increases the strength gap between the young master and Lin Ze.

Faced with a disparity in strength, can the middle-aged young master have a fighting spirit? !

"Well, half of this person has been captured by me, and now half of them remain." Lin Ze said with a smile on his face.

After he sealed them, he began to pick up the demonized warriors.

With the inheritance of the Master Xuanyin, he is familiar with his home like this, and those demonized warriors are like thieves who broke into his home. Although hidden, Lin Ze wanted to find If it comes out, it is not too difficult.

In addition, Lin Ze (avatar) is now a strong foundation-building consummate. He captured these thieves from the early stage of foundation-building, and it was really easy and pleasant.

"Hey, find another one." Lin Ze said with a smile, he found another one through the investigation inside.

"I can't think of it. Among these people, the most courageous would actually be this guy." Lin Ze carefully checked the guy who had just been found and said to himself.

"Also, this guy is indeed not simple. The tenth of the memory that was obtained before was inherited from cryolite. It was not just that he got it. Now he will make such a choice, and it is not that unexpected. "

"However, in this way, this guy's strength has dropped a lot, but I have lost a strong man." Lin Ze shook his head.

"Forget it, anyway, this guy's really powerful is not his strength, but his calculation, plus his strength, in these thirty-six people, that is, the strength of the middle and lower, more than him, not much, less him There are quite a few, so one less is one, anyway, the knowledge in his mind is the most important to me." Lin Ze muttered to himself, then, his right hand stroked in front of him, a new The space crack appeared in front of him.

At the next moment, Lin Ze stepped in directly, and when it appeared again, it was already at the fourth pass.

Just came here, Lin Ze's eyes glanced around, there was no one inside, as if he was the only one.

However, when Lin Ze's eyes looked at a position on the right hand, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said directly to the position: "Come out, I have seen you!"

It's just that Lin Ze's words seem to be completely useless. After he said this, for almost a minute, it was still the same calm here, where did anyone come out.

"Oh, you really can't see the coffin and can't cry. I have already found you. You still ignore your scalp and think that I'm cheating you?" Lin Ze stared at a certain position with a dull tone. Said.

"He really found me?" A mysterious person in a mysterious space, after hearing Lin Ze's self-confidence and staring at himself in this direction, a trace of doubt appeared in his heart.

However, very quickly, this guy immediately ruled out the idea.

"No, this guy is definitely deceiving himself. I'm a space snake now, and I use space supernatural power to hide in the void space. Even if this guy is strong, I can never find me hidden in the void space." Said here At that time, the mysterious man couldn't help but move his body.

I saw a ten-meter-long, thick-legged, dark silver space snake moving in the void space, and his eyes shone with extremely spiritual light.

"Not yet? Really stubborn!" Lin Ze shook his head and said: "Netherworld son, I know you are in the void space, you should come out by yourself, otherwise, it is really time for me to start, then you are suffering. ."

This time, Lin Ze not only directly called the name of Netherworld, but even the void space where he was hiding was directly broken.

"Boom!!" The words of Lin Ze, like a blockbuster, exploded directly in the brain of Netherworld, blasting him with a face full of emotion.

"How could he know who I am? How could he know that I was hiding in the void space? Then did he also know that I had lost the space snake?..."In an instant, countless problems appeared in You have a headache in Ning Zizi's mind.

Yes, this guy is Youmingzi.

Compared with the middle-aged young master who hesitated before, he simply did a lot and directly chose to take the barbarian.

And, looking at the space snake that he is now taking away, I believe that the idea of ​​taking away the wild beast has long been in the mind of Ning Zizi, and he has already made preparations.

These space snakes are only available in the endless abyss space when entering this dense realm. It stands to reason that the space snake is not here, but now it appears here, obviously someone brought it in deliberately.

In addition, now Netherworld has directly captured this space snake, so Lin Ze can be 100% sure that Netherworld had this plan believe that Netherworld plans to be a master of Xuanyin At the time of his inheritance, he had this intention.

As long as he has the inheritance of the Master Xuanyin, if there is a way to leave the secret realm of Xuanyin, then everything is fine. If it is not, or if it is not suitable for him, Youmingzi will directly **** this space barbarian snake.

As for why he took the space barbarian snake, rather than the barbarian beast with a more powerful or higher bloodline, this is actually because of one of the same reasons that the middle-aged young master faced before.

That's how he escaped the chase of those people in the valley after he took the barbarian.

Unlike the middle-aged young master, he wanted to cross Lin Ze's identity, and then used the inheritance of the Master Xuanyin to attract the attention of others, and then he saw the opportunity to get away.

Such an idea, seriously, Youmingzi also considered it, but after carefully thinking about it, he decided to give up this idea.

Because this plan does seem to be feasible, many warriors in the valley will be attracted to attract attention, but this is only a large part, and there will still be a considerable part that will not be attracted by this.

These people are either of low strength and knowing that they will **** the inheritance of the Master Xuanyin, they will definitely not be spared, so they will not participate.

In addition, there are those low-level children of Zongmen, as well as those of the second and third generations. These people are either because of their low strength or solid status. Therefore, the leading Zongmen masters will not let them go wrong. So, they will also be ordered to stay in place.

So many people will not compete for the inheritance of Master Xuanyin. Are you being a prominent animal at this time? Will it be the target they fight for?

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