Alien Lord

Chapter 1721: Masters

"Go, get me the guy inside!" Lin Ze ordered the three space snakes that had just appeared.

"His hiss!!!" Three space barking snakes hissed at Lin Ze a few times, then, with an excited look, directly opened the void world and drilled into it.

"No!!" Seeing the three space snakes approaching quickly, his whole body collapsed a little.

He was able to ignore Lin Ze's words before, and it didn't matter after Lin Ze saw him through, because he was hidden in the void world.

There is no limit in the void world, and there is even no direction. Even if the Netherworld wants to come, even if Lin Ze has the ability to open the void world, but if you want to find yourself in it, it is absolutely a fantasy.

If you want to find yourself in the void world, there are only wild beasts who can live in the void world, like the space snake he is now taking away, or the more powerful Jindan period powerhouse.

Lin Ze is definitely not a strong man in the Jindan period. As for the space snakes, the Netherworld has taught them how powerful they are, so he does not believe that Lin Ze will have them.

However, what I did not expect was that Lin Ze actually had a space snake in his hand, and the number was still quite large. His strength was even higher than that of the space snake he is now taking away.

Therefore, after seeing the three space snakes opening the void world, and easily finding themselves based on the smell, the whole body of Netherworld collapsed because he could not receive the present result.

It's like you are talking to a person, and you are constantly telling each other how good your job is, how much money you can make, and you have bought a house at home, and so on. These are your own advantages.

However, at the next moment, the guy on the opposite side directly said that he was a relative of Dad Ma or a very close relative.

I believe at this time, your face will definitely look good. (Everyone knows Father Ma’s son, but few of his relatives know about it.)

"I have persuaded you to come out and surrender obediently. At that time, if you were obedient, where would there be such a huge psychological blow now, alas!" Lin Ze looked with pity at the captured, the whole person seemed to be lost. After sighing, You Ningzi was directly thrown into the plane seed world.

Compared with other demon warriors, Youmingzi's current strength is indeed not good, but his IQ and his knowledge are more useful to Lin Ze.

Therefore, Lin Ze didn't torture him much, and threw him directly into the plane seed world, and when he was trapped in a state of distraction, he easily planted a puppet mark and completely became Lin Ze's men.

"Well, there are twelve demon warriors." Lin Ze felt the other demon warriors, and soon opened the space channel to the demon warrior closest to him... ..

.................................................. ...

At the same time, in the valley outside the Xuanyin dense realm, some masters appeared one after another. The number of these masters was quite large, and their strength was not low.

The lowest is the strength of the Supreme Master in the early stage, and the strongest is even the strength of the fake base period.

These masters who appeared in the valley three times in a row were the masters who came to meet the ancestors and family members of the clan disciples who came out.

The Xuanyin Secret Realm will be closed in half a day, and these people will come one after another to ensure the safety of their sect disciples and the safety of those cultivation resources.

"Yu old strange, this time you came really early, don't you care about the strength of your children under your door, ha ha ha..." A big laugh sounded in the valley, then, A middle-aged man full of elegant temperament floated down gently from the top of the valley to the bottom of the valley.

It feels like this person is like a leaf, it seems to have no weight.

"Zhang Xuan, huh, you haven't come in the same way, are you also worried about the strength of your Confucianism?" Yu Laoguai, that is, Yu Ming, also directly ironic Zhang Jing.

Yu Ming, the elder of the inner door of Xuanyin Demon Road, the Supreme Master Grand Master's state of consummation, is the strongest person sent by Xuanyin Demon Road to protect the children under the door.

Zhang Xuan is also the state of consummation of the Supreme Master Grandmaster. He is a Confucian, and like Yu Ming, he is also to protect the safety of Confucian disciples.

In addition, Sun Xifeng, the master of Confucianism, is actually his brother. If Sun Xifeng was there, Zhang Xuan would not need to come here again. However, this time Sun Xifeng lost the exploration of new secrets, which was of great importance, so he was still Sun Xifeng was sent.

However, what Zhang Xuan didn’t know was that Sun Xifeng had already died in the hands of Baidu Demon King before, so this time he could never wait for Sun Xifeng to appear. Similarly, he was really right, otherwise, This time Confucianism will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Okay, both of you are in their thirties, and they are still noisy and noisy. The voice is still so loud. I'm afraid that the children around me won't hear it." The person in Tai Yizong costume came up and said.

His name is Zhang Jing. He is the elder of the inner gate sent by Tai Yi School to protect the safety of his disciples. His strength is the same as the previous two, and he is the master of the Supreme Master's consummation.

There are countless treasures in the Xuanyin secret realm. This news has spread through dozens of treasure hunts over the past 500 years. Now it is not only known in the human cultivation world, but even in the 100,000 mountains. Some powerful barbarians also know.

You must know that things like cultivation resources are needed even by those wild beasts. Therefore, when the secret realm is finally closed, some wild beasts in the 100,000 mountains will come here to compete for resources.

Something like this had appeared three hundred years ago. Now every time there will be wild beasts to **** the cultivation resources, and those who secretly peep, so each sect will send quite powerful masters. Protect the children under the door and the cultivation resources they carry.

"Elder Zhang said, can we let those disciples under the door read the joke." Yang Han, the elder of the blood demon door, also said with a smile.

Originally, as Yang Han's identity and status, he did not need to come here, but this time his grandson Yang Xinyu also entered the secret realm, so he came directly.

Now he doesn't even know that his grandson Yang Xinyu is already dead. And it was Lin Ze who killed him. I believe that after he knows, he will definitely be furious.


"Humph!" Hearing what others said, there were some Zhang Xuan and Yu Ming who were aiming at each other before. They both sneered and said nothing more.

Seeing the hostile appearance of these two people, the people present knew exactly why.

Zhang Xuan is a Confucian, and can be said to be an absolute righteous man, but Yu Ming is a Xuanyin demon, an absolute demon, plus two sects were dead enemies before, and now the two have met, of course not Give the other person a good look.

Of course, other people are right, what identity are they? Really want to quarrel like the old ladies here, it is their own shame.

Plus this time they came here to protect the safety of their disciples and cultivation resources, so the two of them were even more unable to target.

Otherwise, two people will fight if they are not good, which will make those peeping snipes compete for fishermen.

Seeing that the two of them are no longer aiming at each other, the hearts of the people present were relieved, because if they really want to fight, they will definitely be in a ball here.

Because many of these sects are all aligned, like Taiyi Sect and Confucianism are allied.

When either side of them is attacked by an enemy, the other side is obliged to help the other side against the enemy.

Like this ally of allies, the two schools have been together for more than 500 years. It can be said that the two schools are absolute ally relations.

Therefore, once Zhang Xuan and Yu Ming really fought, then Zhang Jing will definitely help Zhang Otherwise, after he returns to Zongmen, he will certainly not be able to explain.

Once Zhang Jing intervenes, the other masters of Zongmen will also intervene.

Like Yang Han, there is a nine-layer possibility to shoot, because the Blood Demon Gate and Xuanyin Demon Dao are also allies. The only difference is that the two have only been in alliance for only thirty years.

Not only these four sects, such as the Beast Sect, Spirit Medicine Sect, Sky Rune Sect, Thousand Demon Sects, Dark Demon Sects, etc., but also the relationship of mutual alliance. This battle is really about to fight. If they do, they will also be involved.

At that time, an abnormal **** battle broke out in the valley. At that time, everyone will definitely be defeated. Only the cheap beasts and the beasts secretly hiding in the outside will be cheap.

Zhang Jing and these people are sober-minded, so he will stand up directly to prevent this pointless aim, plus Zhang Xuan and Yu Ming are not stupid, so although the two are still very unwilling to see each other, but still He settled his dissatisfaction and did not fight directly.

"I don't know what happened to the disciples who entered this time?" Feng Qiping of the Beast Sect said with a trace of expectation.

His strength is a bit worse than that of Zhang Jing. He is the strength of the Supreme Grandmaster in the later period, but even so, his strength should not be underestimated, because he is the person who controls the Beast Sect, and many of them are powerful. Spirit beast.

Only the ones that are exposed in front, according to Zhang Jing, there are three blood moon wolves with the strength of the Supreme Grand Master level. As for how many powerful spirit beasts there are, apart from Feng Qiping himself, I believe no one else can know.

Because those who know these secrets must be his enemies, and now he is still alive, of course, all his enemies have gone to the land.

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