Alien Lord

Chapter 1714: intend

Baidu Shenjun treats Baidu Demon as a dead enemy, and has been attacking him with all his strength. That is because Baidu Demon caused him to lose his body, lost his future, and was locked in this secret environment. Years of time.

In these five hundred years, there is still only one remaining soul left. This makes the King of Poisons hate the King of Poisons, even if he loses his life for this, he is very willing.

In the past, it was not the Baidu Shenjun who helped Lin Ze to block the killing of the Baidu Demon Jun. For the Baidu Shenjun, as long as he could break the good deeds of the Baidu Demon Jun, he would be willing to do it, even if Lee's guy, who was his enemy just shortly before, was the same.

But now there has been a big change of 360 degrees in things. Lin Ze’s current situation has given the Baidu Shenjun the obvious opportunity to get his real body again, the chance to be resurrected again, facing such a rare good. Opportunity, where will he miss.

Furthermore, the Baidu Mojun and Baidu Shenjun are actually one body, only one is an avatar and one is an ontology. Although the two had become dead enemies because of the seizure, the essence is that they are actually one body, or the same One person, but these two are fighting for the dominance of this body.

No, now that there is an opportunity for both of them to get a new body, the two men will be reconciled immediately, ready to take down Lin Ze together, seize the inheritance of his body, in order to generate a new body.

After the peace talk, the Baidu Mojun and Baidu Shenjun did not continue to fight, nor did they pick up those treacherous demon warriors, but followed them to Lin Ze, not far away, staring at him.

"Hand over the inheritance you got, or else..." Baidu Mojun stood directly and said coldly to Lin Ze.

The other people, did not say much, all looked at Lin Ze with a murderous face. At this moment, their interests were the same. After there was no dispute between the interests, they would be hard to fight again.

Snipe clams compete for fishermen's profit. They are all very clear about this sentence. They will not give up this great opportunity in front of them for some hatred in the past.

"Oh, I don't think you still have some insights, so soon you wake up, huh..." Lin Ze said with a careless smile.

Seriously, this time Lin Ze really didn't care about Baidu Mojun, even with the addition of Baidu Shenjun's remnant soul, as well as more than thirty other demon warriors, Lin Ze was not at all. worry.

Not to mention that his current strength has reached the state of great consummation during the foundation period, and only some of the means in the memory of the Xuanyin masters that Lin Ze now has can give them good looks.

This looks good, and also includes the remnant soul of that one hundred poisonous demon king and one hundred poisonous deity king.

Don’t forget, Lin Ze inherited all the memories of Master Xuanyin in the memory inheritance space. Although he still has no strength to obtain the most central control stone of Xuanyin Secret Realm, he relies on the inheritance of Master Xuanyin. He can still control the formation ban to a certain extent, or use the power of the formation ban inside.

This is why after Lin Ze came out, he not only didn't escape, but faced the people of Baidu Demon King directly.

Before Lin Ze got the true inheritance of Master Xuanyin, he had already got the secret method of leaving here. At that time, as long as a matter of thought, Lin Ze could safely leave this secret realm.

However, after learning about the strength he now has, Lin Ze didn't want to leave so soon.

One is that he is still a little unclear about his soaring strength, and he still can’t grasp it. After all, his body was only a quasi-innate strength before, and there is a long and long period away from the strength of the foundation distance.

This is like a three-year-old kid holding a big knife in his hand. A bad one will hurt himself.

Even if you can't hurt yourself, it will also threaten the people around you.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a thing, Lin Ze will surely familiarize himself with the powerful power of his body first, so as to control it freely, and will not hurt himself and the people around him.

Secondly, these demonized warriors Lin Ze have taken a look, don’t look at these demonized warriors under the hands of Baidu Demon King, like slaves, as if they can be discarded at any time, you think they are Very cheap.

In fact, this is not the case. Each of these demon warriors is a top-level master. They are like slaves in front of Baidu Demon King, just because Baidu Demon King is too strong. If it is replaced by outside, Like the ancestral gate of the Chu Kingdom, each of them will be the bottom of the box in the ancestral gate of the Chu Kingdom.

Tai Yizong, Xuanyin Demon Taoism, Confucianism, and so on, these are the top ancestors of Chu, and their strongest masters are the realm of the early foundation.

And such masters, there are now thirty-six here, so if Lin Ze can get them, then Lin Ze’s strength will be greatly increased, and he will have enough confidence to face the top Chu countries. Zongmen.

Of course, such strength Lin Ze is indeed sufficient in the Chu Kingdom and the dozens of small and medium-sized countries around it. However, once he reaches a powerful country like the Great Qin Empire, although Lin Ze will not be at the bottom, there are The existence of middle and lower.

Like the strength of the Ice Valley where Lin Xiao, the successor of the Great Qin Empire Ice Valley, Su Xiaofei, who met in Baizhangyan, Lin Ze, even with these thirty demon warriors, is not enough.

Every top sect in the Great Qin Empire has existed for tens of thousands of years. For such a long period of time, the profound heritage of these sects is really not what ordinary people can imagine.

The strength of Master Xuanyin is very strong, but even if he is in the Great Qin Empire, he can't afford to provoke those top sects, because once they provoke them, God knows what level of old monsters will come out of these sects.

Of course, Jiangshan is a talented person. If you really start, Xuanyin Master is not afraid, nor is he capable of eating dry food.

Lin Ze is also the same. With a seed in his hand, he will not be afraid of any kind of enemy.

Just give him time, not to mention the Great Qin Empire. In the future, the entire Shenzhou mainland, and even this planet, will be his Linze.

As for why Lin Ze would like these demonized warriors? Isn't he afraid of the devilish qualities of these demon warriors, which will make others mistakenly believe that he is a devil, and everyone will call out?

Indeed, this thing is really possible again, and the probability is not low.

However, Lin Ze has some solutions.

These demonized warriors will be like this demonized, because the poisonous demon king of Baidu made them enchanted by virtue of the devil qi on him.

Therefore, as long as the source of the demon qi, Baidu Demon King, is resolved, these demonized warrior strikes can gradually recover.

Even if they are deeply enchanted, Lin Ze also has the memory of Master Xuanyin. In these memories, there are some ways to expel the magic energy from the demon warrior.

Like a Buddhist gate on earth, isn't it one of the best gates of exorcism?

In the memory of Master Xuanyin, there are a lot of methods of exorcism like this.

In the end, even the memory of Master Xuanyin does not work, so don’t worry, because Lin Ze also has a killer tool that is not used. I believe everyone guessed it, yes, Lin Ze’s plane seed.

The devil qi in the body of these demon warriors is hidden deep again. In front of the plane seeds, that is, the existence of slag, it can easily **** these devil qi out and return it to these warriors with pure No attributes.

Therefore, Lin Ze didn't even worry about these people's external manifestations of Qi after they were subdued.

As for the question of betrayal, huh, huh, facing Lin Ze's puppet mark, it is impossible for them in this life, no, they should be next life, next life, and even eternal life.

In Lin Ze wants to conquer these demonized warriors, and there is another reason why he wants to strengthen the mysterious sect that he has fabricated.

Lin Ze now has a strong doppelganger, so the mysterious background he has created before can already be explained. However, in such a powerful sect, it is impossible for Lin Ze to be the only one, and there must be other strong men, or his men.

At that time, if Lin Ze couldn't bring out these men, or the strength of his men was very low, some smart people might see something.

Those who can mix in Chaotang, who can become the heads of millennial families, and who can become masters of one family, do you say they will be fools? !

Lin Ze saw the remaining thirty-six demon warriors and the powerful hole card in his hand, he instantly thought of a solution to this problem, that is, grab them all, such a In the future, there will be his own mysterious sect.

Believe that those people are doubtful, but when they see these thirty-six strong foundations standing directly in front of them, that is doubtful, and no one will believe it.

In the end, these people were all the pride of heaven in the sect, and the pillars in the sect. The knowledge in their minds is actually the most precious treasure.

Especially for a man like Lin Ze who is extremely lacking in the knowledge of the practice world and martial arts secrets, the martial arts knowledge in the mind of Youming Zi is really like gold tempting him, making him think about the law To get them.

With these reasons, these benefits are replaced by you. Will you let go of these people? !

If you really want to see such treasure in nothing, then you are definitely a fool!

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