Alien Lord

Chapter 1713: greedy

This is not to say, there are such examples in reality.

Like some organs are transplanted, some organs will retain some memory of the owner, so one is not good, these memories will affect the person who transplanted this organ, some people really insisted on, but, more people But it became a schizophrenic.

Although such examples are rare, they do exist, so Lin Ze is really careful about absorbing memory.

Had he not had plane seeds in his hands, he would not have easily absorbed the memories of others.

Other people's memories are still other people's after all, and they are still very different from you. Once you absorb too much and have no ability to digest, huh, huh, if you are not good, you will fall into a state of mental confusion and become a mental illness in the world .

Lin Ze's eyes flickered, the words and tactics in his brain, and the memory was almost complete, which gave him a sincere smile in his heart.

"Oh, this time I came here to take risks, really worth it!" Lin Ze said with a smile.

Then, he looked back to see that this was an empty memory inheritance space. He stood up and paid tribute to the position where the memory inheritance crystal was located. Thanks for the generous gift from Xuanyin, Lin Ze was ready to leave here. .

Lin Ze sorted out his body and transformed a set of clothes out. Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the void next to it. There immediately appeared a space crack. Without any hesitation, he got up and walked in.

When he appeared again, he had already returned to that place.

Just now, a loud battle sound came into Lin Ze's ear.

I saw that not far away, Baidu Demon Jun was fighting with Baidu Shenjun, the mysterious creatures around him, and several other demonized cultivators.

Judging by their appearance, it was clear that everyone was united in a deadly battle with the Baidu Demon King.

"Eh, you came out, good, good, really good, hahaha!!"

Soon, the fighting Baidu Demon found Lin Ze standing outside.

"Don't you wait, let's talk about it, but here is another person who has inherited the mysterious Xuanyin, and his value is definitely the highest here." Baidu Mojun was struggling with his side The enemy said loudly.

Seriously, it was really difficult for Baidu Mojun to deal with this time.

It turned out that he only had to deal with the remnant soul of Baidu Shenjun and several other demon warriors, but the remaining demon warriors joined the war group under the persuasion of You Mingzi, and they still helped Fight with yourself on the other side.

In this way, Baidu Mojun can be said to be caught in the siege of Tuan Tuan, even if he has eight other avatars, Baidu Mojun is only for parry.

In the middle of this, he wanted to directly detonate the knowledge of other demon warriors in the sea of ​​knowledge, but it was directly destroyed by the remnant soul of the Baidushenjun.

As the remnant soul of Baidushenjun, he knows all the means of Baidushenjun, so it is a breeze to destroy his avatars that are planted in the sea of ​​those demon warriors.

It is for this reason that the remaining dozens of demon warriors will stand directly on the side of the **** of poison.

After destroying the remnant souls of the Baidu Demon King, Baidu Demon King must first deal with them, so in order to protect themselves, and to report the hatred imprisoned for hundreds of years, these demon warriors directly Betrayed, joined the ranks of the attack on Baidu Demon King.

In the past, Baidu Mojun didn't look down on the fighting power of these people. However, after this time, he really realized that he really underestimated these people before.

In fact, think about it too. The combat power of these demonized warriors in the past was very poor. When they were captured by the Baidu Demon King, they were mostly Grand Masters, or the strength of Supreme Grand Masters. The Baidu Demon King put it in his eyes.

However, don’t forget that these demon warriors have been trapped in the blood sea space for hundreds of years. Even for such a long time, even if it is a pig, its current strength is also very impressive, not to mention the ability to cultivate to the Grand Master himself. These people who went to Grand Master.

They are all geniuses who cultivate above, so for hundreds of years, their strength has been rapidly improved.

If it was not because of demonization, they were deeply affected by the magical energy of their bodies, and the efficiency of the above practice was greatly reduced. Now their strength may have been the same as the Jindan period, not the current strength of the initial foundation. .

Maybe seven or eight such demon warriors could not threaten Baidu Demon King, but now there are more than 30 such demon warriors left here, plus there are more powerful Baidu Demon Kings around them, And his spirit beast is being pinned down. Baidu Mojun is really caught in a complete hard fight, and it is still the kind of hard fight that fell into the wind.

A bad one, there is a real danger of being killed.

Therefore, after seeing Lin Ze appearing now, Hundred Poison Demon King's heart is overjoyed, because he can let Lin Ze divide a considerable part of the enemy, and then protect himself.

As for the inheritance of the Master Xuanyin on Lin Ze, there is still a way to go out. Ha ha, now the Baidu Mojun really can't care about it.

If he is not good now, he will be in danger of dying. If he still thinks about the inheritance of Lin Ze, it is definitely the most stupid act.

By the way, the words of the Baidu Demon King directly let those demon warriors collectively look at Lin Ze, his eyes revealing the endless greed.

Why are they fighting here, not because they want to eliminate the biggest threat of the Baidu Demon King, and then stay here to get the inheritance of the Master Xuanyin.

Now that this inheritance has appeared, they will of course look at Lin Ze with fiery eyes.

"Oh, it's really hilarious here, don't stop, everyone don't stop, just how good it is to fight!" Lin Ze said with a smile, as if he didn't care about the greedy eyes in front of him.

In fact, Lin Ze really does not need to care, don’t forget, Lin Ze’s real avatar's strength is not low, and the foundation of the Great Consummation can definitely let him face these unwilling demon warriors in front of him. , And even the most threatening one of the poisonous demon kings before them.

The strength of the Baidu Mojun has reached the golden age, but in order to break the seal, he has gone to the Pavilion in the ten pavilions, plus with these demon warriors, and the remnant souls of the Baidu Shenjun After fighting for so long, his strength is really limited.

The most important thing is that this is Xuanyin dense realm, it is the site of Xuanyin master, and now Lin Ze has been inherited by Xuanyin master, that is to say, here is now Linze's home court.

Although he can't completely control the Xuanyin secret realm yet, with the help of some Xuanyin secret realm, he can still do it.

"Huh, how is this possible, how could you be alive ///meat//body?" Baidu Mojun looked at Lin Ze with a surprised look.

As a strong man in the Golden Pill period, whether the real // flesh // body is standing in front of him, or the previous Divine Avatar, the Baidu Demon King can still tell.

Before he saw that it was clearly Lin Ze's avatar, but after he came out, it became a real // flesh // body, which surprised the heart of the Baidu Demon King extremely.

"His...!" The scene immediately remembered a cold hiss. After everyone's reminder from Baidu Mojun, Lin Ze's something was wrong.

The thought that Master Xuanyin was actually capable of directly turning a consciousness avatar into a real body, which made these people's hearts extremely hot, and the greedy color in their eyes could not be concealed.

Among the people on the scene, whether they are the demonized warriors or the remnant souls of the Baidu Demon King and Baidu Shenjun, after they go out, they are all invisible and chased by the world, even if they are out now. , I also lived in Tibet.

In this kind of life, if there is no better choice, they will pay attention, but now that there is obviously a better choice, where will they still pay attention to must be to get the best.

"His...!" This time it was not a cold hiss, but a greedy voice.

Divine consciousness avatar, everyone here has, and there is more than one, that is to say, each of them has the opportunity to turn the consciousness avatar into a real // flesh // body.

Moreover, they can limit the strength of the body to the level of the guru when changing the avatar of the consciousness into a real body. In this way, they can go out safely without worrying about the threat of the formation of the Xuanyin dense realm.

It can be said that this is simply the best way to get out of trouble. These demon warriors who have been trapped for hundreds of years, where tolerate such a temptation.

No, all the remaining thirty-six demon warriors completely abandoned the siege of the Baidu Demon King, and all his eyes were full of greed to look at Lin Ze, and came to him vaguely.

It’s not just these thirty-six demon warriors, like the former Poison Master Baidu and Baidu Shenjun who couldn’t help but stop fighting at this time, the two looked at each other and then looked at the distance Lin Ze seems to have reached a tacit agreement.

"I help you get a way to turn the Divine Consciousness into a real body, and then the hatred between us will be wiped out!" Baidu Mojun said directly.

"Well, as long as I can restore my true body, all the hatred before will be wiped out!" Baidu Shenjun quickly replied.

He treats Baidu Mojun as a dead enemy, all because he made him lose his body, leaving only a residual soul, but now obviously has the opportunity to get the real body again, such a good opportunity, where can he miss.

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