Alien Lord

Chapter 1715: Flee desperately

"Let's talk nonsense, if you hand it over now, we can still let you go, but, if you don't think about it, huh........." Although the following words did not continue Go on, but, the cruelty and brutality in his eyes are clearly visible.

"Want me to hand over the inheritance of Master Xuanyin, hehe, you still have to take care of yourself first, Lei Hai, attack!" Lin Ze said with a smile, afterwards he said nothing, and directly started to be strong. The memory of Master Xuanyin began to mobilize the endless purple Leihai below.

"Boom!" In the moment, the purple Thunder Sea that was temporarily sealed by the Baidu Demon King like an avalanche, countless thunderbolts instantly broke the seal of the Baidu Demon King, and then, thighs together Thick purple thunderbolts, like giant pythons thousands of kilometers long, rushed towards the Baidu Demon King.

I don’t know whether it’s because these purple thunderbolts have the willpower left by the mysterious Xuanyin, or the devil qi of the Baidu Demon King directly caused the outbreak of these thunderbolts.

The thunder and lightning in the Purple Sea were all swarming toward the hundred poisonous demon kings, and he alone had hundreds of purple lightnings.

"His...!" There was a cool voice everywhere on the scene. These people could not have imagined that Lin Ze would have the ability to mobilize the purple sea below.

"No, he got the inheritance of Master Xuanyin. Does that mean he can control the formation ban here?" At this moment, a demonized warrior suddenly shouted and said something. Words that can absolutely shake the mind of the army.

"Fuck, **** guy, say this at this time!" Baidu Demon Jun and You Mingzi were both coincidentally swearing at the bottom of their hearts.

What the person said, when the two of them excited the Leihai below, they instantly thought of it, but neither of them said it because it would easily cause fear in others' hearts. , And their power is greatly reduced.

This is like a war in the period of the Three Kingdoms. Before the war, the two armies would send generals in the army to provoke them before the battle.

The morale of the army will be greatly increased than the side that will win, and the morale of the army will directly drop to the lowest point on the side that loses.

The most famous three British wars in the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu, is one of the best examples.

Lu Bu had easily defeated the generals under his princes before. This made the Eighteenth Route princes dared not act rashly, even if they had an absolute quantitative advantage.

On the contrary, Lu Bu only relied on tens of thousands of troops, plus a tiger jail to block the hundreds of thousands of allied troops, and thus won the reputation of the world's first general.

Such a thing is absolutely unimaginable in modern times.

Now Ning Zizi's request for money is almost the same. They used to fight against Lin Ze with high spirits, but now they are blocked by the endless thunderbolt manipulated by Lin Ze. At this time, they are actually very embarrassed.

However, such a shameful thing just knows it in my heart, and speaking it out loud, it really hurts morale.

Besides, in the past five hundred years, they were all trapped by the formation ban here. Every time they wanted to escape from this place, they would encounter a strong blow from the formation ban.

For five hundred years, the formation prohibition can be said to have completely defeated their willpower, leaving an indelible and invincible impression in their hearts.

When many people heard about the formation ban, they all went back to themselves and became afraid, where is there any fighting power.

For these things, whether it is the Baidu Demon King or You Mingzi is actually clear. Therefore, although their hearts are also clear, they dare not say it, because they are afraid of what they say, the fighting spirit of these people here Will completely collapse.

However, in the end, someone said something loudly, which kept the two people shaking their heads.

Sure enough, what happened next was exactly what the two had expected.

After those people heard that Lin Ze could control the formation prohibition here, everyone seemed to have encountered their own natural enemies, obviously they still have strong strength, but everyone’s first and second thoughts are not to go Fight, but choose to turn around and run away.

"咻咻咻咻咻!!" In an instant, thirty-five demon warriors wanted to turn around and fled directly, and they all fled separately, and did not expect that only Lin Ze was in front of them. Their strength, in fact, can still pull the wrench wrist with Lin Ze.

"This..." Seeing the thirty-five demon warriors who fled like lightning, even Lin Ze was dumbfounded. He thought about a lot of pictures, but he didn't I thought of this picture in front of me.


"Ah!!!" Two deep sighs came from the mouths of Netherworld and Baidu Mojun at the same time.

Both of them seemed to hear each other's sighs, but they couldn't help but look at each other. This one gave a sense of self-confidence to the two people for no reason.

Only a good sense of self-confidence does not equal the importance of one's own safety.

After seeing that the other thirty-five demon warriors escaped without returning, the next moment, Netherworld did not hesitate, and directly tore a space to build a passageway and escaped from here.

Although there are still the most powerful souls of Baidu Demon Jun and Baidu Shenjun, it is clear to You Xingzi's heart that they have no magical powers this time.

Now that this guy in front can control the endless purple Thunder Sea below, it is not difficult to call up the previous seal chains from the spar space.

In other ways, Youmingzi still has the confidence to deal with it. However, in the face of those seal chains that are as simple as eating, those who are trapped in the Golden Pill Period, Youmingzi has no chance of being confident, so he is very simple. Ran away.

"........." Seeing Youmingzi escaped without hesitation, the Baidu Demon King was speechless for a while.

‘A good confidant, now you have escaped first, this...’’

You Ningzi was right, how could Lin Ze let go of such a powerful method as the seal chain.

He had clearly seen the power of those seal chains in the blood sea space before, even if it was only one, it would give the Baidu Demon a headache.

Therefore, when he started to work, he manipulated some purple thunderbolts and came directly to the blood sea space. Then, the endless purple lightning thunder directly hit the seal under the hundred poisonous demon kings outside the blood sea space.

The power of thunder and lightning is most suitable for breaking the seal. Just a dozen purple thunder and lightning directly broke the seal under the Baidu Demon King.


"Wow la la la la!!!" The sound of chains moving directly in the space.

I don't know whether it is because the sound of these seal chains moving is very loud, or because when Lin Ze broke the seal before, he alarmed Baidu Demon King, or maybe Baidu Demon King's fear of the seal chain was already deep into the bones.

Just two seconds after the sound of the seal chain just sounded, the Baidu Demon King with a reluctant glance opened the space channel for a day and wanted to escape.

At this time, he could not care about the inheritance of Lin Ze.

Lin Ze’s heritage is good, but compared to his own, it’s nothing.

Baidu Mojun had thought of rushing over directly, grabbing Lin Ze, and threatening him to stop his hand movements, but he gave up with frustration after thinking carefully.

Lin Ze opposite, the strength is not low now.

Netherman's strength is not strong, and their vision is not as high as the Baidu Demon King. Therefore, they can't see that Lin Ze is now in the state of the foundation of the foundation, but the Baidu Demon King can see it.

If it was replaced during his heyday, let's not say that a small foundation period was completed. Even the Jindan strongman in the late Jindan, Baidu Mojun is confident that he can easily win it.

It is a pity that his strength is now less than the previous level. He also fought a battle before, which greatly consumed the combat power. If he now shoots against Lin Ze, don’t say that Lin Ze can not be captured. Ze defeated, even if it is good.

Of course, if you add the residual soul on one they still have the ability to fight Lin Ze, but don't forget that such a battle is extremely time-consuming.

Not to mention much, it will take a few minutes, but the seal chains left by the Xuanyin master in the blood sea space have been out of trouble. When I came here, it was a few seconds, a maximum of ten seconds. time.

In this way, is he still necessary to continue fighting? !

"Junior, I remember you, you wait, I will definitely........." Before leaving, Baidu Mojun wanted to leave a ruthless word, but he also said this ruthless word Not finished.

"Brush La La La!!!", a clear chain noise suddenly rang in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, a chain of arms thin and thick, with an orange flame burning all over him, directly penetrated the space and shot directly from each open space channel of the Baidu Demon King.

"Boo!" It immediately **** the Baidu Demon King.

"No!!" Baidu Mojun groaned in his mouth, he turned his body full of qi, and wanted to break free from the seal chain.

In fact, he did succeed, but, just one second after he successfully broke free of this seal chain.

"Brush La La La!!!" The sound of successive chains of seals rang in his ears.

Then, I saw more than a dozen thicker seal chains than the previous seal chain penetrated the space, and immediately came to the Baidu Demon King, wrapped around him, and instantly wrapped him up.

"Help me quickly, I can give up control! I can help you seize the inheritance!" Baidu Mojun panicly asked for help from the remnant souls around him. Now, because of his greatly reduced combat strength, there is no What ability to break free of so many seal chains.

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