Alien Lord

Chapter 1712: Fusion (3)

Although this slowed down the speed, it was more stable. Therefore, Lin Ze was not anxious at this time, but just calmly digested the memory of the memory in the sea.

Lin Zexin was actually a bit worried about the problem of time. After all, he had been in for a while. What happened outside? Are those guys still fighting? Are you looking for yourself with all your strength? Or is it time for the opening of the secret realm to come?

Wait, countless questions came to Lin Ze's mind.

Fortunately, at this time, an inexplicable feeling told him that his time here was almost paused. No matter how much time he stayed here, when he went out, the time was only a few seconds above. With this feeling, Lin Ze's heart finally became quiet.

As for how Xuanyin Master extended the time in this way, the reason is not that Xuanyin Master has the ability to control the time. Old dead here.

The time in this memory inheritance space is so long because it is actually a memory space.

Once entering here, Lin Ze’s consciousness turned into a memory, and then this memory of Lin Ze continued to flow along the memory flood of Xuanyin’s memory and experienced everything he experienced, so it gave Lin Ze the feeling , As if after a long time.

In fact, these times are just a few seconds later.

Just like you are dreaming, many people have experienced months or even years in their dreams, but when you wake up, you will find that the time in reality has actually passed an hour, or more short.

The dream here is equivalent to the memory picture of Xuanyin's master. Time cannot be described in real time.

In this way, Lin Ze was constantly absorbing the memory of Master Xuanyin. Here, he has completely lost the concept of time. After all, every time the memory is transformed into a cocoon, he will fall into the unconscious and spend it specifically. How much time, he already had no idea.

Plus, after going out anyway, the time is only a few seconds, at most a few minutes, so Lin Ze really does not care about this time.

Now in Lin Ze's memory, it is just a clear memory of the number of cryolite inherited from those memories.

After the seventh memory inherits cryolite, each time he merges a memory inheritance cryolite, it takes several times as much time and energy to digest and absorb completely.

The further back, the greater the amount of memory contained in the memory ice inheritance spar ice crystal, and accordingly, Lin Ze consumes them more time.

At the same time, every time when he emerged from the cocoon, Lin Ze would observe his current body for the first time. With the increasing memory inheritance, he already knew that what he had expected was correct. The half-moon spot on his forehead The different color changes do indeed represent every physical reorganization.

The half-moon-shaped spots on his eyebrows will become darker as each fusion memory inherits cryolite. At the same time, Lin Ze also clearly feels that his body, in each fusion, will be based on the memory of the sea. Increase and make some very minor adjustments.

In this way, after seven or eight times of adjustment, his //meat//strength is getting stronger and stronger, even if Lin Ze has such a kind of continuation, he will become a piece of himself The feeling of a powerful magic weapon.

Although it looks from the outside, his current body and the body of other cultivators have nothing unusual, still the same figure, the same weight, the same height, but Lin Ze clearly fights within his own body All of the material has unimaginable changes.

Like his current muscles, Lin Ze believes that he is definitely dozens of times stronger than ordinary cultivators. Now the muscles on his body can resist the cuts of ordinary knives.

Those kitchen knives or something were cut directly on it, and even one mark could not be left.

And his current hair, this change is the biggest, because his current hair has become as strong as a steel cable, and the growth rate has begun to slow down greatly. In the current situation, it may grow for a year. Not a few centimeters.

Up to now, he has fully integrated seven memory inheritance cryolite, so at this time, his body is already very defensive.

Lin Ze's eyes flashed, he touched his arm, guessing in his heart, with his current physical strength, I don't know whether he can resist the full blow of the innate strong man.

It is a pity that it is clearly not the time to do these experiments, so Lin Ze quickly gave up this idea and began to absorb memory cryolite again.

Time lapse, this day, where the memory inheritance of Xuanyin's memory is stored. There is no memory inheritance cryolite here, but in the middle of this place, there is a giant cocoon of dark blue color floating. This cocoon is not unusual. It is covered with fine cracks. If you look closely, you will find that these lines actually have a feeling like a pattern, which is the same as the prohibited pattern.

This giant cocoon has been here for a while.

Unlike other previous cocoons, which quickly broke, this cocoon has not shown any signs of breaking. Everything around it seems to be stopped by some mysterious force. Since then, this cocoon has not changed. .

Lin Ze's body is now lying flat in the cocoon. His eyes are closed and his heartbeat is extremely slow. He only beats every three or four minutes. If he didn't check it carefully, he would really think he was dead.

It can be said that the entire Lin Ze is in a state of epiphany similar to the tortoise.

His consciousness was completely immersed in the memory torrent at this time. The last memory inherited cryolite, the time it took to fuse, has now exceeded the sum of the previous eight memory inherited cryolite.

His divinity was immersed in the endless stream of memory of Master Xuanyin. Here, he saw the life of Master Xuanyin.

From the moment he was born, Master Xuanyin decided until the last time he decided to practice distraction and finally stepped into death.

In this series of memory pictures, at this moment, he seemed to have experienced it personally. In the end, Lin Ze even had a feeling that he was actually Xuanyin Master.

This sense of confusion was something he had tried to avoid before, but at this moment, at the moment when all memories were finally integrated, it still broke out uncontrollably.

In this way, Lin Ze's consciousness has been in a dormant state of dormancy for a long time. The blue giant cocoon of the place where the memory is inherited suddenly made a "click".

Immediately afterwards, a click sound continued to flow out of the blue giant cocoon, and a tiny broken crack appeared from the cracked veins on the blue giant cocoon, as if it were the original veins. It turned into a crack, and soon, the whole cocoon, with a "bang", began to collapse quickly around.

At this moment, from the blue giant cocoon suddenly showed a naked man with red hair and black eyes. This man has black hair and black eyes. Although his appearance is very ordinary, but if you look closely, there is a difficulty The mysterious temperament of words is attracting you.

At this time, his eyes were still closed, and his heart was beating very slowly. It looked like those people in the science fiction movie who had just come out of the dormant warehouse. The whole person felt a little numb.

After a long time, his eyes suddenly opened, which seemed to contain infinite power, and the light blue cloud smoke rolled across the depth of the pupil in his eyes.

Lin Ze exhaled slowly, he looked down at his body, and after the fusion of the ninth memory inherited cryolite, at this time, he could clearly feel the strength of this body, although it did not go through the actual The experiment on the previous page could not predict the extent to which it could be achieved, but Lin Ze believed that this body would definitely bring countless benefits to his future survival and development.

The limit of his future development will also be extended longer, longer...

Recalling the fusion of the last memory inheritance cryolite before, he still has a lingering fear. If he had not merged the eight memory inheritance cryolite before, he had been cautious. In order to absorb it completely, he deliberately slowed down the absorption fusion Speed, thus laying an extremely solid foundation.

If not, then at the moment when the endless memory in the last memory inheritance cryolite completely broke out, I am afraid that he would have completely lost himself long ago, and became a lunatic who thought he was a master of Xuanyin.

It is precisely because of those solid foundations before that he finally survived this last difficulty, awakened his own sapience, and awakened.

Of course, Lin Ze knew that even if he was really awake for a while, it wouldn’t take long for the plane seeds to help him wake up.

The memory torrent of Master Xuanyin is very strong for Lin Ze, but in front of the Plane Seed, it may be a drop in the ocean.

In fact, it is also because there are plane seeds as a backup, Lin Ze will be so bold to absorb these memories of the Master Xuanyin, otherwise, he would not dare to tell the truth.


The reason is actually very simple, that is, Lin Ze has tried to read the memory of others before.

When Lin Ze studied puppet marks on the earth, he tried to read some people's memories. (Memory of the enemy)

Those experiences allow Lin Ze to fully understand and read other people’s memories, but if you want to integrate these memories into your own, it is best not to do it, because once you do that, there is a lot of A great chance will make you a schizophrenic.

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