Alien Lord

Chapter 1318: Frost

At the same time, the body of Jiaolong directly formed a snake array. At the next moment, the whole dragon was like an arrow off the string, turned into a red streamer, and shot directly towards the dragon flame in front.



A thunderous explosion sounded like a fire, and a strong explosion wave rose into the sky. The shock wave of the explosion directly around the ground within a range of 40 to 50 meters was a mess.

Large pieces of land were directly shocked into powder.

In the sky, the sky is full of countless electric snakes caused by explosions. They meander forward and continue to wreak havoc on the originally messy land and surrounding forest;

The ground is also constantly splashed with sparks caused by the lightning, and some trees around it directly burned up.

At this time, the sound of "click" sounded like the sound of broken glass. Then, a lot of dim red Yanlong singles finally penetrated through the body of Jiaolong, and the next moment appeared in Lin Ze's Chest.

Lin Ze had already made preparations. He took the golden bell cover lightly, and the black mask appeared again, blocking the power of Longyan.

The power of the golden bell was still a bit lower, a little bit behind, and was immediately collapsed.

However, at this time, the power of the Dragon Flame, which had been greatly reduced in power, was reduced a lot.

At least, now Lin Ze has enough strength to deal with the remaining Dragon Flame.

The red light around the Dragon Flame was getting weaker, but it still insisted on moving forward to kill Lin Ze.

"Ice Frost!" Lin Ze used the frost ice without hesitation.

The dragon flame is an attack of fire attribute, because the best attack on it is the ice attribute attack.

"Fu!" The pale blue icy air visible to the naked eye was shot from the palm of Lin Ze's hands, and flew directly towards Long Yan.

The icy air is worthy of its ice properties. As soon as it came out, the surrounding air dropped by dozens of degrees, and some frost appeared on the ground.

With the sound of "chirping", the Long Yan shell with the fire attribute and Lin Ze's cold gang directly confronted each other.

A large amount of white water vapor appeared in the center of their battle. The situation at the scene, like a hot red iron, immersed directly in cold water, has undergone extremely dramatic changes.

It was as if cold water was poured into the rolling oil. At this moment, the surrounding air seemed to boil directly.

Two seconds later, the power of Longyan Bomb still prevailed, and he quickly crushed the cold ice qi in front of him, and then came directly to Lin Ze in the direction of the cold ice qi.

Even the outermost aperture touched Lin Ze's body at this time.

Upon touching Lin Ze's body, the remaining fire attribute of the Dragon Flame was really a brain out of the nest, directly surrounding Lin Ze as a whole.

From a distance, Lin Ze at this time seems to be burning.

Soon, the clothes on Lin Ze's body began to turn brown, and a drop of sweat beads clearly appeared on the back and forehead.

In just a blink of an eye, dense red threads crisscrossing Lin Ze appeared around him, like a fire net, tightly binding him and roasting...

At this time, if Huo Mingyuan could free his hand and hit a random hit, he might be able to completely solve the life and death enemy of Lin Ze.

It is a pity that at this time, he was also overwhelmed, because the dragon before Lin Ze had already arrived at his side at this time, and he was now also entangled by this dragon, and the lava flow around him was raging everywhere. The sweat on the whole person was running like running water, and his hair began to smoke, and maybe his hair would burn in the next moment.

Therefore, Huo Mingyuan is now able to protect himself even if it is good. He wants Lin Ze to come back again. Obviously, he has no such ability.

What's more, the last blow before was actually Huo Mingyuan's last blow, and he couldn't do anything if he thought of a similar blow.

"Kaz, Kaz..." Under the constant winding of the magma dragon and the joint attack of the magma flow, Huo Mingyuan's body mask appeared obvious waves, and some cracks were vaguely visible .

Hearing the body protection gang qi around him was like a moan before dying, Huo Mingyuan's face became pale and pale.

Another five seconds passed, and by this time, the dragon dragon soul of Huo Mingyuan could not hold on.

‘Click! "With a blast, the mask on Huo Mingyuan's body shattered like a foam, exposing him completely to the magma in the sky.

The head and tail cannot be looked after, and the offensive and defensive are both rare. After Lin Ze's constant persecution, the consequences of Huo Mingyuan's forcibly driving Yan Long to burn Tian Pei finally showed.

"Successful!" Lin Ze's heart was overjoyed, and his eyes seemed to be pre-dawn stars at this time, and they changed to be bright and bright.

"This cocoa is a rare opportunity!" Lin Ze shouted.

"Break me!" Lin Ze burst into his mouth, and then his body suddenly shook violently, the blue light flashed on his right hand, and the Qingming sword appeared on his right hand instantly.

"Spring rain!"

Numerous sword-like qualities of water, like the light rain in spring, kept flying out of Lin Ze's Qingming sword, hitting the fire net in front of him one after another.

In fact, this fire net formed by the last power of this dragon flame did not hurt Lin Ze at all.

At that time, the Dragon Flame was already at the end of the strong crossbow, plus Lin Ze had already opened the defense of the Plane Seed, so the Dragon Flame did not hurt Lin Ze.

Lin Ze would have a lot of sweat beads on his body, and his face also appeared uncomfortable, just confusing Huo Mingyuan on the opposite side.

Huo Mingyuan was worried that Lin Ze would flee this way. Similarly, Lin Ze was also worried that Huo Mingyuan would run away.

Lin Ze, the power of the Dragon Soul, never dared to underestimate. Once Huo Mingyuan really decided to run away, Lin Ze wanted to keep him, and he had no grasp in his heart.

Therefore, Lin Ze pretended to be injured by the power of the Dragon Flame, so in this case, Huo Mingyuan would not think of running away.

Facts have proved that Lin Ze’s plan to pretend to be injured was really successful. Huo Mingyuan really thought that Lin Ze was injured by his last blow, so he didn’t even think about running away.

In this way, Huo Mingyuan was later directly entangled by Lin Ze's magma dragon, and the power of his last dragon spirit seemed to have been consumed by the magma dragon.

Seeing Huo Mingyuan's body shattered, Lin Ze knew that the opportunity to win Huo Mingyuan appeared, so he did not hesitate to tear the disguise, ready to take Huo Mingyuan as soon as possible.

"Hi!" It looked like a powerful fire net, and was easily torn by Lin Ze's sword gas. Soon, Lin Ze wiped out the fire net around him.

"Huo Mingyuan, it's your turn this time!"

Lin Ze shouted at Huo Mingyuan, his entire body was shot out by radio, and at the same time, he did not forget the finger of the Soul Mirror still suspended in mid-air.

"Boom!!" On the mirror surface of the Soul Mirror that had been silent for a while, a flash of light suddenly flashed. Then, a gray shock wave appeared again, and soon came to Huo Mingyuan's side.


Huo Mingyuan, who was just relieved of the surrounding magma flow, was suddenly relieved. The whole body suddenly became stiff, the whole face turned red directly, and the back began to show signs of bending, and the feet were obviously shaking. When he got up, the sweat beads on his forehead continued to shed, and for the first time Huo Mingyuan's face appeared a look of despair.

"The Soul Mirror!" Huo Mingyuan gritted his teeth and looked at the Soul Mirror floating above his head. For the first time in his heart, he regretted that he had not completely smashed this Soul Mirror.

"Hum, regret in my heart?! Late!" Lin Ze's mouth scornfully smiled.

"Look at my Lianzhu arrow!!" Lin Ze put on the Chi Yan bow, facing Huo Mingyuan, who was difficult to move, was a trick with five Lianzhu.

"咻咻咻咻咻咻!!" Five orange arrows flew to Huo Mingyuan in front of him, and in his frightened eyes, he directly hit the Yanlong Burning Tianpei on his right now watching Huo Mingyuan has already lost his fighting power, but, just in case, to prevent Huo Mingyuan from pretending like Lin Ze, Lin Ze first attacked Huo Mingyuan with Chi Yan bow.

In this case, even if Huo Mingyuan was pretending to be pretend, he could experiment quickly.

Moreover, the first attack by Lin Ze was Huo Mingyuan's Yanlong Fen Tian Pei, which was the biggest threat to Lin Ze.

"Boom Boom Boom!" After five consecutive explosions, Huo Mingyuan was shocked and flew a dozen meters without resistance, and then fell heavily on the ground.

"Poo poo poo!!!" Just after landing, Huo Mingyuan spit out three consecutive mouths of blood. His pale face turned into gold now, and the whole person's breath fell to a minimum.

This was not the most desperate thing for Huo Mingyuan. The most desperate thing for him was that the power of the five consecutive beads directly injured Huo Mingyuan's right hand. The Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, who was still in his palm before, fell to the ground. .

Yan Long Fen Tian Pei slipped to the ground in this way naturally, under the fiery red light of the magma, there was a dazzling red light.

At this time, it was like the center of the world. Every light and treasure light firmly attracted Lin Ze and Huo Mingyuan's eyes.

"Back..." Huo Mingyuan suddenly awakened, yelling in his mouth, and at the same time, his left hand stretched out toward Yan Long Fen Tian Pei on the ground. (The right hand was seriously injured and could not move.)

"Slap!" Yan Long Fen Tian Pei flipped, it has been in Huo Mingyuan's hand for some time, although Huo Ming Yuan failed to completely conquer this Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, but he still left on it Imprint of your own breath.

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