Alien Lord

Chapter 1319: Spirit Hammer

This is like a child just now, as long as you spend some time with him, this child will recognize you.

You can attract his attention with one sentence and one action.

However, as long as you haven’t been with him for a while, then you see him again, and you want to use the same method to let the little child listen to you, it’s very difficult, very difficult.

Although Yan Long Fen Tian Pei has not completely recognized the Lord Huo Ming Yuan, but on it, there are still some marks of Huo Ming Yuan's breath, so Huo Ming Yuan just greeted him, and Yan Long Fian Tian Pei went towards him. Signs.

Along with Huo Mingyuan's continuous recall, Yan Long Fen Tianpei suddenly stagnate suddenly and jumped a little, and he was about to fly off the ground and return to Huo Mingyuan's hands.

At this time, a cold and cruel voice sounded. Upon hearing this voice, Huo Mingyuan's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Let me down!" Lin Zeyun rushed forward with her escape technique, but the voice of her speech was not flustered. With a light word, she pressed down like Foshan.

Accompanying Lin Ze's voice, the Soul Mirror that floated above Huo Mingyuan's head directly descended from the sky, covering the just-flying Yan Long Fen Tian Pei with his face covered.

Immediately afterwards, as Lin Ze continued to drive the Soul Mirror, a ray of gray light was continuously emitted from the mirror surface, directly hitting the Yanlong Burning Tianpei below.

The Yanlong Fentianpei on the ground began to tremble violently, constantly trying to climb, but was suppressed by the gray airflow, and as the gray airflow continued to increase, the gray airflow in Linze Under the direction of, weaved a net, firmly covering every inch of the space around Yanlong Fentianpei with gray air currents.

Feeling that the connection between himself and Yan Longfentianpei was gradually weakening, and was about to be cut off, Huo Mingyuan's face twisted suddenly, and then, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he was directly out.

"Heaven Demon Disintegration Dafa!!" Huo Mingyuan completely disregarded the heavy injuries on his body, and directly used the Devil's Demon Disintegration Dafa. Immediately, his already dried Dantian was full of true energy again.

However, his hair suddenly turned yellow at this time, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old.

This is the aftermath of the disintegration of the heavenly demon. Every time it is used, it will consume the life span of the warrior for 20 years.

A warrior will have a few more twenty years. Therefore, it is not that the situation is irreparable. Huo Mingyuan will definitely not use the demon disintegration method.

Now, obviously, this situation has been reached.

Huo Mingyuan relied on Yan Long Fen Tian Pei before he defeated Lin Ze in a tie. Therefore, he knew that once he lost Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, his own ending was imaginable.

Therefore, for his own safety, Huo Mingyuan must keep Yan Long Fen Tian Pei.

"Come here!" Huo Mingyuan's hands turned crimson, his hands turned into knives, facing the gray air current around Yan Long Fang Tian Pei, a wave of knives facing each other.

At the same time, the heart's call to Yan Long Fen Tian Pei strengthened again.

"Hoo-hoo!!!!" A crimson red knife continually fired, directly hitting the gray air currents that trapped Yan Long Fen Tian Pei.

"Boom Boom Boom!!"

Huo Mingyuan's Daogang is very powerful, and the gray airflow of the Soul Mirror is crushed directly.

Soon, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei showed signs of getting out of trouble.

At this time, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei also seemed to have been strongly summoned by Huo Mingyuan. He no longer flew slowly towards Huo Mingyuan like the warm water before, but flew straight away, hitting hard around. Gray airflow above the net.

It was just this blow, there were tiny holes in the dense gray airflow net;

Seeing this impact again, this gray net will break, and Yan Long Fen Tian Pei will get out of it.

"Hoo!" At this most critical juncture, Lin Ze finally caught up, and his figure quickly rushed past the Soul Mirror.

"Wow!!" Yan Longfangtianpei's second blow still came. There were countless small holes in the gray net before, and several egg-sized holes appeared directly, and the number of such holes was more More and more.

At the same time, the Soul Mirror that was steadily floating in the sky before, there was some shock at this time, and there were more and more cracks on the surface of the Soul Mirror.

Looking at the crumbling look of the Soul Mirror in the sky, and its cracked mirror surface, it actually gave people a sense of sadness;

Lin Ze's sensitivity also noticed these changes, but he didn't hesitate, the whole person directly killed Huo Mingyuan, he wanted to come to a poultry to capture the king first.

In just two seconds, Lin Ze was approaching to a distance of about ten meters in front of Huo Mingyuan. His cold eyes swept over Huo Mingyuan, and his goal was full of madness, perseverance, fear, and desperation.

"Wow!!" The third blow still came, and a fist-sized hole suddenly appeared above the gray net, and then, with a ‘咻’, a burst of red light quickly emerged from it.

At this time, the Soul Mirror in the sky seemed to be unable to persevere.

From the previous unsteady perseverance, until now it seems to be directly dead, falling down like a free fall...

Lin Ze ignored the Soul Mirror dropped on the ground. He took another step forward and had reached a distance of only about three meters from Huo Mingyuan.

At this distance, it can be said that it is already within reach, and at the next moment, it is Lin Ze who takes the opponent's first level!

At this juncture of life and death, Huo Mingyuan suddenly turned his head, shifting his eyes away from Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, who had just flown out, and stared directly at Lin Ze.

In the eyes, this time it was surprisingly not crazy, but there was endless cold, like the dullness that was about to destroy everything before the storm.

At the same time, it has disappeared before, no, it should be said that the still totem of the Dragon Soul suddenly stood up again and appeared directly on Huo Mingyuan.

The fiery red dragon scales spread continuously to Huo Mingyuan's body, as if he had put on a dragon scale armor for him in an instant, and defended his whole person firmly.

At the same time, Dragon Soul's big mouth opened, and in an instant, Lin Ze was surrounded by a pungent smell of sulfur, and quickly spread.

Being in the middle gives people a feeling of being in the depths of the fire and in the magma. Even the cold air that was previously changed by the icy air is gradually getting hotter at this moment.

The story is long, in fact, in fact, it is just a breathing time.

"Li Ze, you have killer skills, and I do too!" Huo Mingyuan's face was proud.

The dragon's mouth in front of him was a spray directly at Lin Ze. Suddenly, a dragon ray shot directly at Lin Ze. The powerful longan ignited the star in the sky, and then, like the star fire, the radius was 20 to 30 meters. All shrouded in it.

For a time, the surrounding air was filled with sulfur, and at the same time, everything within 30 to 40 meters around the area was transformed into a sea of ​​fire.

Innumerable flames appeared out of thin air. The high temperature that Long Yan brought directly ignited the surrounding air, trees, earth, flesh and flesh... everything around it was its fuel, which directly turned this into a sea of ​​flames.

This trick is Huo Mingyuan's last killer, named Longyan Hell!

This type of Dragon Flame Hell is the strongest killer skill that Huo Mingyuan can use now.

When he wanted to come, this killer skill was used to deal with Lin Ze who was not quasi-innate, that was more than enough.

Because, before, he used this trick to defeat two innate masters of the guru level.

Those two congenital strong men of the guru level are in the Dragon Flame Hell, but they are just reluctant to maintain and want to be aggressive, but they are absolutely impossible.

not to mention……

Huo Mingyuan looked at Lin Ze behind with ecstasy, where there was a touch of red light, and he was rushing towards him quickly.

Just when Huo Mingyuan thought everything was winning, a cold voice with a sneer sounded in his ears: "This is your last hole card? The last killer?"

"Impossible! It's impossible!" Huo Mingyuan's heart burst into horror, and he hurriedly turned his head to look at but only saw a figure under the protection of a white jade mask, and calmed down from his dragon-fire **** Out.

"Yan Long Fen Tian Pei!" Huo Mingyuan yelled at Yan Long Fen Tian Pei who was coming quickly.

He knew that only Yan Long Fen Tian Pei could save himself now.

However, the next moment...

"Spirit Hammer!!" Lin Ze's eyes suddenly lighted up, and an invisible hammer appeared from his sea of ​​knowledge. Then, ignoring the distance, he instantly appeared in Huo Mingyuan's eyebrows.

"Boom!" The hammer of spirit was hammered inside Huo Mingyuan's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Boom!" Innumerable lightnings appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge. After that, these lightnings lost everything in Huo Mingyuan's knowledge of the sea.

"........." Huo Mingyuan's eyes were white for a while, and the entire portrait was electrified, twitching...

"Boom!" At this moment, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei suddenly appeared in front of Huo Mingyuan, only one foot away from him.

This distance can be obtained as long as Huo Mingyuan reaches out his hand, but sometimes, it is the end of the world.

Huo Mingyuan stared at Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, but he couldn't reach out.

The next second, Huo Mingyuan suddenly lost all his support. The head, which had been lifted high before, fell so weakly, then the whole body loosened and fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, who lost Huo Mingyuan's reaction, also fell to the ground with a click.

Huo Mingyuan’s eyes fell to the ground, and the joy in his eyes faded away. Unbelief, panic, dissatisfaction, remorse, and other emotions continued to flash, and finally it was frozen into a deep fear.

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