Alien Lord

Chapter 1317: Killer

PS: The name of the previous chapter is repeated again, which is really embarrassing. The previous chapter of 1314 is actually 1,315 chapters. It is not to say that 1315 The chapter is gone, so sorry! !

Yes, yes, Lin Ze had prepared a killer skill for Huo Mingyuan long ago. He believed that as long as he could use this killer skill, Huo Mingyuan would be won by him 100%.

The only pity is that Lin Ze’s killer is still unable to eat, or the timing is not yet ripe, so this matter can only be put on hold temporarily.

"Li Ze, do you think you can deal with me with these sword qi alone?" Huo Mingyuan started roaring again, but Lin Ze could clearly hear Huo Mingyuan's weakness and his fear from inside.

"Very well, it's this way that keeps knocking on his heart, making him make the wrong choice in panic!" Lin Ze laughed in his heart, Huo Mingyuan was obviously caught in his own strategy.

"Li Ze, I will let you know that I am the most powerful person. You, Li Ze, will eventually die under my hands!" Huo Mingyuan burst into a scream and forced the Yanlong Fen Tianpei in his hand again. .

In fact, Huo Mingyuan would do this, not only was angered by Lin Ze, but he actually had other ideas in his heart.

Huo Mingyuan knows his current state very well, and if he continues to do so, he may soon be defeated.

However, Huo Mingyuan believes that the opposite Lin Ze will not be better than himself, or even worse than himself.

In addition, now Lin Ze's combat power really makes Huo Mingyuan dumbfounded.

You know, he Huo Mingyuan is a congenital strongman, and he has a top-level psychic bastionist to help him fight, and the opposite Lin Ze not only has quasi-congenital strength, but also has no powerful bastionist. .

However, it was such a person who fought with him to such a losing situation, which made Huo Mingyuan very angry, and at the same time, had an indelible killing opportunity on Lin Ze.

Huo Mingyuan thought very clearly, now Lin Ze is so powerful, if he advances to the congenital stage, how powerful should he be.

And, with Lin Ze's fighting power at that time, will Huo Mingyuan still be alive?

The answer to this question is very clear in Huo Mingyuan’s heart, so he knows that if he wants to eliminate this future danger, he’d better take this opportunity to kill Lin Ze completely, otherwise, he will definitely die in the future In Lin Ze's hands.

With this kind of thinking, Huo Mingyuan would force Yan Long to burn Tian Pei again and again to eliminate Lin Ze, the enemy.

In Huo Mingyuan's heart, the most feared thing is that Lin Ze took the opportunity of his serious injury and fled directly.

If Lin Ze chooses to escape now, then Huo Mingyuan can only do nothing with his eyes open, and once Lin Ze escapes, then Huo Mingyuan’s future...

Therefore, the more Lin Zeyue wanted to fight Huo Mingyuan, the more happy Huo Mingyuan was in his heart, and, just in case, or night long dreams, Huo Mingyuan once again forcibly urged Yan Long to burn Tian Pei.

"Boom!" Taking Huo Mingyuan's place as the center, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei exhaled powerful energy, and Huo Mingyuan's body suddenly burst into a red-red aperture, which was three or four meters wide.

These crimson-red apertures carry their own hot temperatures, and within a few seconds, the original ground has become scorched.

"Dead!" Huo Mingyuan's voice suddenly sharpened, and the fiery light sphere of his fingertips also condensed to the extreme at this time, and began to tremble slightly on Huo Mingyuan's fingertips, as if it might burst out at any time.

At the same time, the iris layer that had just appeared began to change drastically. It first expanded directly outward twice, and then suddenly collapsed to the extreme, becoming the size of a fist, wrapped firmly in Huo Mingyuan Above the dragon bullet at the fingertips.

Then, the iris began to rotate violently, and along with the rotation of the iris, the Dragon Flame began to rotate slowly.

This is not over yet, Huo Mingyuan fully mobilized the true energy in the body, the red fire attribute of true energy continued to start from Dan Tian, ​​along his meridian to the arm, and then to the finger, so all the way forward, Finally came inside the dragon flame at the fingertips.

Countless fire attributes, true gas, keep running along the veins, bringing out a red//red//red light and shadow, just like a red ribbon, it looks very beautiful.

With the constant input of true energy, the dragon flame bomb, which was only light red in the past, now becomes red /// red // color directly.

Don't look at the length of the previous writing, it seems that the time is very long, in fact, it is only two or three seconds.

"Dragon Flame Bomb!" Huo Mingyuan's eyes fixed on Lin Ze, knowing the little spiritual power left in the sea, gathering a lot of energy in Yan Long's soul, under his control, he slayed towards the opposite Lin Ze go with.

This time, Huo Mingyuan was ready to fight the enemy.

He believed that Lin Ze would definitely be killed by him this time.


After a roar of the dragon, the dragon flame disappeared directly at Huo Mingyuan's fingertips.

The Dragon Flame bomb was extremely fast, and it just disappeared suddenly. The next moment, it was already not far away from Lin Ze.

Unlike Huo Mingyuan’s previous teleportation, which relied on Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, this time the Dragon Flame bomb attacked, not because it disappeared out of thin air, but because the speed was too fast, even Lin Ze’s eyes and senses could not be captured.

Lin Ze's eyes narrowed, and he knew it was the last moment.

"Very well, he was finally fooled!" After feeling that the dragon flame was mixed with the remaining nine layers of mental power of Huo Mingyuan and all the energy of the flame dragon soul, Lin Ze's mouth finally showed a smile.

From the beginning of the war to the present, this is the first time Lin Ze has shown such a relaxed smile, so that the winning ticket is holding.

"How could there be such a smile on Li Ze's face? Isn't there a conspiracy in it?" Huo Mingyuan on the opposite side saw this smile on the corner of Lin Ze's mouth, and his heart was cold, and a strong sense of crisis was instantly shrouded in it. To the top of his head.

It is a pity that now Huo Mingyuan is on the string, he can't send it, so even if he realizes what conspiracy is being played by Lin Ze on the opposite side, now, Huo Mingyuan has gone on with a scalp.

"This is definitely my illusion. Li Ze can't have a hole card." Huo Mingyuan comforted himself, but his real heart began to rise up and down...

"Very good, now only this last blow is left!" Lin Ze's eyes lit up, he had seen the chance of victory, and now he was only left to deal with the last blow in the past.

"Jiaolong goes to sea!"

Lin Ze no longer retains, and is running the dragon ghost image behind him. At the same time, in order to strengthen the power of this trick, Lin Ze also directly released a congenital two-layered magma giant snake from the plane seed world. Let it merge with the dragon dragon totem behind Lin Ze.

The magma snake is a descendant of the golden horn python, and the golden horn python is a real dragon. Therefore, the magma snake also has the blood vein of the dragon.

The addition of this giant magma snake was like the last straw, which directly changed Lin Ze's move.

Amidst the sky of red magma, a huge image of Jiaolong began to emerge.

Jiaolong went to sea, and it was nine days.

"This Li Ze actually has such a powerful giant magma snake!" Seeing the giant magma snake in front of him, Huo Mingyuan's teeth in his mouth were almost bitten by himself.

Before, he was thinking about whether Lin Ze still had a hole card. Now it turns out that Lin Ze really has a hole card.

"Now there is a giant magma snake. Will there be other powerful beasts on Li Ze........."

At this moment, Huo Mingyuan's heart was full of uneasiness.

Although he would like to say that a powerful barbarian such as a magma snake is not so tame, Lin Ze will not have other magma snakes on his hands.

However, before Lin Ze broke his views again and again, Huo Mingyuan now has no such confidence in his heart.

"Roar!!" A loud whistle of Jiaolong's roar sounded. In these continuous long roars, a condensed magma flow formed in the mouth of this dragon. UU reading

Seeing this, Lin Ze's heart suddenly relaxed.

Because the direct integration of the magma giant snake and the dragon dragon's totem is only an experiment of Lin Ze. Now, it seems that this experiment is a success.

"Actually, the strength of the magma snake has been directly raised to the peak of the master, which is really unexpected!" Lin Ze's eyes were filled with happiness.

He could not imagine that after the magma snake merged with his dragon dragon totem, the strength of this magma snake would increase so much.

"Oh, I will have another killer trick in the future!" Lin Ze burst into laughter.

In fact, Lin Ze’s move has such a powerful power. The biggest reason is that Lin Ze’s Jiaolong Totem has reached nine levels of reality, and the Jiaolong Totem behind Lin Ze uses the golden horned python magma snake. The ancestors are for reference, and the magma snake itself is the blood of the golden horn python, so Lin Ze’s move will be successful and its power will be so great.

It is difficult, very difficult, or even to say that the success rate is zero to change to other gatekeepers of Beast Gate.

In order to do this, they must first look for a wild beast with a bloodline that is very similar to the totem they merged with, but the Beast Gate has been established for thousands of years, and the totems they inherited have been a few years ago. For thousands of years (Hundred Beast Gate's cultivation skills came from the Beast King Sect that obliterated more than 100,000 years.), God knows where the blood of these totems was at that time.

The most important thing is that the disciples of Baishoumen will train their spirit beasts to die for him.

After the totem and the spirit beast are merged, this spirit beast will die. Therefore, if you want your spirit beast to fuse the power of the totem at the cost of death, even now Feng Yan is unlikely to do it.

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