Alien God System

Chapter 987: Death and death

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng left the Xuanguangjing in the Tianxiahui, which was kept by Li Yan, as the treasure of the town meeting; the earth cube was handed over to Ji Shishi as her second wife’s treasure.

Finally, Yang Feng could happily go to death without concern.

Three days later, news of Dugu Zhantian’s death suddenly spread throughout the streets and alleys of the Fenglei Emperor’s Capital. The mourning hall of Dugu’s family was already ready. A group of filial sons and grandchildren, dressed in filial obedience, wept bitterly in front of the coffin.

Dugu Zhantian lay quietly in the coffin, with a serene and calm look. After a while, frowned, he straightened up suddenly, and shouted: Stop all, don't cry. "

Uh...what, grandpa, what are you dissatisfied with? "

The body stagnated, all the men, women, and children of Dugu's house were silent. Duguhai blinked his innocent big eyes, his face flushed with a roar, and asked.

Rolling his eyes reluctantly, the lonely warrior said in annoyance: The old man is dead now, so what are you doing? Is it okay to be emotional? Especially you, Ahai, thunder and not rain. I'm your grandfather. When I was crying for mourning, there weren't any tears in my eyes. Are you honest? "

Whoops, grandpa. If you really die, I must cry heartbroken and moved, but you are not dead. I really don’t know how you sang, you have to do funerals for yourself, you are sick! "

The old man is sick? This old man is really dying. If he can't survive the catastrophe, the old man must be dead. Even if you get over it, you can't stay with you anymore. So far, don't you feel the pain of parting? The old man wants to see how his funeral is going before he leaves. You don't even satisfy me with this request. How can you let the old man leave with confidence? "

Pull it down, you are just competing with the other grandpa Yelu. "

He curled his lips in disdain, and Duguhai hummed softly: Now that the information is so developed, don't think I don't know, today is also the day of Grandpa Yelu's funeral. The two of you chose to die on the same day, clearly wanting to see which of you has the highest prestige and send you more people. Grandpa, you're all so old, and you're about to die. Are you better? "

Yes, I just want to compare. Even if he is dead, there are more people who come to send off the old man than his, heavier than his, and bigger than his pomp, hum. "

The corner of his mouth grinned, Dugu Zhantian looked old-fashioned and said: Especially this time, the old man has invited Leader Yang to attend the old man's funeral in advance. The old man Yelu is determined to lose, which guest in this world can be bigger than the leader of Yang, hahaha! "

Dugu Zhantian shook his head triumphantly, Dugu Hai looked at him helplessly, and shook his head with a wry smile.

Alas, these two elders were so deadly dead.

Cui Shangshu from the Ministry of Etiquette! "

Master Ge from the Criminal Department is here! "

Yang Shangshu from the Ministry of War is here! "


Suddenly, a loud shout rang from outside the door, and Dugu Zhantian's body trembled. He hurriedly lay back in the coffin and roared: Cry quickly, you unfilial children and grandchildren, cry sadly, don't lose the face of the old man. "


As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the Dugu family began to cry again.

Grandpa, why did you leave like this! "

Dad, you went too abruptly, so your sons were not prepared at all. "

Master, woo woo..."


Old Marshal, how good is it? You left in one go, let's take you for the last time, woo woo woo! "At this time, those guests also rushed over sadly, and asked their family members to express their condolences.

Dugu Zhantian, who was lying in the coffin, smiled slightly, saying that these old guys were quite loyal and crying so sad, showing the respect and reluctance to the old man.

It's just... Why hasn't Leader Yang arrived yet?

Dugu Zhantian waited a little eagerly, but suddenly heard a loud shout from outside the door: Hey, don't cry here. Last night, Leader Yang suffered an old illness and died. For the funeral today, your majesties from the nine countries have all gone. We courtiers don't hurry up, just wait to lose our heads. "

What, leader Yang is also dead? Leader Yang..."

The body shook suddenly, and everyone present was shocked, and then everyone hurried out of the mourning hall of Dugu's house and rushed to the headquarters of the Tianxiahui.

Duguhai and the others also took off their filial piety, adjusted their clothes and prepared to go out to mourn Yang Feng.

Dugu Zhantian straightened up suddenly, and roared: Hey, why are you gone. Ahai, you filial son and grandson, don't you stay in the grandfather's hall to keep your filial piety, where do you go? "

Ouch, grandpa, now that my master is dying, the whole world is going to mourn for my master. Who cares about such trivial matters? I'll go to the funeral for my master. Before the master’s spirit, I, the chief disciple, cannot be absent. I have to keep him filial piety, hehe. "

After finishing talking, all the people from Dugu's family disappeared.

Only Dugu Zhantian was left sitting in the coffin blankly, his face was full of grievances, and he complained: Ouch, Leader Yang, I invited you to participate in my funeral. Why did you manage it yourself? I am the same day. Now people are going to mourn you, and don’t come to mourn the old man anymore. This old man’s face, alas. "

At the same time, in the Yelu Mansion of Nanzhao Kingdom, a group of officials in Yelu Chuxiong were condoning Yelu Chuxiong. Suddenly they heard that Yang Feng died and they all ran away, including the filial sons and grandchildren of Yelu's family. , Don't care about him, old man.

When Yelu Chuxiong straightened up from the coffin and looked at the empty scenes around him, he couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile: Hey, it's incomparable, it's incomparable. Dugu old guy, we all lost this time. Compared with the prestige of Leader Yang, isn't it boring to ask for it! "

The news of Yang Feng's death, like a cold wind, quickly spread to every corner of the world in this age of advanced information. When everyone heard the news, their bodies shivered and wept sadly.

Longteng Accord, Princess Deyang was in her room, looking at a food box in a daze. This is the food box she had prepared for ten years, and wanted to give it to that person, but because of that person’s identity and family, Not ashamed to send it out.

At this time, a maid rushed in and reported the news of Yang Feng's death. Princess Deyang trembled, and the food container fell to the ground, her eyes were already wet unconsciously.

In Choppy, Alia was happily looking at the earth that was gradually returning to life, and suddenly listening to the broadcast on the big screen, she was also taken aback by the local area, and she couldn't help crying involuntarily.

Nanzhao, the granddaughter of the former Taifu, Gao Xiangxiang, the first female prime minister of Nanzhao, was about to go to Fenglei Emperor Capital to meet the queen. By the way, I would like to see if the person in my heart still remembers the agreement, but he heard it suddenly On the news of Yang Feng’s death, the corners of his mouth suddenly collapsed, and he couldn’t help crying: Liar [Xianyu Hongchen Novel], you said that when I grow up, I will come to marry me, why suddenly... ! "


This day, after all, is a dark day, and the co-master of the world, Yang Feng, who brought peace and economic prosperity to the people of the world, left them forever.

While the people mourned painfully, they also elevated Yang Feng to the highest position of God, the eternal Lord God in their hearts. This has nothing to do with the Holy Fire, the people just recognize this person...

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