Alien God System

Chapter 988: Crossover body

Watching iron hoofs and clambering, walking all over the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, I stand on the cusp of the wind and waves, holding the sun and the moon tightly; I wish the fireworks world will be peaceful and happy, I really want to live another five hundred years..."

On the big screens of every town in the world, accompanied by a passionate song "Borrow from the Sky for Five Hundred Years", the reporters in front reported on Yang Feng's life with sadness.

All the people were crying in tears. It is estimated that they have never met such a good monarch in their eighteen lives.

But among the crowd, a black shadow wearing a cloak shook his head with a smile, turned and left silently.

Cut, it’s not as good as I sing, and it’s not as good as Uncle Lei’s original soundtrack. Where did Fatty get the amateur singer! "

This person is not someone else, but Yang Feng.

After the ten-nation battlefield officially ended, he should also retreat to the next battlefield.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Yang Feng's figure gradually disappeared into the sadness of everyone in the world.

Ten days later, in a gloomy forest, according to the agreement, all the masters who were about to cross the catastrophe and soaring gathered together. Except for Yang Feng, who is going to take a ride, the older generation has the Four Emperors of the Holy Fire, Dugu Zhantian and other generations of old marshals, and Mo Shaoqiu and their three homes.

Of the younger generation, there are only four qualified, namely Ximenzun, Tu Ganglie, Wudu Boy, and Sha Tongtian, these people who are serious in cultivating.

After the crowd gathered together, they found a secluded valley and began to wait for the catastrophe to arrive.

And this time, I waited more than three months.

During this period of time, although Yang Feng has been a dead person, his image has been engraved in the hearts of all the people in the world, and he has become a **** comparable to the legend.

Because he always wins every battle, there is no disadvantage, so some people worship him as a **** of war. Every time he fights, he will worship him to ensure that the opponent is killed and the world is invincible.

Because he commanded the three armies and swept the nine countries, some people came to worship him as a military god. Before he went out, he would pay homage to this war.

Because his cultivation has reached a level that ordinary people can hardly reach, it is a powerful that the cultivators of this interface cannot reach, so some people will worship him as a martial god. After worshipping the **** of war, the practice is much more effective, and you don't have a discipline, anyway, the students of Tianfeng Academy believe this.

And because he created a top-level business organization like the Yang Family Consortium, the world will be such a talent gathering center, so he is also the **** of wealth, the **** of wealth, the **** of learning, the **** of business travel, and the **** of righteousness...

In short, at this moment, everyone in the world, no matter what they do, must worship him.

Worship him for nothing, the underworld worships him; civilians worship him, officials worship him; bosses worship him, and part-time workers worship him.

Almost all the gods were taken over by him alone, and his business was quite extensive, except for the position of birthday star. After all, he died so young that people who want to live longer will not worship him.

In addition, he can be said to be an all-round god, and the power of faith has been softened.


The deafening thunder blasted for nine days, and the people who had been sitting still trembled, their brows trembled, and they all looked towards the sky, and their complexions quickly became serious.

It's finally here, Heaven Tribulation! "

It's finally time to open the channel, I have been waiting for a long time, hehehe. "Fist clenched, Yang Feng looked forward to the tunnel.


At this time, there was another explosion, and the entire sky was shattered into a black space, and five-colored thunders filled it, like a wild beast, ready to swallow everyone here.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help condensing their faces: What a strong Thunder Tribulation, can we pass it? "

Yes, this Thunder Tribulation seems to be stronger than the last time I saw it! "Yang Feng squinted his eyes, and said in doubt: Last time Yu Chan's father came, it seems that she didn't move so much."

Nonsense, last time he was the only one who caused the robbery, and this time dozens of you who caused the robbery together, of course the power has increased. "

What, if the number of people increases, will the power of the calamity increase? "

Yang Feng blinked his innocent big eyes and asked Saint Ancestor.

Saint Ancestor chuckled: Of course, the Heavenly Tribulation System is not an idiot. No matter how strong the tribulation is, if the cultivators underneath are blocked by one person, the chance of passing will be greatly enhanced. Therefore, the power of Heavenly Tribulation will naturally increase according to the number of people. In fact, it is not easy for too many people to get through the catastrophe. Maybe someone can hold three thunders. Now that the tribulation is strengthened, they may not even be able to hold one thunder. "

Then why didn't you say it earlier? "

Why should I say it earlier? The more the number, the stronger Thunder Tribulation, and the better it will be to you! "


Raised his brows, Yang Feng didn't know why.

The saint ancestor let out a laugh and continued: Did you forget, what is your current soldier trumpet repair? Although it has been ten years, I have never asked you to raise the level of the warrior, because since the demon clan’s ancestor spirit has been poured into the body, you can’t find anything enough to refine the body. If you upgrade it at will, it will only waste. The opportunity to improve your basic attributes. It's all right now. The tribulations of dozens of people are poured into your body together, which will greatly enhance your basic attributes again. Just like the last time the ancestral spirit body refining, let's upgrade while training. "

it is good! "

Nodding his head, Yang Feng's golden wings stretched out, and he quickly flew high into the sky, shouting at the frowning people below: Don't be afraid, I will help you prevent your catastrophe. You only have to wait for the passage between the two realms to open and fly in. "


The body shook suddenly, and everyone's hearts couldn't help feeling warm and tears in their eyes: Leader Yang, why is this embarrassing? Our catastrophe, let you stop, in case something happens to you, we really have a conscience! "

We are all brothers who live and die together, so what kind of words can we say? Anyway, my strength is stronger than you, and I can withstand more tribulations. If I can't stand it, I will withdraw, so don't worry. I just want my brothers, a few more people to live in the spirit world. "

Leader Yang! "

Yang Feng shouted like a generous drink, and immediately moved these old guys into a splash.

Yang Feng chuckled inwardly. Anyway, he has to absorb these tribulations. By the way, selling a wave of favor to them is the best of both worlds.

Oh, it seems that Long Xiaotian is right, I am really a hypocrite, hehehe.


Suddenly, a loud noise exploded violently, and a multicolored **** Lei Deng severely smashed Yang Feng's forehead, and immediately smashed Yang Feng's body, and his body trembled before falling down.

Fortunately, Yang Feng shook his body and straightened up again, but his heart was full of strangeness.

He never expected that he hadn't felt any pain in his body for so many years, even when he was fighting with Qiu Xiaotian, he had never felt the tingling and tingling sensation of this kind of energy throughout his body.

But now, this was only the first thunder, which gave him this feeling.

Moreover, this thunder power has been circulating in his body, destroying his incorruptible body.

Suddenly, Yang Feng smiled, with a wicked smile.

It can be stronger than before if it is damaged and repaired. But now, this interface has nothing that can hurt his body.

It's rare to encounter this catastrophe, and it can still hurt him a little, which is very good.

Sure enough, this Heavenly Tribulation can refine the body!

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