Alien God System

Chapter 986: People gather

he? That little transparent? "

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head: too young, right? "

Lord, are you qualified to say that they are young? Ha ha ha! "

With a chuckle, Zhuge Shisan's eyes sparkled with brilliance: This disciple of the lord, I sent someone to inquire about it. During the battle with the ghost king, he had to bear the burden of humiliation and undercover the enemy camp. Especially the last knife that was slashed at the ghost king, knowing that it was impossible to do, was like a flame, igniting the fire in everyone's hearts, this is the qualification of a leader. "

Taking a sip of the drink, Zhuge Shisan smiled and continued: He is like a ball of light, which can illuminate other people's hearts with his own light and cause resonance. As for you have always regarded him as a small transparent, it is only because your own light is too brilliant and it has covered up his light. But in essence, he and you have essential things in common. If you want to pass the position, he is the best candidate. "

But he doesn't seem to be very clever! "

Lord, to be honest, you are not very clever. In some actions, you are really arrogant and reckless. But you are still our spiritual leader, our lord. All of us, because of you, gather together to fight the world. As a leader, just waving the banner is enough. The rest of the matter, the people who gathered will help you. "


Nodding solemnly, Yang Feng thought about it for a while, then smiled and said: After your reminder, it seems that I have done a lot of stupid things, hahaha... come, call me Duguhai. "

Yes, the leader! "

The guard outside the door heard it and immediately sent the order.

In a short while, Dugu Hai tremblingly pushed the door in, and said with a wicked look: Master, you call me. "

As your master, for so many years, I haven't given you anything decent, I haven't taught you any kung fu, and I haven't given it to you baby. I really feel ashamed. "

Whoops, Master, who are we with whom, why are you so polite? Why, what are you going to tell me baby? "

Yes, didn't you always want to be the geocentric ice lotus? I will give it to you now! "


With that said, Yang Feng forced the geocentric ice lotus in his body out of his body, came to Dugu Sea, and handed him an ice lotus seed clone. He smiled and said: After refining this ice lotus seed, you can use this ice lotus. Right now. At least as long as the teacher does not take it back, this ice lotus will belong to you. "

As soon as the eyes lighted up, Duguhai was overjoyed and nodded in gratitude: Thank you, Master, for the reward. "

You don’t have to be polite, and, from now on, you will be the leader of the Nine Nations, preside over the Nine Nations Summit, regulate the affairs of the Nine Nations, and abdicate as a teacher. "

What, Master, you want to abdicate? why? No, no, I can’t be, my qualifications are so low, only a master can shock them, how can I..."

Don't worry, I will arrange your superior affairs, no one can object. Moreover, the reason for abdication for the teacher is because there are new battlefields to open up. It is a great help if you help Master guard this base. You don't have to be too modest. This is the task given to you by the teacher. "

Yang Feng spoke very solemnly. After Duguhai took a deep look at him, he nodded firmly: Don't worry, Master, my apprentice must help you govern the Nine Kingdoms too peacefully. "

Very good, I will send a group of masters to protect you, listen to your dispatch. In addition, my chief counselor, Mr. Zhuge, will also assist you. You will have no problem. "

Yang Feng smiled slightly, and after solving the heir's matter, he left here and went to the next place.

Sheng Huo Sect, Yang Feng officially stepped down as the leader and passed on to a newly promoted congregation. After all, the former four kings had also received a call from the spirit world and were about to leave here.

The followers did not want to leave Yang Feng, kneeling one after another, crying.

Yang Feng left his heart and soul saint robe in the main altar of the Shengjiao, and passed an earth-fire clone to the new leader, and asked him to abide by the doctrine and assist the new leader Duguhai, and then left.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng came to Chobe and saw countless shriveled fruits enshrined on the altar. Alia was praying devoutly for rain and returning to Chobe’s fertile land. She smiled and said: Beauty, old Heaven seems to care about the earth. You might as well pray for the earth if you pray for the heavens. Pray for me the last time, I might be able to help a little bit, hehehe. "

Leader Yang? "

Seeing that he was here, Alia hurriedly greeted him: Why did you suddenly come to my Chobe country? Before I was far away, I still looked at Haihan. "

You're welcome, I'm just here to examine Chobe's disaster problem. "

Waved his hand indifferently, Yang Feng looked around. The original fertile virgin forest has now gradually been deserted. Apart from cacti, I am afraid that nothing will grow.

Alia sighed long: Ever since the green jade rod left the land, the land has become more and more dry. The Lord of the Forest has abandoned us. This is our sin, and God has come to punish us. "

Alia closed her eyes in pain and continued to pray sincerely.

Yang Feng touched his nose, whizzed in his hand, and an emerald green cane appeared, and he passed it over and said: Hey, here you are! "

This is... the green jade rod? "

No, it's my sapphire rod! "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng still stubbornly said at this moment: I will lend you the sapphire stick from our family to improve the land, and you will no longer have to worry about food in the future. "

Really? "

As soon as the eyes lighted up, Alia was overjoyed: Are you really willing to lend us Chobe? "

Of course, who made me the leader of the Nine Nations? You, Chobe, under my leadership, how can you still worry about food? Isn't that my negligence? "

Yang Feng raised his eyelids and said, at the same time secretly thinking.

This girl still thinks this green jade rod is a sapphire rod, and is so grateful to me? real or fake? It's too simple.

Yang Feng laughed twice, planted the green jade rod in the soil, and gave a death order not to allow the green rod to leave the kingdom of Chobe, and then left.

Chubby's land began to regain fertility at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Alia looked at Yang Feng's distant back, her eyes were moist, full of gratitude.

Yang Feng didn't look back, but smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The so-called wealth gathering people scattered, wealth scattered people gathering.

He has now integrated the five earth-level elemental energies, and these earth-level magic weapons are of little use to him. Instead of keeping these dead objects around, it is better to scatter them out in exchange for people's hearts.

He believes that these forces that he benevolent will surely know in the future.

Even if there are any fluctuations in the Yang family, they will do their best to help. This is the network.

And this is the most important wealth he left to his children, much more important than fame, fortune and status...

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