Alien God System

Chapter 975: The Common Lord

Yang Feng! "

With a roar, all the noise was suppressed, Yang Yuchan’s eyes were blazing flames, purple thunders on his body exploded, a Qingfeng long sword in his hand, and a finger at Yang Feng’s face in the distance: Master Yang, do you remember us? The agreement? Three months later, I will challenge you on behalf of Xianxiazong, huh! "

After speaking, Yang Yuchan turned his head and left angrily.


The other ladies also spit out a rough air from their nostrils, and after slamming Yang Feng, they left with Yang Yuchan.

In a short time, the couples in the family formed an alliance with their enemies.

Yang Feng's heart was stagnant, he smacked his mouth twice, and shook his head bitterly and let out a laugh.

Alas, my wife challenges myself, should I win or lose? If you win, your wife is gone...Tsk tut, it's really hard to do!

Yu Chan, you are really the strongest opponent your husband has encountered so far.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng was not in the mood to pay attention to these fans at this moment, and sent someone casually. After sending them away, he went to business.

Now that the war has subsided, the world is unified, and the agenda of post-war reconstruction and benefit distribution has been put on Yang Feng's agenda.

As the four northern countries were defeated this time, their original princes and nobles were obviously no longer suitable for local leadership.

So Yang Feng placed them all under house arrest in some luxurious manors in the South and Middle-Earth, forbid them to leave without authorization, and always cut off from his own local forces. Although he still has no worries about food and clothing and enjoys royal treatment, he has no royal power.

The empires of the east and the west joined the Yang family camp later, and the local forces were not loyal enough. Yang Feng sent the Tianxiahui students from Tianfeng College to gradually replace the local stubborn forces.

It has to be said that Tianfeng College has cultivated a group of young talents, and now is the time to be able to use them.

And those heroes who have been following Yang Feng to fight for the country and made great contributions to Yang Feng's current status, Yang Feng will naturally not forget.

Zhuge's family was originally a royal family member, with great aspirations for the restoration of the country. As today, when he reunified, Yang Feng gave one of the four northern countries to Zhuge's thirteen brothers and sisters. Let them go to restore the country.

I believe that with Zhuge Shisan's ingenuity and his own support behind it, it is not too difficult for the local governance to be smooth and stable.

However, after Yang Feng's award was over, the little girl Zhuge Shanshan became a princess, but she still stubbornly refused to leave in the Yang family. She had to continue to be a servant girl in the Yang family, which made Yang Feng a little puzzled.

In the past, this girl ran away after taking the Yang family's money to restore the country. Now that the country is restored, she doesn't want to leave.

But she didn't want to leave, and Yang Feng couldn't stay there anymore. After all, she is now a princess, and let the princesses of a country be present in her own family. How does this make outsiders think of their Yang family?

Yang Feng also wants to leave a positive impression on the outside world.

So taking advantage of a dark and windy night for a month, Yang Feng stunned the little Nizi and directly sent it to Zhuge Shisan by express delivery.

As for Wang Boren, the old Yue Zhang, who has been the prime minister for so many years, he has always thought about an emperor addiction.

It just so happened that after Xi Jin was defeated by Yang Feng, the local emperor had not yet been elected, so Yang Feng sent the old Yue Zhang to go.

Hearing this news, Old Yue Zhang was so moved, he praised that he did not choose the wrong son-in-law.

But is the current emperor still an emperor?

In the past, the emperors of all countries were the elders of each country. Under the blue sky and white clouds, he was the oldest.

But now the top ten empires are all controlled by the Holy Fire Sect, and Yang Feng, the leader of the emperor, has the final say. Therefore, the current emperor can no longer be compared with the previous emperor, at most it is a vassal king with a larger territory. With Yang Feng's current deeds, I would spare you, but it's just a sentence.

Therefore, the real first emperor of the Ten Kingdoms is Yang Feng, who is unwilling to bear the title of emperor. The other emperors are just working for him and governing local officials.

A person has an emperor title and no emperor's authority. Every year, he has to report to Yang Feng the governing report of that year, let alone aggrieved.

But even so, those appointed as emperors are all powerful ministers who are capable of carrying out duties, and they have a brush in governing the country. Even if Yang Feng appoints nepotism again, he won't appoint him randomly, or else he smashed his signature.

After all, what he wants is fame and faith, not power!

Because of its powerful strength, the Yaozu has always been the most feared threat to mankind, but this time the two sides have cooperated with the joint forces to defeat the Nether Palace and the four northern kingdoms, which can be regarded as comrades in arms.

The cake of victory, without a piece of past, is really inappropriate.

Therefore, after several discussions between Yang Feng and the five patriarchs of the Yao tribe, they finally signed an agreement to cede the territory of a country near the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom among the four northern countries, and move all the local humans to neighboring countries.

But there is a condition, that is, to establish Yang Feng's great guardian deity in the Yaozu territory, sing praises to Yang Feng's deeds, and the Holy Fire religion can preach in the Yaozu area and expand its influence.

The five patriarchs have seen Yang Feng's power, and the ancestors above have reminded that the Holy Fire will rule this continent for 500 years in the future.

This is a destiny, and it is hard to violate, so he went along and agreed.

At this point, the entire ten countries reached a consensus that Yang Feng is the co-lord of the world, no matter whether the human race or the monster race, the temple or the martial arts, they must not violate it.

Yang Feng finally completed his small goal, and once again expanded the reputation of the Holy Flame to the domain of the ten empires.

The next step is to build a harmonious society and make the world long and stable.

Everyone is bathed in the grace of Yang Feng, feeling the beauty of the world, and contributing their faith...

At the same time, on the other hand.


There was a blast of thunder for nine days, and Yang Yuchan was working hard at Tianxiantai to practice his thunder method, and his eyes were full of war.

The Baihe on the side shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile: Apprentice, as for, do you have to challenge Master Yang? "

Master, didn't you tell me that I must defeat this demon and rejuvenate my reputation as Xianxia Zong? Disciple is now practicing hard and fulfilling the master's entrustment. Why are you still discouraged? "

No...I haven't seen Master Yang's greatness then. I've seen it now. To be honest, you won't be able to beat him even if you practice for a million years, ha ha ha. "

Shaking his head with a chuckle, Baihe couldn't stop saying: Besides, you are still young couples. As the saying goes, couples fight at the end of the bed. You have nothing to kill your father's hatred, you almost got it, so what are you doing so seriously? "

Master, you don’t understand! "

With determination in his eyes, Yang Yuchan's eyes burst with thunder, and gritted his teeth and said: I don't want him to lose in this battle, but to let him understand that I am the eldest lady in the family, and he must not look for children outside with my back. Even if you find it, you have to get my consent in advance, ah! "


With a shout of anger, Yang Yuchan's whole body was immediately released, and the horrible purple thunder burst into a black hole in the entire sky in an instant.

The white crane who looked at him staggered and was almost frightened: I said, good apprentice, although I am optimistic about your talent for a teacher, I never expected that you would surpass being a teacher so soon. With your current strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to answer your five moves as a teacher, and your cultivation speed is too bad. "

Of course, after all, she is my daughter, how can you compare to the lower realm ants, hum! "

Suddenly, at this moment, a soft drink sounded, so that the two of them couldn't help but startled slightly...

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