Alien God System

Chapter 976: The mysterious old man

The two turned their heads one after another and looked in the direction of the voice. What caught them was a tall, tall, middle-aged man with a big purple robe, handsome face, and a mustache.

It looks about forty or so, but the depth in his eyes seems to have been through the vicissitudes of life, not as green on the surface.

With suspicion in his eyes, Yang Yuchan looked at him suspiciously: What did you just say? daughter? "

Yes, daughter! "

The piercing eyes were slightly moist, the man walked towards Yang Yuchan and said firmly: I am your father, Yan Gaotian! "


With a slight twitch of his face, Yang Yuchan blinked his big confused eyes: Did you make a mistake? My father died when I was **. "

That's definitely not your father, I am! "With a loud shout, Yan Chongtian said very firmly.

Yang Yuchan took a deep look at him, still staying vigilant, not so easy to believe. After all, she is the adopted daughter of the Yang family, everyone in Longhu Town knows that there is nothing surprising.

Want to recognize your daughter based on this? Do I look like a three-year-old child?

With a cold snort, Yang Yuchan picked her chin proudly: You said I was your daughter, do you have any evidence? "

Our blood is the evidence! "

Blood? "

Yes, our Yan family's unique Lei Ling bloodline. "

With a sharp glow in his eyes, Yan Chongtian raised one hand, and the purple thunder glow flashed in his hand, which was exactly the same as Yang Yuchan's body.

Then the purple thunders of the two sides shook and echoed each other, and finally touched the ground, and the two palms were like two magnets, and they were drawn together.

Yang Yuchan was taken aback, looked at Yan Chongtian dumbfounded, and finally believed in her heart.

Yan Chongtian smiled slightly, and said excitedly: This is the spiritual power of the sky thunder circulating in our blood, a sign that only our Yan family has, and others cannot fake it. "

Tianlei spiritual power? "

Yes, the ancestors of our Yan family used to refine the Promise Tianlei and gallop the world. Since then, descendants of our Yan family have this kind of thunder power in our blood. Our thunder power is stronger than ordinary thunder power, so it is more suitable for practicing thunder method. However, there is still a certain gap with the real Promise Sky Thunder. However, because we have a relationship with the sky thunder, it is much easier to refine the sky thunder than others, and the success rate is greater. This is a symbol of our Yan family's spiritual world. "

Strong clan in the spirit world? what is that? "

The confusion in his eyes was even worse, Yang Yuchan murmured: Also, my thunder power is not born, it only appeared when I practiced thunder method with my teacher. "

This is normal. Our thunder power is contained in the blood, and it must be guided through the exercises to be able to display it. You haven't had Lei Li before, have you never practiced Lei Li? "

Nodded blankly, Yang Yuchan admitted: The sword technique passed down in the previous family belonged to the fire system. "

That's right, without the guidance of cultivation techniques, your talent has been sleeping all the time. So you don't have to doubt your identity as a child of the Yan family, you are my daughter. As for matters in the spiritual world, I will tell you later for the father. Now you go with me right away, and Dad will take you home. "

With that said, Yan Chongtian excitedly wanted to take Yang Yuchan away.

Yang Yuchan was still in a daze and didn't react, but Baihe rushed forward, bowed his fists, smiled and said: Wait, this man, even if you are Yuchan's own father, you can't take her away in such a hurry. She still has..."

What are you that dare to block Lao Tzu's way? "

With a cold face, before Baihe finished speaking, Yan Chongtian yelled unceremoniously.

Baihe's body shook, and his complexion also turned bad for an instant.

After all, he was also the former Nan Jue. He was a person with an ID card. He hadn't been screamed like this in his life. It was too shameful.

So Bai He was not polite, and sneered: This man, Yu Chan is my apprentice. Before the matter is clear, no one should think of taking her away. "

Just rely on you? Ants, hum! "A thick breath came out from his nostrils, Yan Chongtian's face was full of disdain.

Baihe's pupils got angry and gritted his teeth and said: It depends on the old man, what is it..."


There was a thunder that exploded in his head. Before Baihe could realize what was going on, he rolled his eyes and suddenly felt that his mind seemed to be cracked. He fainted and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth. , Unconscious.

Yan Chongtian glanced at him scornfully, showing a disdainful smile: trash, even the old man's eyes resisted, dare to claim to be my daughter's master? You deserve it too, I'm! "

Master! "

Yang Yuchan screamed, completely stunned.

How could she have thought that her master Baihe Zhenren, even if she is now mad, she used to be a dignified and outstanding respect. How could it be possible to be overwhelmed by his own father after such a short time?

Moreover, what did her father just do? She didn't see anything, and her master fell down. What kind of practice is this?

Yang Yuchan was dumbfounded, unbelievable.

Yan Chongtian looked at her and said evilly: Let's go, good girl, go home with dad, and ignore the old man. "

What to go, he is my master, how could I leave him alone? "

What master? It’s just an ant in the lower realm. Is it worthy to teach me the daughter of Yan Gaotian? Hum hum! "

With a cold smile, Yan Chongtian's eyes were full of jealousy, and he shouted: Go, go home with Dad, what you want to learn, Dad will teach you, and promise to be 10,000 times better than this old man. "

Without speaking, Yang Yuchan just stared at the real Baihe on the ground, with a caring look in his eyes.

Knowing her feelings, Yan Chongtian grinned, put on a kind smile, and said with relief: Don't worry, Dad just stunned him, it's okay, it's all right in a while. Although he is an ant, he has taken care of you for so long after all. Dad is not an unreasonable person. He will avenge revenge and hurt him. "

You fainted my master, so don't you want to hurt him? "

Rolling her eyes, Yang Yuchan was noncommittal, but when she heard that the master was innocent, she let go of her heart.

Then, after thinking a little, Yang Yuchan said: No, I can't go with you, I have to go find my husband! "

What, you are actually married? "

The body shook suddenly, and Yan Chongtian's old face immediately became gloomy: My Yan Chongtian's daughter, the proud daughter of the sky, is now actually married to a common man in the lower realm? Humph, **** stuff..."

He is not ordinary, he is very good! "

In Dad's eyes, the lower realms are all ants! "

Ignoring Yang Yuchan's rebuttal, Yan Chongtian grabbed Yang Yuchan's arm again, and insisted on taking her away, shouting: Daughter, Dad made you suffer, go back with Dad, these ants in the lower realm are not good for you. When you get home, Dad will find a good relationship for you again. "

I do not want! "

With a violent pull of his arm, Yang Yuchan stubbornly said: I'm already married to Xiang Gong. I was born in the Yang family, but in death the Yang family ghost. How can I marry another person? How can a woman marry a second husband? Besides, I still have a competition with him, so I can't go. "

Contest? Why are you competing with him? Did he bully you? "

No, he treats me very well, but..."

A helpless flash flashed in his eyes, Yang Yuchan sighed for a long time and said: This kid has been a lot of love since he was young, and he always looked for children with me behind his back. I have already found four of them. Who knows how many more will be left? Humph, if I win him this time, he will promise me that he will never recruit bees and butterflies again. "



Like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, Yan Chongtian's entire brain was about to explode, and he gritted his teeth and said: What kind of **** is this. Marrying my daughter is the blessing of his eighteen lives. He actually dared to stay outside. Damn things, don't kill him, the old man won't call Yan into the sky! "

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