Alien God System

Chapter 974: He was absorbed by me

this is……

The pupils couldn't help but shrink together, Yang Feng and Shengzu both screamed at the same time: Heaven and Earth Yin Yang Jing? "

Yes, they have seen this piece of program code just now, and it is exactly the final master plan of the double repair cheats hidden in Yang Feng's little yellow book.

At that time, relying on the last code of this cheat, Yang Feng opened up the two accounts of the mage and the warrior, except for the basic attributes.

So far, no matter which account you use, you can use magic skills and combat skills at will, as well as the common energy of the five elements.

Of course, because of the different basic attributes, the god-level mage account is still much stronger than the fighter account. This is true regardless of attack power, defense power, or law strength.

However, Yang Feng had always thought that this secret book was only used for double cultivation, but he didn't expect that even the god-level soul could be wiped out.

Then... what is the real function of this double repair cheat book, and who created it?

Yang Feng frowned and couldn't understand.

The saint ancestor also looked at all this blankly, his head confused. Even though he has tens of thousands of years of experience and knowledge, he never expected that this secret book found in the lower realm could have such a powerful power. Where did it come from?

Silence, both of them do not understand.


At this time, the system voice suddenly sounded: Congratulations to the players, successfully integrated the account of the evil **** Abeiro, now all of his belongs to you, please check! "

what? I merged him?

He shook his body. Hearing this news, Yang Feng hurriedly called up the control panel, but saw that many skills he had never seen before suddenly appeared on his skill list, some of which failed to meet the conditions and could not be used, and some Has been able to consume the amount of blue released.

Yang Feng just took a look at many of these sorceries, and then sneered, but he was itchy.

In particular, there is something like Peach Blossom Art in it, which can increase the success rate of the caster's aventure 100%, it is not too crazy, but he likes it, hehehe.

Suddenly, in a corner of the panel, Yang Feng saw a small icon like letter paper, which he had never seen before. With a single tap, images of countless people immediately appeared in front of him like photos.

Yang Feng just randomly clicked on the heads of a few people, and suddenly a few pages of paper flashing with strange light appeared in his hand: This is..."

Soul contract? "

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking, and the holy ancestor shouted: This should be the souls collected by King Abeiro. With these contracts, you can summon those souls at any time and take them. How can this be in your hands? What? "

I don't know, I seem to have merged him just now and inherited his billions of fortunes! "

what? "

The body trembled, and the ancestor was shocked immediately. This code can actually integrate the god-level primordial spirit, possessing all its power, it's too bad.

Yang Feng played with the contract in his hand, looked at the names on it, pulled out two of them, and thought of it, the contract immediately sent out a weird light curtain, and two illusory and familiar figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

Where are we and what's wrong? "

Qiu Xiaotian and Long Xiaotian looked around with a confused expression.

Yang Feng glanced at them lightly and smiled evilly: Yo, two, don't be unharmed. "

Yang Feng, is it you? "

The brows trembled together, and both of them were shocked. Then they looked left and right and said: Where is Abeluo God? Why do we appear in front of you? "

He has been absorbed by me, and everything about him has come under my name, including you dead ghosts who signed a soul contract with him, Jie Jie. "

Impossible, you mean we are your slaves now? "

Why, don't believe it! "

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng immediately took out the contract and shook it: Look, your contract is in my hands, why don't you call me the master? "


The two pages of paper suddenly released ear-piercing thunder, like countless chains, wrapped around the two of them, and the electric shock made them tremble all over, knelt down weakly, and tremblingly said: Lord...Master..."

Good, hahaha! "

Yang Feng smiled up to the sky, and flicked the two pages of the contract again, before the souls of the two of them were regained.

At this point, he finally confirmed that all the life savings of the evil **** Abeluo belonged to him. He has already practiced Huagong **, can absorb everything from other gods for himself, Jie Jie Jie.

The saint ancestor looked at him with a dull face, but he was full of envy.

This kid is very lucky. He actually made him practice a set of magic skills that can deal with the gods inadvertently. Why was I not so lucky before? Gee...


Suddenly, at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly shot down from the nine heavens. It is not the light of the sun, but it looks like sunlight.

One time, the sky appears two days.

The saint ancestor's complexion changed, and he hurriedly shouted to Yang Feng: Quick, switch back to the soldier trumpet, the people above felt the breath of God here, and they were investigating here. "

Oh, got it! "

Determined to nod, Yang Feng immediately changed back to the soldier trumpet.

Suddenly, the powerful power of the previous mage account disappeared and returned to peace.

The light curtain above the head swept across the entire land. When it was shining on Yang Feng and Shengzu, there was a slight pause, but it quickly swept over.

Hey, I clearly felt a god-level aura coming from this interface, why did it disappear? "

Could it be an illusion? "

No way, is it already gone? "

Go to each upload channel to check, you must catch this private god. "

Ok! "


After discussing the two cold voices on that distant plane, the light curtain in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Saint Ancestor looked up, couldn't help but let out a breath, smiled and said: It's over! "

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth grinned, and he also laughed: It's more than a pass, it's a complete victory, and a lot of money, hahaha! "

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng fell to the ground as a winner, welcoming the cheers of everyone on the scene. Although they didn't know what happened above, Yang Feng just saw the scene of a series of fireballs and cannons that beat the combined monster into ashes, but they could see clearly, and they were immediately overwhelmed with excitement. The ground greeted him.

Feng Yu, who was fighting visually not far away, also clenched his fists excitedly. He wanted to meet, but after thinking about it, he stopped with restraint.

The genuine ladies like Yang Yuchan and Ji Shishi did not have the troubles of Feng Yu, and immediately greeted their father-in-law with a triumphant return.

But before they walked a few steps, they were swayed by a group of Yang family fans, and a group of little girls screamed like a drug.

Master Yang, I love you. "

Leader Yang, I want to give you a monkey. "

Family Master Yang, I want to have **** with you all night. "


All are quiet, all are quiet, everyone wants to sign a bit of order, ladies first, under 18 years old first, hehehe. "Yang Feng also refused to come, and smiled shamelessly.

Seeing his dazzling scene, Yang Yuchan's and other women's faces instantly became gloomy.

Damn, the old problem is committed again...

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