Alien God System

Chapter 973: Mysterious code reproduction

You are a rare and weird thing, Feng brother, nothing is impossible for me. I was born as a god, born! "


At this moment, Yang Feng flashed and came to the black light, grabbed him between his hands, and smiled slyly: I finally caught you, you run, you run, Jiejiejie. "

You... what do you want to do? "

The black light trembled, and finally got scared.

Yang Feng grinned, and said jokingly: What do you think, you are a **** behind your back. I dare to fight against Lao Tzu for believers. If Lao Tzu doesn't kill you, how can I safeguard Lao Tzu's sovereignty in this continent? Hehehe. "

what? You want to kill me? Don't... don't do this, let me go, please! "

Let you go? Impossible, go to hell, Jie Jie Jie! "

With a treacherous smile, a fierce light flashed in Yang Feng's eyes, and the flame in his hand burned.

The evil **** shivered with fright, and hurriedly said: Don’t don’t...Hey, what are you doing? "

Suddenly, he felt that only the fire was burning around him, and there was no other torture left, and he couldn't help feeling strange. This girl said that she wanted to kill herself, so why didn't she use the ultimate move?

Yang Feng's original grinning smile froze for an instant, and scratched his puzzled head: That... don't you think it would be painful to be burned by the fire? "

Don't think so! "

why? I burned a lot of souls with this Holy Soul Heart Flame, why don't you feel anything? "

Because my soul is of the **** level! "The evil **** said confidently.


Suddenly, both of them were stunned.

After a while, Yang Fengcan smiled and asked: That... God-level soul is not afraid of fire. "

Nonsense, the cultivators who can be promoted to god-level masters and possess godheads are masters who have experienced the power of heaven and earth, how could they be afraid of the attacks of earth-level energy elements? cut! "

Cursing his lips in disdain, the evil **** contemptuously said, and soon he understood something, exclaiming: You don't know how to deal with a god-level master, don't you? "

Uh, this... I haven't encountered it before, aren't you the first one? You have no experience.

Yang Feng slapped his mouth twice, unable to speak.

When the Cthulhu saw it, he couldn't help but sneered at the sky: So, it turned out that he was a **** who got the godhead in the lower realm, and he didn't understand anything. Actually want to use the earth-level fire of the lower realm to kill the god-level spirit? You are useless for a million years, hahaha! "

King Abelo laughed contemptuously, but Yang Feng heard his old face getting more and more gloomy.

Damn, I was despised, shit!

Okay, don't laugh! "

With a loud roar, Yang Feng said angrily: Don't be proud of you, you are now in Lao Tzu's hands. Lao Tzu has a million ways to kill you, believe it or not? "

is it? Then you can say one thing! "


This time, Yang Feng was speechless again.

He just screamed at King Abeluo, but this god-level primordial spirit seems to be very difficult to kill, even the Holy Soul Heart Flame, which is specially used to deal with the soul in his own hand, is there any way?

Five Elements Zhu Tian Wheel?

Alas, it's probably too choking, he said that the earth-level elemental energy can't help the soul. Even though the five-element heaven-killing wheel is already the strongest move among the earth-level elemental energies.

But the level difference is too big, probably not the case.

Yang Feng frowned, thinking carefully, the ghost of the saint ancestor floated over and shouted to the evil god: If you don't want to die, you only have to promise our terms, swear to the sky, and never set foot on our interface again. Collect souls, we will let you go, how? "

No, there is a kind of you kill me, if you can, Jie Jie! "


With a frown, the saint ancestor looked at Yang Feng and said: What did you just tell him? Is he so crazy? "

I just burned him with the sacred flame, but it didn't burn to death. Brother, you are so knowledgeable, what method should we use to kill him! "

Whoops, why are you so anxious to kill him? You can't kill him now. I asked you to catch him. I just frightened him first and made a never-violating contract with him. Now it’s all exposed, alas. "

what? I can't kill him? why? I caught him! "

Yang Feng was taken aback and asked again.

The saint ancestor shook his head helplessly: Your primordial spirit is at the same level as his strength. Even if he has reached the lower realm now and has been weakened, his soul strength is still there. It's like a car charging at full speed and hitting another stationary car. Can you be sure which car will be broken up first? He is the stationary car now, even if we control him, if you want to break him, you will not feel good. "

What to do then? Is there no way? "

Yes, there are many things that can kill gods, but we don’t have them here. You don't have the weapon to kill him, you can only threaten him, but now you can't even threaten him, alas. "

Saint Ancestor shook his head and smiled bitterly. Yang Feng felt confused and frowned.

The evil **** is even more rampant: Come kill me, you have a kind of catch me, don't let me run from here. Otherwise, I must retaliate back thousands of times, Jie Jie Jie. "

You have a kind, all fell into the hands of Lao Tzu, still so arrogant, believe it or not Lao Tzu will keep you locked up for a lifetime? "

I don't believe it, and you, the **** of the lower realm, have been discovered by the top, and there is no good fruit to eat, hum! "


After speaking, the evil **** suddenly emitted a black light, spreading out for the entire nine days.

Yang Feng was taken aback: What is he doing? "

Suffered! "

His complexion changed, and the saint ancestor shouted: He is spreading his breath to the upper realm, and the people in the upper realm will quickly notice the movement here. At that time, you, the lower realm god, can't hide. "

What if you can't hide? "

It is a capital sin for a **** to be private in the lower realm. "

With a twitch of face, the saint ancestor hurriedly looked at the black light and said: Hurry up, stop, let the upper realm find you privately in the lower realm, and you have no good fruit. "

I am only the lower realm of the soul, at most hundreds of millions of years. That kid is different. It is definitely a felony to follow the lower realm with the body. I exchanged hundreds of millions of years of freedom for this kid's life. It's worth it, hahaha! "

Damn, you bastard, you want to kill me, believe it or not, I will strangle you! "

With a twitch of face, Yang Feng immediately grasped the black light, gritted his teeth with hatred.

That Cthulhu didn't care, and he said: If my god-level soul could be strangled to death, you would have killed me long ago, Jie Jie Jie. "


However, at this moment, as soon as the Cthulhu's voice fell, a series of green program codes suddenly burst out of Yang Feng's body, surrounding the black light. Then, like peeling an apple, the black light was weakened layer by layer.

The Cthulhu didn't feel pain, only felt that his own power was passing like a flood bursting a bank, and he couldn't help being shocked: What are you? Stop it, don't, ah! "

However, after a short while, with the scream of the evil god, the black light completely disappeared without a trace.

Then the program code returned to Yang Feng's body again.

Yang Feng's body shook, and there was a feeling immediately, as if he suddenly grasped several trillion creatures in his hands, he could summon and extract them anytime and anywhere, turning them into his own power...

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