Alien God System

Chapter 956: Civilian dignity

Like a ghost, Yang Feng sneaked into Feng Yu's palace, escaped the patrols of guards, and came to her boudoir.

At this moment, a group of little skylarks were working together to dangle a piece of veil, and put it on Feng Yu's body in every detail. The faint yellow candlelight showed Feng Yu's graceful figure.


After swallowing dryly, Yang Feng couldn't help touching the tip of his nose, feeling some burning heat flowing, and he almost didn't eject a nosebleed.

I have to say that Feng Yu's human figure is really hot enough to burst, even if it is not much more than Ji Shishi's.

When Yang Feng saw this beauty, it was fake that he wasn't moved, but when he thought of getting along for a long time, he smiled coldly and felt cold.

I have to say that in this world, regardless of men and women, some people are suitable for staying together, while others are only suitable for one-night stands. Yang Feng couldn't compliment Feng Yu's arrogant and slow man, but it was a pity that this devil's figure, tsk.

Yang Feng couldn't help but sighed slightly, but the heavy gasp immediately aroused Feng Yu's alertness.

Who? "

Uh... it's me! "

Yang Feng didn't hide this time, but walked out directly and openly.

When the little birds saw it, they immediately cried out in a panic: Come on, someone has broken into the princess's boudoir, come on..."

Stop calling! "

With a scream, Feng Yu stopped the cries of those birds, but stared at Yang Feng intently and said: In the middle of the night, why are you sneaking into my room? "

It's nothing, just...that..."

Yang Feng scratched his head, not daring to look directly at Feng Yu and stammered: Can you... I want to lend you a feather... If it is convenient. "

Nodding clearly, Feng Yu understood: That's it, I heard that you came back this morning to seek alliances and collect materials for refining beast soul pills. Why, you come to ask me personally now, but don't plan to negotiate with my father and them anymore? "

Now that the princess has heard about it, you must all know what we are talking about, but I'm sorry..."

give! "

Yang Feng squeezed, not knowing how to explain it, but before he finished speaking, Feng Yu already pulled out a strand of hair from his head very readily, blinked and turned into a flame wing, and handed it over: other Have you got everything from the four clans? "

Yang Feng didn't expect Feng Yu to be so happy, and nodded blankly.

Well, come with me. Even if you have collected all the materials now, you still need the blessing of the ancestor spirit before these materials can be used. Come to the altar with me. "

Then, Feng Yu walked out of the palace again and turned into a flaming phoenix flying into the sky, followed by Yang Feng.

In a short while, the two arrived at the square where the totem was originally located. Feng Yu transformed into a human form again, pointing at the totems and said: Put the materials you collected in the corresponding totem position. "

Uh good! "

Nodding blankly, Yang Feng immediately followed suit.

After putting it away, Feng Yu said again: The blessings of the ancestor spirits of all races must be managed by the patriarchs of all races. Therefore, in general, these five materials require the cooperation of the five patriarchs in order to be effective. But you are an alternative. You have the imprint of the ancestral spirits of the five races, and you can pray to the ancestral spirits on behalf of the heads of the five races. Now you do what you say, that's it..."

As he said, Feng Yu crossed his arms on his shoulders, closed his eyes lightly, and muttered: Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qilin, the ancestors of the five directions, today the disciple prays to the ancestors devoutly, please ancestors... "

Feng Yu chanted the prayer softly, her voice tactfully and ethereal, so beautiful. The quiet moonlight shone on her body, through the light veil, against her white skin, so holy, like a fairy descending to the earth.

Yang Feng was stunned when he saw it. After Feng Yu finished the demonstration, he looked at Yang Feng's sluggish eyes and frowned: What are you in a daze? Did you remember what I said just now? " do it again? "

Yang Feng smiled brilliantly, Feng Yu glared at him angrily, and demonstrated again, this time Yang Feng remembered it.

Following Feng Yu's appearance, pray religiously.

Suddenly, the five totems suddenly radiated bright light and went straight into the sky. There was also a gurgling spiritual energy above the nine heavens, rushing down like a torrential river, falling on the five materials.

Suddenly, the five materials suddenly glowed with a faint white light, as if they were alive, the blood was boiling, the feathers were swaying, and all of them instantly became spiritual.

Yang Feng's eyes lit up, he immediately put away the materials, and said with a smile: That's it, you can make alchemy, right. "

Yes, you can use them to refine the beast soul pill. As long as the user can withstand the brutal brutality inside, he can possess the power of our five races. "

Feng Yu nodded fixedly, Yang Feng was overjoyed, and said sincerely: Thank you princess, I don't think you are really good, but why are you helping me? "

Because I hate you! "

what? "

His body shook, Yang Feng felt stunned: He hates me, so help me? "

Yes, I just hate you! "

Rolling his eyes, Feng Yu said calmly: I know that this time my father's condition is for you to marry me. If you can't stand the pressure and you really agree, isn't this princess going to marry you? So after this princess helps you get what you want, you can get out of here, don’t get in the way of princess’s eyes, hum. "


With a twitch of face, Yang Feng immediately shook his head with a wry smile. Although he has achieved his goal now, why is he so unhappy in his heart?

correct! "

Immediately afterwards, Feng Yu asked again: When I heard that my father and they forced you to submit, you also tried to refuse. Why? Do you know that you are not worthy of this princess? "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng showed a wicked smile: No, we are each other, and I hate you too! "

you hate me? "

Yes, I hate your arrogance and inhumanity, the princess is in the late stage of disease, and there is no one from head to toe. I hate that you are very arrogant and have no respect and courtesy for everyone else. I have a different path from yours, and I can't go together at all. "

Yang Feng categorically cut the railway.

Feng Yu frowned, looked at herself, then looked at Yang Feng and said: I am a princess. I have been superior since I was born. Why should I look at other people? "

I am a commoner. From the moment I was born, I was the same as all living beings. There was no difference, but I never looked up to others. This is my dignity as a commoner. It will not change now or in the future! "

Yang Feng said very solemnly.

Feng Yu looked at him deeply: Whether in human society or the realm of monsters, common people look up to the royal family. Why are you special? "

Looking up at the royal family are the eunuchs and slaves. I...I'm a man, a man standing and peeing, and won't kneel down. "Yang Feng is very domineering.

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