Alien God System

Chapter 957: Thank you for being so revealing

Staring at him tightly, Feng Yu seemed to find it difficult to understand the dignity in Yang Feng's heart.

As a royal family, he has been a lofty existence since he was a child, and the education he received from a young age is that only his own blood is noble in this world, and the other inferior monsters and civilians are inferior species.

Over time, idiots like why not eat meat will appear on the upper level, who have neither knowledge nor common sense.

Feng Yu was almost about to become such a person. He was arrogant and didn't put anyone in his eyes except the five great beast families, even the Dapeng and Peacock who were just a little closer to her.

Until that time when Qiu Xiaotian attacked the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, the five great beast families they were so proud of were actually defeated by a **** and half-monster, and Feng Yu was even stunned.

How can this be? The bloodline of a purebred animal should be the noblest, the strongest existence of the monster race, how could it be defeated by a bastard?

But what she didn't expect was that Yang Feng, as the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, could actually bear the ancestral spirit inheritance of the five great beast families, defeated the **** Qiu Xiaotian, saved the entire Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom, and became a hero across the country.

This can't help but make her subvert the Three Views even more.

You know, Jinpeng is just a distant relative of the Phoenix. Even their thoroughbred Phoenix blood can only bear the inheritance of the ancestral spirits of their own clan. How can a distant relative and a person with impure blood inherit the inheritance power of the ancestral spirits of the five races? Why is he?

At that moment, Feng Yu was lost.

In addition, the patriarch of the five clans coveted Yang Feng's power of the five clans inheritance, and Feng Yu agreed to marry them halfway through. I thought that since Yang Feng had the inheritance of the five races, he must be the purest blood of the beast, and he was worthy of him.

At that time, she looked at Yang Feng's feelings very complicated. It was clear that people she had never looked down upon before, but now the bloodline was more noble than her, which made it difficult for her to accept.

However, what surprised her even more later was that Yang Feng escaped from marriage and was still a human.

This can't help but completely collapse her Three Views. Isn't the human bloodline the lowest, how can the power of the sacred ancestor spirit of the monster race be inherited?

And why did he escape marriage? Does he feel that his blood is already very noble, does he not deserve him as a phoenix?

Suddenly, Feng Yu was angry and vowed to chase Yang Feng back and ask what happened.

Unprecedented, she had never valued a man so much, and wanted him to explain to herself. She didn't know what kind of feeling it was. I just feel angry and anxious in my heart, as if I have been humiliated.

She used to be superior and looked down upon others, but now she is actually looked down upon by others. This grief made her unbearable.

However, with the world so big, so many people with the same name, and the vast crowd, where would she go to find Yang Feng.

Besides, it is inconvenient for their monster beasts to penetrate into human society, plus they are afraid of causing misunderstandings and wars. So it didn't take long to find that all the chasing teams of the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom retreated.

It's just that from then on, Feng Yu's heart was Yang Feng, and he thought about why he didn't want his own noble phoenix.

To this day, she was ecstatic when she heard that Yang Feng was back again. But she is a princess after all, so she can't be too eager, she still maintains her airiness and reservedness, and even her mouth is full of irony to Yang Feng.

However, Yang Feng was also a male chauvinist, and when his temper came up, he immediately sneered at him, making him angry and bitter, but inconvenient. Moreover, she finally figured out why Yang Feng abandoned herself and escaped from marriage.

It was not because of the blood gap, but because I hated my temperament.

What the **** is this?

I'm a princess. What's wrong with my little temper? Can't you accommodate me for a while?

But how did she know that her temper was no longer a petty temper in Yang Feng's eyes, but a problem of bad quality.

Which one of Yang Feng's wives has no temper, and which one will behave with him from time to time and make unreasonable demands? But people treat people with reason, understand right and wrong, and get along well.

It's like this princess is sick, my old lady is a princess, so everything is right, you all have to kneel down to please me, why?

Marry such a lady and go back, the family won't shake the sky?

Seeing that Feng Yu had been staring at him, Yang Feng remained silent and was a little confused, so he continued: There is an old saying in our human society to describe the relationship between husband and wife. This means that two people must respect each other. But your sacred animal race, by nature, don’t know how to respect others. "

A group of beasts ran out of the forest to be happy with the lowest-blooded human beings in your mouth. They patted their butts and left, leaving behind a half-monster with animal blood. This inherent hidden danger is discriminated against. In the end, the half-monster caused trouble, and it was all on them. You have no responsibility at all. What is it? Take care of your own baby. My brother Sha Tongtian, how much pressure did he endure because of this mess? "

Staring at her fiercely, Yang Feng roared: I can't accept political marriage, but it won't work this time. What the five patriarchs asked me to do was just to leave you with the strongest heir of the demon clan, and I am also happy to have something to happen to a beautiful woman like you. However, it makes me look like a duck. If you give me some benefits, I can be taken on casually by you. I don't want face? Or in your heart, is it a gift for a human being like me to combine with your beasts? "

Without speaking, Feng Yu was still staring at him, as if thinking about something.

In short, this is a matter of the face of a man and the dignity of human beings. I will never want to be principled because of some political interests. You can marry you such a daughter of a princess and a beast. Don't worry. Even without your troops from the Ten Thousand Demons Nation, with this beast soul pill, I would be able to destroy Qiu Xiaotian and his Nether Hall. I would not agree to the demands of the five patriarchs, huh. "

Finally, Yang Feng made a promise to Feng Yu and solemnly clasped his fists: Thank you very much this time. Although your temperament is not good, I still accept your love. The mountains and rivers meet, if you have any difficulties in the future, just ask me, I will bear it for you, and say goodbye! "


With that, Yang Feng slammed forward, rushed to the sky for nine days, and flew away.

Oh, don’t go, I didn’t mean that..."

Feng Yu was anxious and blurted out, but Yang Feng had already disappeared, and he couldn't help stomping his feet angrily.

At this time, the patriarch Phoenix walked out from nowhere, looked at the direction in which Yang Feng had disappeared, and then at his daughter. He couldn't help sighing: Feng Yu, what do you want me to say about you? I'm asking you to do everything possible to keep him, not to let you ridicule him away, are so exposed, but you can't keep a man, tut! "

In fact, everything was in the plan of the five patriarchs just now, a beautiful plan.

But unexpectedly, the beauty was too arrogant and angered Yang Feng away...

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