Alien God System

Chapter 955: Late night action

What, son-in-law? "

His body shook, Yang Feng furrowed his brows deeply, and looked embarrassed: I am a human, and I am not a golden-winged roc. I am different from your species. Besides, for a proud person like Princess Fengyu, he didn't even look down on the blood of the Golden Wing Roc at the beginning. My human blood is a low-level nation in the monster race. I'm afraid it is not worthy of the princess, right? "

It doesn't matter, since you inherited the ancestor spirits of our five great beasts, your bloodline has long been reborn. Now you are the noblest beast bloodline, so you don't need to be ashamed. "

No, in addition to the problem of blood, there are still four-room ladies in my house. "

Scratching his head, Yang Feng couldn't help but smiled: I'm sorry to say that I am a person who is very carefree. I have a group of wives and concubines at a young age. In the future, I plan to open the harem and expand the scale of wives and concubines. Feng Yu must have been wronged for following me. "

No problem, that's your own business, we only need you to join our demon clan. "

Yes, we only need you to unite with the children of the demon race with the purest blood and give birth to children and half a daughter. You are the only one who has inherited the ancestral spirits of my five races so far, and the children of Feng Yu in the future must be the strongest brave of my demons and can protect my demons forever. "

Yang Feng, don't forget, you are a human being after all, why should we help you wholeheartedly? Unless you are willing to marry, everyone becomes a family, and everything is easy to say. Whatever you want, we will go all out to support. "


These five old guys talked all about it, and Yang Feng was stunned. It was so reasonable that he couldn't refuse.

That's right, from the standpoint of the monster race, why do people trust a human being? Is it because you saved them in the first place? This is obviously politically unreliable.

Politics is about interests, not emotions.

In international politics, there are too many things that change your face when you change your face.

The only thing that can reassure everyone is to form a family alliance. With common interests, there will be no turning back.

This is also good for Yang Feng. After all, there are differences between monsters and monsters. It is difficult for monsters to believe in humans. But as long as he becomes the son-in-law of the Phoenix family, he can completely control the entire monster race and use it for him.

Then the power of faith in this entire kingdom of ten thousand demons will also belong to him!

However, Yang Feng couldn't stop shaking his head when he thought of the princess Feng Yu's rough temper.

In fact, he has never caught a cold with Feng Yu, not because Feng Yu is a big phoenix bird and a monster with different paths.

As a modern person in the 21st century, Liao Zhai has seen so much, let alone shemales, he can accept the love between people and ghosts. It's just that Feng Yu's temperament is really not his food.

Perhaps it was because Yang Feng was too strong. For the trivial matter of dominating the world, he only used it as a game task to play, but he paid more attention to the important matter of family harmony than anyone else.

After all, people are going to return to the family in the end. He hopes that his wife, no matter how many she has, can live in harmony. Therefore, the most important consultation with Zhuge Shisan or Sikong Lengguang was all about how to mediate the family atmosphere.

As for Feng Yu's temperament, he couldn't bear it.

A machismo like him can never stand the temper of a stubborn princess.

Patriarchs, you don’t need to say any more, I, Yang Feng, will never exchange political benefits for a happy marriage. "

Is that right? Then you can face Qiu Xiaotian alone and see off! "

His complexion became cold, and the patriarch Qinglong saw that he was stubborn, and immediately issued an order to expel the guest.

Yang Feng's expression also became solemn at this time, and solemnly said: The five patriarchs, if Qiu Xiaotian continues to be so rampant, it will be detrimental to the entire Ten Thousand Monster Nation. I hope that the patriarchs will not be arrogant, in order to defeat our common enemy, unite sincerely, join our allies, and fight against the evil fascism! "

The old man doesn't know what the fascism in your mouth is, but you are not qualified to criticize the old man for being upbeat. It is you who are really upset. Isn't it just a marriage? Letting you and Feng Yu have a child and you are done, how much can you give? These small requirements are not met, so what kind of cooperation is there to talk about? "

Glancing at him, the five patriarchs left one after another, and the guard at the door approached and gestured to Yang Feng to expel him.

Yang Feng's fists tightened slightly, gritted his teeth unwillingly.

In the middle of the night, Black Whirlwind, the son of the Qilin patriarch, had just returned to his house when a black shadow flashed across, and a hand knife knocked him unconscious, and then cut his wrist and bled him.

Sister Baihu is innocent and innocent, holding a large bunch of flowers in her hand, singing and jumping to her own valley, but a clear breeze blows.

She hadn't realized what was going on, she felt a pain on the top of her head, raised her hand and touched her, the sparse hair was all over her hand, she couldn't help crying suddenly: Who, who pulled my hair, woooo ...Bad guys! "

The son of Qinglong was reading in the room, and couldn't stop sighing: Human culture is really broad and profound..."


Suddenly, with a muffled sound, he fainted as soon as his eyes turned white, and then a black shadow took a knife and fell, cutting off a piece of epidermis on his skin, but just after he was separated, it turned into a blue scale. A.

The son of Xuanwu is a foodie.

It was late at night, and I ate another mammoth for supper, feeling drowsy with his chubby belly. But from nowhere, a bottle of old vinegar suddenly appeared and poured into his mouth.

The little fat man was shocked and wanted to resist, but he was pressed by a huge force and couldn't get up. With a last puff, the little fat man squirted out the vinegar. Because the sour smell irritated the mouth, the saliva poured out like a mountain and the ground cracked, and a big bucket took the opportunity to take it all.

When the little fat man came back to his senses, he looked around and saw that there was no figure. He couldn't help cursing: Who, who made me jealous just now, but I was so sour. "


Ignoring the yelling behind him, Yang Feng galloped in the dark with a smug smile on his mouth.

Five old guys, do you think I have to get your consent to make these materials? Want to marry Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu looks down on a woman who says not to marry anything, cut it!

Yang Feng had jealousy in his eyes, his face full of dignity as a man, and then he looked at the objects in his hands.

Now that the Beast Soul Pill's materials have been collected four, the rest is Phoenix's feathers. Go to Feng Yu and secretly pull a piece of her hair.

call out!

Thinking of this, Yang Feng flashed away, and disappeared.

But what he might not realize is that the same is pulling other people's hair, and for the little sister of the white tiger, he will give them a hand. But for Feng Yu, he actually wanted to pull only one.

After all, she was a woman who almost got married with him. Yang Feng subconsciously took care of this woman and couldn't bear to hurt him any more, even though he still didn't want to marry such a stubborn princess subjectively...

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