Alien God System

Chapter 954: Marriage

Seven days later, in a quiet little room, the five patriarchs of the Ten Thousand Demons Nation formed a circle, savoring the tea in their hands leisurely, and squinting at Yang Feng, who was constantly laughing in front of him, and ignored them.

After a while, the patriarch Qinglong murmured: I have left, what are you doing back? You should know that our Ten Thousand Demon Nation does not welcome humans, especially those who deceived us. Are you afraid that we will cut you off? "

Not afraid! "

Shaking his head firmly, when Yang Feng entered the country, he saw the attitude of the two demon kings towards him, he knew that the five patriarchs had no malice towards him, and immediately said: I believe the five patriarchs are definitely broad-minded and upright. Senior seniors will never do something that is kind and ungrateful, which makes the world shameless. Especially the kid is still saving your country. No matter what mistakes I make, the five patriarchs will be generous and forgiven, right, hehehe. "

Let you say all the good things, your top hat covers us, how can we be ashamed to pursue you for letting me blood and pulling out his scales, hum. "

The Qilin clan's chief spit out a thick breath, yin and yang strange airway.

Yang Feng scratched his head brilliantly and smiled: Patriarch Qilin was right. At that time, it was indeed the kid who did something wrong and offended Brother Black. However, I am also trying to save a brother with a half-demon bloodline. Who will let your black unicorn blood flow in him? "

What, what do you mean by this, you put my son's blood, or are we wrong? "

The patriarch of Qilin, the kid is young and knowledgeable, and dare not judge the right and wrong here. But the reason, isn't it the fault that people in your clan committed back then? I couldn't control the lower body, and made the mistakes all men in the world would make. Otherwise, why don't I release the blood of the Qinglong and Baihu people, or your family education is not strict. "


As soon as the voice fell, the other four patriarchs couldn't help but laugh. The Qilin patriarch was choked into speechlessness, and he could only look at the Qinglong patriarch and shouted: Qinglong, they just laugh at the same thing. What are you going to make? Don't forget, Qiu Xiaotian's grievance was caused by your Qinglong clan. "

You know, you don’t have to look through old accounts. It is because of such a **** that our country of Ten Thousand Monsters prohibits half-demons from entering. But now it seems that the children of our five races should be prohibited from going out to reserve seeds, hahaha! "

Yang Tian laughed, and the patriarch Qinglong looked at Yang Feng leisurely and said: Okay, we won't investigate the previous things. Boy, now we want to know, who are you? Can you tell the truth? "

This one……"

Turning his eyes to the left and right, Yang Feng thought that it was time to be honest with each other, otherwise it would be difficult to get their assistance. He said: It is true that it is the 38th generation leader of the Holy Fire, Yang Feng. "

What, you are the leader of the Holy Flame? "

The body shook, and the faces of all the people present shook.

Yang Feng took a deep look at them: Why, every clan has lived in the mountains for a long time, and have also heard of the prestige of my Holy Fire? "

More than ever, we have had a lot of dealings with the leaders of your religion. "

Yes, at the time the Presbyterian Church was the chief prefect covering the ten empires, and our kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons was also within the scope of the Presidency. "

There are still quite a few of my demon clan's children in the five-type army of your religion. "

At the beginning, this Holy Fire Sect was really number one in the world, but then it became lonely, and it was reduced to the point where it was wiped out by the ten empires a hundred years ago. At that time, we sent people to fight. "

The old guys looked at each other, thinking about the past, reminiscing about the past.

Seeing that the kingdom of ten thousand demons had actually fought against this sect, Yang Feng hurriedly said: Dear patriarch, the matter of the ghost king back then was the plan of Qiu Xiaotian to instigate discord. The sect and the ten empires suffered heavy losses, and they are all victims. I hope that the patriarchs will no longer bear grudges about the past. We should put aside our prejudices and share the same hatred with the enemy, otherwise we will fulfill the vow of the Qiu Xiaotian, the dear ones hurt, the enemy is soon. "

Well, we know. Behind that Qiu Xiaotian was backed by an evil **** named King Abeiro. All the disputes in various countries for thousands of years have been provoked by them, only for the holy and powerful souls. "

Huh? Every patriarch actually knows? "

Yang Feng couldn't help but blinked his big puzzled eyes.

He never expected that even if he had fought against Qiu Xiaotian openly or secretly several times, he had a general understanding of the whole story.

But these old guys live deep in the mountains all year round, and they don't travel far away from the country. Where did they get the information? Also inquired out the name of the evil god?

Seeing his ignorant look, the four old men couldn't help but laugh again, and then the elder Qinglong said proudly: Boy, we are divine beasts, but our ancestors blessed them. Ever since Qiu Xiaotian raided my Ten Thousand Demon Nation last time, and used the strongest Wuxiang Divine Formation in the mainland, we have prayed to ask our ancestors. Everything the old man and others said just now was the news from the ancestor above. "

Oh, that's it, there are people on the monster beast.

It seems that everyone in the God Realm is very spiritual. However, my own saint ancestor was already a retired veteran cadre and was no longer in his position, but his ancestor was still in his position, it should be very useful, at least better than my own.

So Yang Feng immediately said: Didn’t the patriarchs invite the ancestors to show their spirits to get rid of the hidden danger of Qiu Xiaotian, and by the way, clean up the evil **** of King Abeluo? Otherwise, how can you be worthy of the brothers in the race? "

Boy, there are ways from all walks of life. Generally speaking, the people above cannot directly intervene in the following things. Even the evil **** wanted Qiu Xiaotian to be his agent, he couldn't directly bring trouble to the lower realms. "

Oh? That's it!

Then I can rest assured, as long as the evil **** doesn't get below the realm, I will be number one in the world here.

It's just that problem. I alone can't catch so many mice no matter how strong it is.

Frowning his brows tightly, Yang Feng looked at the four patriarchs again, and solemnly said: Seniors, don't lie to each other, this time the kid comes to your country again, really want something! "

It was for Qiu Xiaotian and Nether Palace. "

Every patriarch knows? "

No, we guessed it. "

With a grin, the Qinglong patriarch smiled lightly: With your current strength, only Qiu Xiaotian and his group can make you worry. Come on, what happened? "

The four patriarchs Mingjian, we are now in a world war. I have the five empire coalition forces from Central, South, West and East in my hand. Qiu Xiaotian controls the four northern countries. Originally, I was very confident to take down this evil, but they fought with me in guerrilla warfare, and my soldiers and horses were not strong enough. Once I left, I was threatened with annihilation. So I thought..."

Do you want to use troops to eliminate the Nether Palace and the Four Northern Kingdoms with all your strength? "

The patriarch Qinglong flashed in his eyes and guessed his intention.

Yang Feng looked upright and held his fists respectfully: If the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom could help the younger generation this time, the younger generation would be grateful. In addition, the younger generation wanted to ask for a few treasures, and I hope the four patriarchs will agree. "

What are you asking for? "

Qilin blood, blue dragon scales, phoenix feathers, white tiger hair and basalt saliva blessed by ancestors! "

You want to refine the beast soul pill? "

The body shook, and the four of them already understood everything. After discussing with each other for a while, the Phoenix patriarch suddenly said: Yes, in order to solve the hidden danger of Qiu Xiaotian, we can fully support you, but we have a condition. "

What conditions? "

You have to complete the original marriage with Feng Yu and be the door-to-door son-in-law of our monster race! "

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