Alien God System

Chapter 953: Revisit the kingdom of ten thousand monsters

Three days later, Yang Feng walked out of the handsome account again.

After these three days of duplication day and night, Yang Feng finally created the Heavenly Luck Pill of tens of millions of troops. As long as the pill is given to those soldiers, although it will not be invincible in the world, the overall strength will definitely be improved by a major level.

Coupled with the well-trained generals of these soldiers, he didn't believe it and couldn't compare with the traitor five.

Humph, as the **** army, I dare to apostate to the enemy.

Lao Tzu will show you this time. Lao Tzu, the thirty-eighth generation of hierarchs, is different from the previous ones. What if you betray this religion? I will build a stronger and larger army to replace you in minutes.

The Sacred Fire will only prosper in the hands of Lao Tzu, and it will not be worse than when you traitors were there!

With a firm light gleaming in his eyes, Yang Feng immediately raised his head to the sky and roared: All the leaders of the army will come over to me, and there is work for you! "

Leader Yang, what's the matter? "

Brush it!

Recently, everyone in this army is frowning, not knowing how to deal with the powerful strength of the Nether Hall, and Yang Feng has been staying in the military account and can't come out, which is even more worrying.

At this time, hearing Yang Feng's cry, military generals such as Dugu Zhantian, Kaoshan King, and Yelu Chuxiong immediately gathered together, and said with joy: Is there a countermeasure? "


The corner of his mouth curled up, and after Yang Feng gave them a firm look, he waved his hand sharply, and large iron boxes appeared in front of them.

this is……"

Backer King hurriedly opened it and saw that it was a small porcelain bottle. He couldn't help feeling suspicious. After he opened the lid and smelled it, he was shocked: Tianyun Dan? Could it be that these are all..."


Determined to nod, Yang Feng shouted: These are Heavenly Luck Pills, which were refined by the leader of the lord who worked overtime for three days and three nights. They are provided to our tens of millions of soldiers, but I am exhausted. "

No, more than 10 million bottles were produced in three days and three nights? "

The marshals in the room slapped their mouths, and they were all shocked.

What is Yundan on this day? All those present at the scene are people with identities. They have all heard of it. The king of the mountain is still reluctant to eat it by himself and dedicated it to the emperor.

It is really rare among rare, priceless.

But who would have thought that one day Yundan would be as cheap as Chinese cabbage... Uh no, I guess the Chinese cabbage harvest will not be able to harvest so much.

Where did the leader Yang get so many priceless gods, are we dreaming?

The old guys present were all stupid, Yang Feng smiled and asked: Marshals, you are all veterans on the battlefield. I ask you, if your troops eat this day's luck pill, will they be sure to get rid of those five types of troops who have betrayed my teaching? "

Enlighten Leader Yang! "

Suddenly, Du Gu Zhan Tian immediately said with a serious expression: The reason why the Guijiao Five Army is strong is that it is well-trained and disciplined, and it is not under any ace army of the ten countries. Secondly, thanks to the profound background of your religion, the individual combat capability of each of its soldiers is superior to that of the soldiers of other countries. If the overall strength of our soldiers can also be greatly improved, the old man can't guarantee that a one-to-one force will definitely win. But adding 50% more troops is not a problem. "

Well, the opposing five-type army has one million in each army, for a total of five million troops. We have created more than 10 million troops with the same combat power, two fight one, I don't believe that they can't be cured! "

With joy on their faces, the marshals looked at each other and nodded confidently.

Then, Yang Feng asked them to distribute all these pills and give them to the soldiers.

The medicinal properties of Tianyun Pill are very mild. The main purpose is to enhance people's talents and physical fitness. It has no side effects and is suitable for all ages. Yang Feng does not worry that they will be backlashed by the strong medicinal properties.

The real potent medicine is that beast soul pill, which is not suitable for everyone to take.

Returning to his handsome account again, Yang Feng summoned a soil clone, transformed into his own appearance, and then let Ouyang Feiying's fire spirit attach it: Brother Ouyang, please dress me up again this time to stabilize the military , To frighten those **** in the Nether Hall, I will go to Ten Thousand Demons Country again. "

Don't worry, I am here! "

Giving him a relieved look, Ouyang Feiying chuckles.

Yang Feng nodded slightly, turned around and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already teleported to the top of nine days, his wings spread out, and he flew at an extremely fast speed in the direction of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

Next, Ouyang Feiying, the former leader, once again set up his old profession and pretended to be Yang Feng to manage military affairs. In fact, he didn't need to do much. As long as it's okay to walk outside, show a face, and stabilize the military's spirit.

However, the spies in the Nether Palace saw that Yang Feng had been sitting in the army, so they did not dare to attack easily.

Just like this, a month later, before the border of the Ten Thousand Demon Nation, Yang Feng just flew here, and two giant demon kings blocked his way: Who would dare to break into my Ten Thousand Demon Nation? "

I am a distant relative of the Phoenix, the Golden Winged Roc, and the nobleman of my own country. Get out of the way! "With the experience of the last time, Yang Feng didn't blush this time and pretended to be without a heartbeat.

The two demon kings were taken aback for a moment, and took a deep look at his golden wings. After thinking about it, they nodded suddenly: Oh, are you the human named Yang Feng? The one who pretended to be the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, mixed into our country last time, and bleeds the little grandfather of the Qilin clan to pull out the scales? "

Huh? Why do you recognize me at once? Have you seen me before? "

No, we are new to look at the national line. Besides, our monster beasts are blind to you humans, even if they have seen it before, they don't know it anymore. "

Then how can you..."

Yang Feng was puzzled, and the two demon kings grinned and said: Your achievements in saving our country from distress at the beginning are circulating throughout the kingdom of ten thousand monsters. Although you are a human being, the five patriarchs praised your merits. Even if you finally escaped to marry Princess Fengyu and add blood-letting Qilin little father-in-law, you will still be the hero of our kingdom of ten thousand demons, and we will not forget you. "

Oh, you said earlier, it turns out that I am so popular in the Ten Thousand Monster Nation, and the patriarchs did not blame me for what happened last time, so I can rest assured. "

With a grin, Yang Feng flew forward with a big swing: Then I will pass, no need to send it, hehehe. "


However, with a loud noise, two halberds the size of a hill suddenly stood in front of him, blocking his way.

Yang Feng was taken aback, looked at the two guards and said: What do you mean? Am I not the savior of your Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom? What are you doing? "

Sorry, Young Master, the patriarch spoke. You are true to the country of the Ten Thousand Demons, but you deceived us after all, and you are a human being, and you bleed the little grandpa Qilin. He is still anemic. If the merits and demerits are equal, we will not pursue your crimes, and you will never step into our borders. "


With a stagnant heart, Yang Feng shook his head helplessly.

Unexpectedly, he is now on the immigration blacklist of the Ten Thousand Demons Country, let alone get a local green card in the future, he will not even be able to travel across the border, tusk.

There is no way, it seems that there is only one trick.

With a long sigh, Yang Feng suddenly raised his hand, and a strange wave suddenly spread.

The two demon emperors shook their bodies, and immediately squatted down together: see the great guardian! "

Free of courtesy, take me to see the five patriarchs. "

Yang Feng grinned and raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

Unexpectedly, the imprint of the Great Guardian of the Demon Race that the Azure Dragon patriarch left on him can still be used, which shows that this blacklist still has room for discussion, hehe.

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