Alien God System

Chapter 942: withdraw

Boom boom boom!

On the battlefield, the sound bursts one after another, and the thirty-sixth generation of the Holy Fire Sect leader and the nether messengers are fighting like a raging fire and happily.

This group of old monsters, who have been bored for at least a hundred years, can rarely move their muscles and bones again, really like a group of children, playing lively and happily.

At this time, in a remote corner, with a loud noise, the thirty-seventh generation leader, Ouyang Feiying, was knocked off half of his head by the opponent, but he also took advantage of the situation to pass a palm full of flames through the opponent's. The chest is burning.

If this were in peacetime, it would definitely be the result of the same death, but unfortunately, now Ouyang Feiying was already a dead person, and there would be no such thing as another death.


The dust on the ground floated slowly and slowly flew to Ouyang Feiying's head, quickly filling up half of his lost face. The Nether messenger opposite was dumbfounded, gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of grief and unwillingness.

Are you surprised or surprised? "

Glancing at the other person with a wicked smile, Ouyang Feiying proudly said: I died a hundred years ago, and now this body is made of special soil. I played with you the same way of killing, you also chose to kill with me like me. But I can afford it, can you afford it? My head is broken, so I can patch it up with a handful of soil, and your heart is broken. "


Without speaking, the other party just stared at him angrily, spitting blood in his mouth.

moron! "

He curled his mouth in disdain, and finally Ouyang Feiying's arm shook, and the opponent's entire body immediately exploded and turned into a fireball.

Seeing this, two other nether envoys not far away were shocked and rushed over, shouting: These old monsters are all fleshed from the earth-level elements of the earth, and they use earth-level gold and wood elements to deal with them. "

Ten-Rank top wood magic spell, poisonous thorn rain. "

The top eleven gold magic spells, Zijin Devil! "


Having said that, the two of them had already resorted to their own unique skills in their lives.

In an instant, countless thorns sprang from the ground and meandered towards Ouyang Feiying; clusters of purple poisonous mist appeared in the air, suddenly covering the whole body of Ouyang Feiying.

Ouyang Feiying smiled and shook his head, his eyes flashed with contempt: Two elders, don't underestimate the strength of my former leader of the Holy Flame. Although my body is condensed from earth-level soil, I use fire. One of you uses wood and the other uses gold. Both hit Lao Tzu's hands, hum. "

Twelfth-Rank primary spells, the sky is full of fire! "


With a loud bang, the terrifying flame immediately resembled a sea tide, spreading around Ouyang Feiying as the center, and instantly submerged everything in it.

The poisonous fog and thorns of the two of them were also wiped out in this instant, including themselves, they were also trembling by the turbulent fire, their whole bodies were scorching hot, and a lot of spiritual energy in their bodies was being consumed, maintaining their body protection aura to avoid being caught by the flames. Swallow.

But before they hurriedly evacuated this area, a fire shadow flashed past, and both hands waved: flame serial spear! "

Whoosh whoosh...

The hot flame spears instantly shot the two into a sieve.

When everything subsided, Ouyang Feiying stood arrogantly behind the two, and the two of them convulsed severely. They were already helpless to fall to the ground, and their bodies were completely charred.

Watching this scene, and then looking at the rest of the place, the sassy and heroic postures of the former hierarchs, the poison king and other guardians can not help but be proud.

This is the heroic fighting posture of the ancestors, it is simply too powerful, worthy of our ancestors of the Holy Fire.

The rest of the martial arts comrades were also stunned by the strength of these sacred flame leaders.

Worthy of being the ancestors of the No. 1 Great Sect in the world, true cattle.

However, as soon as everyone’s wishful wings rose up, they saw a bang, bang, and muffled noise constantly spreading, and the bodies of the former leaders burst open and turned into ashes, only a phantom floating in the air. .

Huh, what's going on? Where is my body? "

Ouyang Feiying was in the midst of fighting, and suddenly felt physically weak and without a source of power. He couldn't help but wonder: No way, is there something wrong with Xiao Sanba? Or does he provide us with too much energy and can't hold it? "

Thinking about this, Ouyang Feiying looked into the air, but was seeing Yang Feng's body going down, as if he was injured, and he couldn't help but feel even more suspicious.

how can that be possible? He actually lost?

Saint Ancestor, what shall we do, can we still fight? "

Scratching his head, Ouyang Feiying asked the holy ancestor who had also turned into a phantom not far away. This question, the other leaders also looked at him together, full of questioning eyes.

The ancestor took a sip of the China brand cigarette that he had turned into a phantom, and cursed his lips impatiently, saying, "You're still a fart, don't you want to exhaust your soul power, just like that kid in the sky, the smoke disappears?" But they want to go away and go to accompany their son. What can't you think of, you want to stop here? Withdraw, call it a day! "

With an order, the thirty-six phantoms turned into flames again, and all flew towards Yang Feng's body and disappeared.

Yang Feng's body hit the ground, like a meteor, smashing a piece of earth into a huge pit.

When everyone in the Nether Palace saw this, Qi Qi's eyes lit up and laughed: The Holy Fire monster has failed, his spells have failed, and all the old monsters he summoned are gone. See how these ants return Is there any way to escape from our palms, Jie Jie Jie! "

What to do, Master Yang, he..."

Those martial arts people clenched their brows and their expressions became heavy again, including the three masters of Mo Gaofeng.

Although a group of ancestors of the Holy Fire taught their spirits just now and killed many masters of the Nether Hall, now with the remaining strength of the opponent, they are still not opponents.

Without the help of a peerless master like Yang Feng, they couldn't help anyone in this group of demons.

Deep anxiety and fear filled the hearts of everyone again.

At this moment, the only wish in the hearts of everyone present in the martial arts was that Yang Feng could stand up again and protect them from the clutches of the Nether Palace.

A black shadow flashed across the sky, and came to Qiu Xiaotian with a full face of surprise, and bowed and said: Congratulations to the Lord, and finally solved this lifelong enemy. Now this group of martial arts righteous way is our turtle in the urn, Jie Jie Jie. "

withdraw! "

Without too much nonsense, Qiu Xiaotian decided.

The man froze for a moment, and he didn't know why: Lord, what did you...say? withdraw? why? We obviously..."

withdraw! "

With a roar again, Qiu Xiaotian almost roared out.

The current situation seemed to be beneficial to the Nether Hall, but only Qiu Xiaotian knew in his heart that this was planned by Yang Feng. If they withdrew, the following people would be grateful and loyal to Yang Feng. This would follow Yang Feng's will. Instead, they would become his assists and be used by him. This is what makes Qiu Xiaotian the most uncomfortable and most humiliating.

But he knew better that if they persisted, and if they were to fight Yang Feng to death, none of them would survive.

Therefore, in the two options of losing face, saving face, or wanting face, and finally losing all the capital, Qiu Xiaotian chose the former.

Although he lost both of these options, at least the former did not lose too much.

At this point, the deputy behind him did not know, but since the boss had spoken, the man could only act according to his orders, and shouted: All the messengers of the Nether Palace obey the order, withdraw! "

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